Levi Winchester

"JAY!! Open up!!" I banged on his apartment door. "Open up now!!"

I banged on the door desparately until a hand came down on my shoulder. I whipped around ready to strike whoever dared to touch me, but stopped seeing Tyler in time.

"Shit, I almost got hit! You came because of the video, right?" Tyler said out of breath. Why did he follow me? Liam walked slowly behind him obviously out of breath. "Is it really him in that video?"

"How did you keep up-"

"I play soccer, Levi. The video-"

"I don't know! He won't answer his phone! Now nobody's answering the door!"

"Should we look for him? There's no way he could've gotten far yet. Twenty minutes isn't much of a head start, think clearly!" Tyler suggested. "And it's not like we can break in, we need a door code. Calm down and think rationally!"

A passcode! Most likely it's going to be something overly annoying and complicated. But it's even more likely....that it relates to Tyler in someway. "Yeah, the code. I forgot about just trying it normally. I think I have an idea."

I punched in Tyler's birthdate and unsurprisingly, the door beeped open. What an asshole! It's like he's trying to get a rid out of me while He's gone. "How'd you know his passcode?" Liam asked.

"It's Tyler's birthday," I scowled.


"JAY!!!! FUCKING SHOW YOURSELF!!!! KANSTANTINOS!!!!!" I screamed in uncomfortable rage. I couldn't breathe right now. "JAY!!!! GET OUT HERE NOW!!!"

"Levi!" Tyler grabbed my arm, "calm down a bit, he's not here or else he would've opened the door. Breathe a little bit. You've got to hold it together even though you're worried! We know he's not here so let's go and look for him!"

"He probably received the message as well and took off." Liam suggested. "He probably ran away for good."

"Right, I would if I were in his shoes. Any idea where he could've went?" Tyler asked.

"The only way would be public transport. Since Levi doesn't have money, he must not have any either," Liam pointed out. "He can get pretty far on the trains!"

"What about a car?" Tyler speculated.

"I doubt he'd Jack someone with all that heat on him."

Yeah, logically that made sense. But Jay wasn't a logical person. "No, I have no idea. But, it's ok, there's probably a way to track him still."

"How?" Liam asked.

"GPS, I put them on his stuff just in case-"

"-his apartment is great for a young newlywed couple. It's...oh, I didn't know someone was inside! When I called earlier he said no one would be home," some lady in a power suit and fried hair smiled. Her perfume smelled awful. "Are you the current owner? Hi, I'm the real estate agent. We came to see the apartment."

He's even taking Jay's place?! Trying to completely isolate us, huh? He cut off our resources at the same time to drive us into a dead end conflict. Luckily I never got a place with that guys money.

"No we we're looking as well ma'am. It's perfect for roommates. Please continue the tour," Liam stepped in to the get the lady off our case quickly.

"Tyler listen to me," I whispered. "I'll go find Jay. You should stay somewhere with Liam that has many many people so nothing can happen to you....go visit your grandmother. Contact your uncle if you get scared."

"Levi, you can't do this alone." Tyler pleaded. "I don't care what happens to me, just let me-"

"Tyler, this is something between brothers that needs to be solved. Please just trust and believe me again. Don't I always come back?"

"Why're you so cocky? Do you really think you can do this all on your own?"

"I can find him and settle this once and for all, Tyler," I moved his curls around a bit and grabbed his face so I could kiss him. "I can't risk you getting hurt while I handle this. Right now, you and Liam have to go somewhere safe. You can help me in this way. I can't be worried about you while I do this. You can call it an overreaction, but I need you safe."

"Fine, be quick and don't get overwhelmed," Tyler said. "Promise you'll come back?"

"Don't I always?"

"I'll grab Liam then." I watched Tyler walk to Liam before I walked out of the door. Despite not wanting to waste any time, I took a second and looked back at him. He shot me a desperate smile, blew me a kiss and waved me off.

I know it hurts Tyler. But I need to find Jay.

I figured I couldn't find Jay in a normal manner, So I used my usual manner. Stalking. Why did he have to be such a fucking tool? I really had to resort to something like this again.

I had put a GPS on Tyler the first time we met, and I used the same GPS on Jay. It sickened me that I may not be able to keep that little momento. But it was a better sacrifice than Tyler himself.

He was indeed at the train station, as Liam said. Probably on his way out. Luckily there were train delays on basically every transit line and the place wasn't so busy.

There was literally no where to hide.

