Settling the Score!

"Every time I give your family living expenses, I'll get you to sign and print your fingerprints on the paper. The first 10 years, I gave five yuan a month, and the next six years, I gave 50 yuan a month. In the seven years you raised Xiao Hai, for the first three years, I gave your family 30 catties of white flour and 20 catties of corn flour every month. In the next four years, you said that the child is old and asked me to give 50 catties of white flour and 40 catties of corn flour every month. Just these things are enough for me to hire 10 people to raise the child!"

Although Sun Qing didn't know much about these things, she knew that even five or six years ago, many people would still be poor and hungry.

For example, the original host of the body was as precious as eyeballs. but she wouldn't even be able to eat a few meals of white noodles a year. What did it mean if the Liu family had 30 catties of white flour a month?

They were simply living the life of emperors!

The old couple from the Sun family thought that they knew a lot about the Liu family, but they didn't expect the Liu family to be so evil!

Wang Tielan muttered unhappily, "10 years ago, 20 catties of corn flour was enough for a new wife!"

Sun Youcai nodded in support. "Yes, 10 years ago, 20 catties of corn flour could be exchanged for a basket of children?"

At that time, every family was so poor that they couldn't even afford to raise a child. Not to mention 20 catties, even one box was enough to carry a child away.

Jiang Huai wasn't raising a single child. To put it bluntly, the things he had given the Liu family was enough to support half a village.

Jiang Huai continued to calculate. "Forget about these things. There's a limit to the amount of money. The first 10 years, I gave you five yuan a month, so that's a total of 600 yuan in 10 years. We're still three months away from completing six years. 12 months multiplied by six and subtracted by three months is a total of 69 months. 69 times 50 is a total of 3,450 yuan. Coupled with the 600 dollars from the first 10 years, that's a total of 4,050 yuan!"

When the Liu family heard that Jiang Huai was constantly settling scores, they immediately became anxious.

"Jiang Huai, what are you doing? We're so close, but what are you doing now? We used all that money and things on Xiao Hai." The Liu family hurriedly explained with a pale face.

Wang Lianxiang's saliva flew everywhere as she said, "If you're not in charge, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. You don't know how difficult it is to raise a child. We've raised Xiao Hai for you, but your little money and things aren't enough. Our family has even invested a lot!"

Sun Qing couldn't stand it anymore.

"Pfft, I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen anyone as shameless as you. You said that you raised Jiang Hai, but you raised him into a skeleton. You almost raised him like his biological mother and raised him to death!"

With Jiang Huai and his son around, Wang Lianxiang wasn't afraid of Sun Qing at all.

"Little vixen, we're still talking. You have no right to speak. Go back to where you came from!"

The Sun couple didn't make a move on account of their son-in-law, but that didn't mean that they were afraid of the Liu family. No matter who it was, the Liu family couldn't point fingers at their daughter and scold her!

Wang Tielan slapped Wang Lianxiang and pressed her to the ground.

"Who asked you to scold my daughter? See if I don't break your mouth!"

Liu Chunwang and his son didn't expect the Sun family to be so careless. Why did someone not care about their reputation in front of their son-in-law? Was there something wrong with this family's brain?!

"Jiang Huai, tell them to stop, stop…" The Liu father and son jumped to the side anxiously. Sun Youcai raised his fist and immediately fell silent.

Sun Qing turned to look at Jiang Huai and his son and smiled sweetly. "My parents dote on me the most. They can't bear for me to suffer any grievances. No matter who it is, I'll beat up whoever scolds her! I'll beat them up for my child, isn't that what parents are supposed to do?"

Jiang Huai and Jiang Hai looked at Sun Qing in unison. The latter continued to maintain a perfect smile.

Jiang Huai glanced at Jiang Hai before returning his gaze to the Liu family.

"Don't even think about taking a single cent from me in the future. Treat the money from before as filial piety from Jiang Hai and his mother. In the future, Jiang Hai has nothing to do with you. If you come again, I'll sue you with the signed note and let you return the money!" Jiang Huai said coldly.