Phony Sun Qing!

Sun Qing placed the brick on the ground and clapped her hands. "Either pay up or go to the public security bureau. You can choose. The witnesses and evidence are all here. I'm not afraid of you!"

When the Liu family heard Sun Qing's words, they subconsciously wanted to run.

They didn't want to enter the public security bureau, let alone lose money!

Sun Qing's voice entered the Liu family's ears like a demon.

"You can run, but you can't hide. If you dare to run, I'll dare to call the police and get them to capture you in the village!"

If the Liu family was unreasonable just now, they were now complete noobs!

"Young lady, we're all honest villagers. We're old and don't have money. Can't we just apologize to you?" Wang Lianxiang quickly squeezed out a smile and pleaded pitifully.

Sun Qing curled her lips. "It's too late. Just now, when you scolded me as a widow, slut, and whore, why didn't you say that you're old? Just because you're old, doesn't crime need to be punished? If older people think like you, won't they not have to pay with their lives if they kill someone? When the time comes, will you say that you killed someone because you're old and your hands were trembling, or that you're muddle-headed and careless? Pfft, don't smear the reputation of older people!"

The neighbors were all old. When they heard Sun Qing's words, their anger rose.

"Their family members are pests. The father and son who lived here previously are such good people. They smiled and greeted everyone when they saw them. I sprained my ankle once and the young man even sent me home. How did such good men end up with such an in-law!"

As soon as the old lady said that, everyone responded.

"That's right, that's right. Every time that young man comes into contact with me, he's extremely sweet-tongued. He calls me grandma and even helped me to carry my heavy bag of vegetables. Such a good young man was forced away by this family!"

The more the old people spoke, the angrier they became. The scene of condemnation made Sun Qing open her eyes. There were a few times when she wanted to interrupt, but she couldn't.

The Liu family wanted to run, but they didn't dare to. Sun Qing rolled her eyes at them.

It wasn't easy for Sun Qing to wait until the old men and women stopped talking to catch their breath. She quickly said, "Do you want to lose money or get arrested? Hurry up and say it. Don't waste everyone's time!"

With that, the old men and women immediately turned around to speak up for Sun Qing.

"Hurry up and say it. Don't bully her just because she's young. Our neighbors are all witnesses!"

"Yes, yes, yes…"

Another wave of condemnation.

Seeing that the Liu family was unwilling to give in, Sun Qing immediately called for help. "Uncle Li, go and call the police. We can't let a bad person escape!"

The neighbor said, "Yes, yes, yes. We can't let this family off easy, lest they come out to cause trouble again!"

When the Liu family saw that Uncle Li was really going, they shouted anxiously.

"Pay up, we'll pay up!"

Sun Qing immediately reached out for it. "50 yuan."

Wang Lianxiang roared, "That's too much. You're cheating us!"

Sun Qing stared at the Liu family with bright eyes. "It can't compare to how you dare to use a brick to smash the lock and kick the door. If you dare to use a brick today, you'll dare to use a knife tomorrow."

Another huge accusation was pinned on the Liu family. The Liu family didn't dare to fight head-on anymore and began to pretend to be pitiful.

"50 yuan is really too much. We really can't take it out. Why don't you lower it? 5 yuan?"

Sun Qing sneered as if she had heard a huge joke. "If I have the time to bargain with you, why don't I make a trip to the public security bureau? What if you have a grudge after giving me the money and come back to smash my door when no one is around?"

The neighbors immediately caught the main point.

"These people have to be locked up. What if they come to smash our doors?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The more the old men and women spoke, the more angry they felt. They glared at Old Liu and his family with knives in their eyes, wishing they could stab them to death.

The corners of Sun Qing's lips twitched. The old men and women were quite imaginative.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle, Aunt, they didn't do it on purpose. As long as they're willing to pay the money, we'll treat it as doing good and let them off!" Sun Qing was being phony now!