
Sun Qing's parents knew when to stop. The main thing was that if they continued fighting, it would be difficult for them to stop.

Sun Qing's father, Sun Youcai, acted as if he had just discovered Jiang Huai in the room. He quickly rubbed his hands and smiled at his new son-in-law.

"Are you Xiao Huai?"

Jiang Huai glanced at Sun Youcai indifferently and nodded.

Sun Qing's mother, Wang Tielan, suddenly remembered that her new son-in-law was also here. She hurriedly got up, tidied her clothes, and stood beside Sun Youcai with a smile.

"Son-in-law, what do you think about my daughter?" Wang Tielan was much more direct than Sun Youcai.

Sun Qing, who was counting money in the room, immediately rolled up her handkerchief and stuffed the money into her pocket. She pricked up her ears and listened attentively.

Tian Cuilan, who was lying on the ground groaning, jumped up when she heard Wang Tielan call him her son-in-law.

"Xiao Huai, it doesn't count. I'll find you a good wife later. I don't want the daughter of the Sun family!"

Before Tian Cuilan could finish, the two women from the Sun family pulled her hair and dragged her out.

Tian Cuilan's screams and the fierce venting of the two women from the Sun family could be heard from outside.

"We finally married her off, we won't allow you to disown her just like that. Get lost…"

Sun Qing cursed silently. How embarrassing!

Jiang Huai glanced faintly into the house and happened to meet a pair of sparkling eyes that were watching the commotion. When her eyes met his, she rolled her eyes at him and continued to watch the commotion as if nothing had happened!

"Son-in-law, everyone in the village knows about my daughter and you. You can't deny it even if you want to. Your stepmother took all the money." As Sun Youcai spoke, Wang Tielan pinched him hard.

Wang Tielan glared at him angrily. Focus on talking about their marriage, why bring in money?!

Sun Youcai quickly shrunk his neck. "Anyway, that's what happened. All the villagers know that my daughter is yours. You have to acknowledge her today. If you don't, we'll…"

Jiang Huai said, "I acknowledge her!"

His three words shut Sun Youcai up.

Sun Youcai and his wife were dumbfounded. They had yet to say anything harsh, but he agreed just like that?

This son-in-law of theirs was too easy to fool!

Sun Qing was also stunned!

Was Jiang Huai's brain not working well?

Wang Tielan was the first to react. She said anxiously, "If you want to acknowledge her, you have to hurry up and register your marriage!"

Jiang Huai glanced in Sun Qing's direction and said indifferently, "Okay!"

When the Sun family and the Jiang family saw that the matter had been resolved, they quickly bid farewell and went back to the field where they had been working.

Sun Youcai and his wife were still worried. They had to follow them to register their marriage!

They would be worried as long as they had yet to see their daughter holding the marriage certificate in her hand!

Sun Qing's eyes widened. This was different from what she had thought at first! She had originally wanted to take advantage of the situation to leave the village and enter the city to find a place to live. She wanted to move out of the Jiang family immediately and really didn't want to be someone's stepmother!

"Qing'er, what are you doing? Hurry up and leave. I'll go to your uncle's house and borrow a tractor to bring you to the county to register!" Wang Tielan urged anxiously.

Sun Qing swore that if she showed any unwillingness now, the Sun couple would kidnap her to the Civil Affairs Bureau even if they had to.

Jiang Huai stopped Wang Tielan. "There's no need. I have a car at the entrance of the village!"

When Sun Youcai and his wife heard this, their eyes almost fell to the ground.

Oh my god, was it the kind of car they were thinking of?

The household register was with Wang Tielan. It took less than 10 to 20 minutes to walk from the Jiang family to the Sun family.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they went out, they saw a small sedan.

Jiang Huai's 16-year-old son, Jiang Hai, parked the car at the entrance.

Sun Qing looked at Jiang Hai and instantly felt jealous. This kid was definitely a rich second-generation heir. God knew that she was also from a rich generation and was countless times more flashy than Jiang Hai!