The Little Rich Woman is Going Shopping!

Jiang Hai was only six years younger than her. In the future, they would have to avoid many things when living under the same roof.

Sun Qing left the room and went to the living room.

The living room was huge and was about the size of two rooms combined. In addition to an eight-seater table and two old-fashioned benches, there were four pairs of shoes in the corner. Two pairs of stylish kick-back sneakers were definitely Jiang Hai's, while a pair of ugly leather shoes and a pair of work shoes were obviously Jiang Huai's.

Fortunately, the father and son liked to be clean. Otherwise, the room would definitely stink.

After looking around the house, she continued to look outside. When she followed Jiang Huai in just now, she had only casually glanced around. There was a small dilapidated house on the east side. It wasn't small and she didn't know what it was for.

Sun Qing pushed open the door and was frightened away.

What rubbish factory? If she didn't know that Jiang Huai was rich, she would have thought that the father and son had formed a team to pick up trash.

Just what could be seen outside was a pile of tattered clothes and firewood, broken pots and broken shelves. Not only were such things piled up in the house, but the roof was also translucent.

Could that pile of rotten wood be the beam?

For the sake of her life, she had to deal with the dangerous house quickly.

Sun Qing quickly retreated five meters away and continued to look at the courtyard.

Other than a pile of weeds half a meter tall in the corner, there was nothing else. It was very clean.

At the same time, she noticed that there was no kitchen, not even anything like cutlery or kitchen knives.

Sun Qing couldn't take it anymore. The father and son could eat outside, but not her!

As a veteran foodie and a food expert, she preferred to cook herself.

Putting everything else aside, she had to resolve the problem of cooking first.

It was the late 1970s, an era of economic boom. Half a year ago, someone in the county had used a liquefied gas stove. It was clean, hygienic, and fast.

She would buy that.

There was also something more troublesome, which was the lack of a kitchen. She couldn't cook in the living room, right?

Sun Qing lowered her gaze to the front of the building, which was more than a meter long under the eaves. She would get a table to cook first and make do with it for a few days!

After thinking about how to decorate it, Sun Qing took the money and keys and left in a hurry.

Half a year ago, side food tickets, cloth tickets, industrial tickets, and the last food ticket were also canceled last month. As long as one had money, they could buy anything now!

Looking at the vendors selling things on the street, and thinking of the more than 2,000 yuan in her pocket, Sun Qing was so excited that she wished she could skip away.

At this time, more than 2,000 yuan was equivalent to 500,000 to 600,000 yuan in 40 to 50 years.

Thinking of the expression on Jiang Huai's face when she snatched the money, Sun Qing wanted to laugh.

It wouldn't do to shop with so much money. She asked passersby for directions to the bank and went straight there.

When she arrived, the bank was still closed and she was hungry. She found a dumpling stall nearby and sat down to eat and wait.

"Boss, give me a bowl of dumplings!" A middle-aged woman in her 40s or 50s was setting up a stall at the entrance of the bank. Her hair was tied up and stuffed into a white hat. She was wearing an apron and sleeves, looking clean and nimble!

"Alright, the vegetable dumplings are all sold out. There's only pork filling left," the dumpling stall owner said with a bright smile.

"Alright, give me the meat dumplings then," she smiled and replied straightforwardly. Sun Qing liked to deal with people who were passionate about life.

"Alright!" The dumpling stall owner neatly rolled the dough and kneaded the dumplings. The skin was thin and the filling was big. It was obvious that he was an honest seller.

While waiting, Sun Qing didn't idle. She asked the dumpling stall owner about the place where they sold liquefied gas tanks. At the same time, she found out where the nearby market was, where they sold everything, and which shop sold them at a low price.

The dumpling stall owner was full of energy and his voice was loud. He answered whatever Sun Qing asked. He could also talk about whatever Sun Qing didn't ask.

This news was worth more than a meal of dumplings!