Living Ancestor!

The kitchen knife turned in midair and slashed at the cabinet lock.

Clang, clang, clang. The chain of wood was directly cut down.

Delighted, Sun Qing threw away the curled-blade kitchen knife and swaggered over to open the cabinet for food.

It was good to transmigrate into a book! Before transmigrating into a book, her body was sub-healthy. After transmigrating into a book, it wasn't difficult for her to wield a kitchen knife!

Even though she hadn't eaten for two days and had just exerted energy, she wasn't dizzy or weak. Instead, she was still fighting bravely and in high spirits!

Her intelligence was suited for this kind of body!

The Jiang family was quite poor. The old couple were lazy and greedy, making Jiang Huai seem like an outsider. Other than Jiang Huai, Tian Cuilan had two sons and a daughter.

Her two sons, who were of similar age to Jiang Huai, were called Jiang Xiao and Jiang Shun. Their names combined together meant filial piety. A few years ago, when there was no news of Jiang Huai, Tian Cuilan thought that he had died outside and made the decision to use her youngest daughter to change her eldest son's wife.

As for Jiang Shun, he didn't do his job all day and often hung out with the second-rates in the county. He didn't return home for half a month, but the moment he returned home, he asked for money.

Jiang Xiao wasn't any better. He and his wife quarreled every other day and would cause trouble in front of their parents. The two brothers' names representing filial piety were really a joke!

What good could there be in such a family? The food in the cabinet was brought by Sun Qing after she got married!

There were two packets of peach pastry, and there was still half a piece in one. She didn't know whose mouth the half piece had entered, but she felt disgusted just looking at it.

She took the other untouched packet.

Sun Qing didn't mind eating just a bowl of rice with salted eggs and a layer of sesame oil on it. This was considered good food in the village.

There were three white steamed buns in the dustpan with the word "Happiness" printed on them. They were also brought from the Sun family and were quickly gobbled down by Sun Qing.

She also ate half a bowl of pickles and two cucumbers.

She definitely wouldn't eat pickled vegetables. The cucumbers looked quite fresh, so she washed them and ate them raw, without any vinegar or sesame oil.

Sun Qing had just taken a few bites when someone came.

It was Jiang Xiao and his wife. Their shoes were still muddy, and it was obvious that they had come back from the fields.

"Sun Qing, how dare you bully my mother…" Jiang Xiao's face was red as he criticized her.

Sun Qing grabbed the middle of a salted egg with both hands and broke it neatly, immediately revealing the oily egg yolk.

She only ate the egg yolks, not the egg whites. In the blink of an eye, only the two egg yolks were gone.

After eating the egg yolks, the remaining egg whites weren't wasted. She casually placed them on the table, making the family of three who rushed in heartbroken and angry.

That was a summer's worth of profit. In just a short while, she had wasted them!

"Get lost. This is my house. Go back to your Sun family!" Tian Cuilan was so angry that she held her chest. Perhaps she was frightened by Sun Qing holding the kitchen knife just now, but she didn't dare to go forward.

Jiang Xiao might look tall, but he was actually a coward who hid behind when he encountered trouble!

Sun Qing picked up the kitchen knife on the ground and slammed it on the table. "What? Are you going to hit me? If you dare to touch me, try it. Let's see if our Sun family will tear apart your entire family!"

It wasn't that Sun Qing was bragging, but even if she didn't have many direct family members, their entire Sun family was a big family with many people. Although they often quarreled over trivial matters, once something serious happened, the entire Sun family would attack.

Tian Cuilan had originally planned to make Jiang Huai marry a wife who listened to her, who usually liked to cause trouble and had a bad reputation. Unexpectedly, Sun Qing was fine before she got married and had an extremely sweet mouth. After she got married, she actually became like this!

How was she easy to control? She was simply a living ancestor!