Rural People Won't Take the Blame!

The Liu family froze. Apologize? What apology? They had already paid. Why did this wretched girl not keep her word?

As soon as Sun Qing said that they weren't allowed to leave, the Sun family stopped them without thinking.

Since their daughter said they couldn't leave, then they must stay!

Liu Chunwang was about to shout when he saw the Sun family's attitude and immediately softened.

"We've already given you the money. What else do you want?"

Sun Qing wasn't afraid of them now. She took a step forward, closer to them.

When Wang Tielan saw this, she quickly stopped her. "Qing'er, they smell. Don't get too close or you'll smell!"

His words angered the Liu family so much that their faces turned red and they were about to vomit blood. The corners of Sun Qing's lips twitched as she silently took a step back.

When the Liu family saw Sun Qing retreating as if she really smelled something, their faces instantly burned.

How embarrassing! They had embarrassed herself in the county! Fortunately, it wasn't their village. Otherwise, their family wouldn't be able to go out in the future!

The neighbors were dumbfounded again. The drama was too good to watch! When their eyes turned to the Liu family again, they were simply disdainful.

Seeing that the old couple of the Liu family were swaying, Sun Qing quickly said, "Do you think you can just compensate me? This is a matter of attitude. If I beat you up and give you a dollar, will you let me go?"

The neighbors instantly realized what was going on.

No, definitely not?

This was too disrespectful. At the very least, they had to apologize to her.

"Apologize, apologize, apologize…" The neighbors were no longer afraid of the Liu family. Their blood boiled and they couldn't help but shout out.

When the Liu family saw that so many people were on Sun Qing's side, they immediately shrank back in fear.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We really didn't do it on purpose. We really recognized the wrong person. We rural people are uncultured. Our words are unpleasant. We apologize to you." Liu Chunwang's family of three quickly apologized.

Sun Qing spat. "There's something wrong with your morals. Don't smear the reputation of the countryside. The countryside doesn't take the blame!"

The people standing here started farming three generations ago and were also from the countryside.

Hearing Sun Qing's words, the neighbors immediately started cursing.

"So what if we're rural people? My parents are also farmers in the countryside, but they're not as shameless as you. You're an outsider!" An old man jumped up and scolded.

"I don't think we should have let you go. We should have locked you up to be taught and raised. What kind of immoral thing did you say? Did the villagers provoke you? Do you believe that if you dare to say this in the village, the villagers will beat you to death?" The county city wasn't far from the village, which family didn't have relatives who farmed? It was too much to overturn a boatload of people and randomly slander them.

"Yes, yes, yes. Lock them up. We're not soft-hearted like the young lady!"


Hearing the neighbors' angry words, the Liu family wished they could dig a hole and hide in it. Now, they could only hide in a place with fewer people.

Please, let us leave this place quickly! We've never been so embarrassed in our lives!

The Liu family had just rushed out and was about to run when they met Jiang Hai, who was carrying something.

Jiang Hai looked at the Liu family with a strange expression. He had seen them just now, but even now, he still felt like he was in a dream.

"Xiao Hai, I've finally seen you!" Wang Lianxiang immediately cried when she saw that it was her grandson.

Liu Chunwang and his son looked at Jiang Hai as if they had found a backer. They said in an accusing and questioning tone, "Xiao Hai, did you and your father move again?"