I finally spotted him at the west end of the station a few minutes later. I watched him bump into two females and apologize like it was an innocent accident. When the ladies walked off and smiled at him, I saw Jay scowl at two wallets.

"Ugh, no money again. No one carries cash anymore. Do I have to beg for money again?" Jay scowled throwing the wallets in the trash can. How could he do that so openly when there are cameras everywhere?

He's just begging to get caught! But that just means I shouldn't be so caution either.

As soon as I was sure no one was watching, I rushed into him and dragged him into the bathroom kicking and flailing. It was really hard to actually hold him. "Kanstantinos! It's me!"

"You!" I let him go and watched him  scramble to find his footing before taking a good look at my face. He seemed a bit unhinged. "How did you find me, Nikolaos?"


"You put one on me? You really went that far? There was no trust between us from the beginning, was there?" Jay laughed. "Where'd you hide it? Where'd you even get it? Is it inside my body or-"

"I put one on everything you own," I confessed. "So stop being paranoid and calm down a bit."

Jay looked genuinely shocked. Why was he so surprised that I don't trust him? He did everything he possibly could to not to be trusted! Why do I have to feel like shit about that?!

He's my brother but he still can't be trusted! He's a ticking time bomb!

"On everything? You fucking Dumbass! Will you stop obsessing over me like this?! Our deal is over now! We tried it your way and get that kidnapper locked up but it backfired! I should've just gone to him in the first place-"

"Stop acting tough, if you could just go to him, you would've already went!" I demanded. "Is it so hard to admit that we can't do this on our own!"


"You really wanted to live life on the run without anyone to stop you, right? So why are you running away now?! This is the kind of freedom you wanted? Stop being an idiot! You think a murderer can live free?"

Jay stared at me blank faced. "Easy for you to say, you've never killed anyone before." I felt a panic rise in my stomach as I flashed back to Chris Gallagher dying because I tampered with his drugs. "Ok let's say I make things square and confess to the murder turning myself in. Do you think I can avoid legal punishment? How many years will I be sentenced to? Or Do you really think I'll get off because I say that psycho made me do it? Yeah fucking right!

"I was held captive for over ten years, but you want me to spend how ever many years behind different bars again. I'm not doing that again! No one believes us! We probably played right into his hands!"

"Then you'll hide forever? How long can you do that?  I'll be locked up as well! I'll help you, so please-"

Jay quickly shut me up by holding a previously concealed knife to my neck. "That's it, I'm tired of you getting in the way. Let's settle this between us once and for all, Nikolaos. Let's just end his game right here!"

I took a few quick steps back before Jay whipped around, running at me. He slashed at me, which I easily parried. Luckily I was able to smack the knife from his hand, but received a kick to my leg for it, before we were punching back and forth at one another in a heated battle.

Jay managed to grab up the knife again and roll back a few feet as we both needed to catch our breath. I've been through worse pain but I forgot how strong Jay actually was. It was a waste of time to try and talk to this guy.

"This won't solve anything!" I snapped. "Just listen for a minute!

"Don't care! I don't listen to anyone!"

Our punches ricocheted off one another over and over, the high pitched metallic pings of the knife echoing throughout the large room as it hit everything but me. We were evenly matched, right now....I hope.

Jay gritted his teeth, releasing his blade and catching it in the opposite hand, using the momentum to spin and slash at me. The knife cut through the black fabric of my shirt, creating a long, red cut across my chest.

I pulled back, assessing the wound with a grunt of disapproval! I panted softly, the battle was beginning to take its toll on me physically. Why did I look at it!

Jay chuckled as he lunged forward, driving his knife upwards. I caught his wrist and spun, keeping a firm hold on Jay's hand with both of mine, the appendage twisted slightly. Jay took the knife in his free hand and slashed out at my neck, I anticipated this, dodging and blocking Jay's arm with my own.

"You've actually gotten better....or maybe I'm just too excited to end it all." Jay muttered.

Jay spun, twisting my left arm harshly, making me gasp. I kicked him in the back, causing him to let out a cry of surprise as he crashed onto his arms on the floor, the knife falling from his hands and sliding several feet away. He turned onto his back, crawling backward pathetically as i approached him.

"Stop it and just come back! You're falling into his trap if you break off!" I tried again. Why couldn't he just be fucking normal and calm down?

"You haven't improved that much, since that desire to kill me still isn't there. Look at how much you're hesitating? You think I'm afraid to die!? You obviously still don't get what you actually have to do...." Jay suddenly jumped up and lunged for my throat producing a box cutter from his back pocket.