What Nonsense!

Sun Qing sneered. "If you're not pretending to be sick, why don't you dare to let me inject you? You're just pretending to be sick to blackmail me!"

The neighbors could also tell that the Liu family was a paper tiger. The young lady had plenty of ways to deal with them.

If they chased the Liu family away, it would return peace to their streets!

"That's right. If you don't let her do it, you're pretending to be sick."

"After smashing down someone's door, you're trying to blackmail them now. All of us can testify."

Liu Xingcai was forced into a corner. In his anxiety, he immediately shouted, "Isn't it just acupuncture? Just do it. If anything happens to my mother, do you think our Liu family will let you off!"

When Wang Lianxiang heard her son's words, she immediately panicked and shook her son's arm anxiously. "I don't want to be acupunctured!"

Liu Xingcai couldn't care less. He pressed down on Wang Lianxiang's hand and gritted his teeth. "Mom, just let her give it a stab and let people see that you're not pretending to be sick!"

Sun Qing wanted to laugh. "What a filial son!"

Resentment flashed across Liu Xingcai's face as he glared fiercely at Sun Qing. "Go ahead. If anything happens to my mother, you'll have to support her for the rest of her life!"

Sun Qing retorted bluntly, "I think you're hoping that I'll stab your mother so that I can support your entire family for the rest of your lives!"

The neighbors looked at Sun Qing strangely. So that was what they were thinking!

Liu Xingcai glared at Sun Qing fiercely. "If you have the ability, stab me!"

Sun Qing said, "This is the first time I've seen a biological son so anxious for his mother to be stabbed with a needle. You're really a filial son!"

These words were simply heartbreaking. The way Liu Chunwang and his wife looked at Liu Xingcai changed a little.

When Wang Lianxiang heard her son's words, she immediately struggled. "I don't need acupuncture. Let go of me. We'll compensate her and give her 50 yuan. Let's go home quickly!"

Sun Qing crossed her arms and said coldly, "See, I knew it. She's pretending to be sick to extort money! Everyone can be my witness. Not only did you smash the lock and kick the door, you even pretended to be sick. This won't end until I get 100 yuan!"

When the neighbors heard Sun Qing's words, they all looked at her stupidly.

What kind of immortal had come to their street? Why did she look like she wasn't to be trifled with?

When Liu Chunwang heard 100 yuan, he immediately said to his son without thinking, "Son, quickly press your mother down!"

When Wang Lianxiang heard this, her legs immediately began to kick non-stop. She cried and cursed.

"Bastard, I raised you for nothing. How dare you treat your mother like this…"

"Damn old man, I've served your entire family since I was young. I've served you for my entire life. How can you let someone stab me…"

Sun Qing's words instantly said what the neighbors were thinking.

"You deserve it!"

The neighbors immediately perked up.

Yes, she deserved it!

If the upper beam wasn't right, the lower beam would be crooked. She had to suffer the consequences of raising an unfilial son!

When Uncle Li saw this scene, he quickly frowned and whispered to Sun Qing, "You're really doing it?"

Sun Qing said seriously, "Of course, the illness will be removed!"

Uncle Li thought to himself, "Like I'll believe you!"

Five yuan wasn't easy to earn!

Sun Qing urged with trembling hands, "Hurry up, show your fingers. Don't let a single one of your fingers fall!"

Groups of old men and women lined up for hundreds of meters every day in the community hospital just to insert a needle into their fingers to test their blood sugar. There were also old men and women who carried small stools to clock in every day.

No one had ever been stabbed to death!