Third Meal - Steak (1)

The moon was high up in the sky.

"The Moon Goddess blesses our feast tonight!"

This voice rang out clearly in the old cathedral before it was followed by a resounding applause.

Right after that, there was the sound of nibbling and the sound of sucking that rang out along with the sound of goats crying out.

The goat cries slowly became weaker and weaker until they faded away completely.

The ones that had been sucking at the goats stood up with blood dripping from their mouths, but all of them had refreshed looks.

But before any of them could do anything, there was a door that suddenly appeared in front of them.

This was a normal looking door and the only thing special about it was the dog's paw on it.

As soon as it appeared, the male adult stood in front of the rest and raised one hand up as if he was protecting the rest.

One of the children peeked her head out and asked, "Papa, what is that?"

The man shook his head to show that he didn't know.

After a minute of silence, they slowly let down their guard.

The man had the adult woman take care of the children as he slowly made his way to the door.

Once he reached the door, he carefully went around it to see what was on the other side, but he found that there was nothing there at all. This was just a door that was floating in space, a door that wasn't connected to anything.

Just where did it come from?

The kids behind the woman clearly looked interested in this door, but the man wouldn't let them come any closer.

After making sure that there was nothing strange about this door, the man turned around and said, "Stay here. I'll go in and see what this is."

The woman said in a worried voice, "Dear, be careful."

The man nodded before turning the handle of the door.

The door slowly creaked open. The moment that a sliver of the door was open, there was a bright light that shined through that dazzled all of them.

It made all of them raise a hand to their face to try and block the light.

After a while, they slowly got used to the light that came from the door and were able to look at it from the side. However, the light was still too bright for them to look at it directly, so they weren't able to see what was behind the door.

Seeing that this was the case, the man turned around to give one last nod to the woman and the children before walking through the door.

As soon as he came through, the light that hit him once again made him narrow his eyes and cover them with one of his hands.

His eyes slowly adjusted to the level of light in this new place and he was able to see what was there.

He saw the various tables with many different kinds of creatures sitting there eating things. He saw the service staff walking around with strange dishes on their trays. He even saw someone being thrown by one of the waitresses in black, but the person being thrown had a smile on their face.

But then he saw the window and was shocked.

That was because there was natural sunlight that was coming through this window.

Natural sunlight was the natural weakness for a creature like him, so he immediately raised his cape to block himself from the natural sunlight. As he did this, he also attracted the attention of the people sitting near the door who all looked at him with strange looks.

After standing there like this for a minute, he realized that he wasn't getting burned by the sunlight here.

He couldn't help slowly peeking out at the window from behind his cape, but he found that there was nothing special about it. The only thing that was different was that even though the sun fell onto him, he didn't feel any pain at all.

What was going on here?

For one of the bloodkin like him, he should be burning in this sunlight. So why wasn't it happening?

As he stood there in a daze, the waitress in black that he saw throwing someone earlier came over.

Yami had seen everyone was staring at this person, so she decided to come over and help him before he caused a scene.

The man didn't notice her walking over since he was still looking at the window, so he was surprised when he suddenly heard her voice say, "Hi, welcome to the Between World Restaurant. Can I get you a table?"

The man suddenly jumped back when he heard this and he narrowed his eyes to look at Yami. After staring for a bit, he said, "What is this strange place? Who are you?"

Yami wasn't fazed by this at all since this was a rather normal reaction for a first time customer. She just calmly explained, "This is the Between World Restaurant, a restaurant in another world. The door you just took led you to another world."

The man turned back to look at the door before turning back to Yami and saying, "Another world? Are you crazy? How could a random door lead me to another world?"

He then started looking around himself and frantically saying, "I don't know what kind of illusion magic you've used here, but you won't fool me! Reveal your true appearance or I will…"

The man had been raising his hands in a threatening gesture as he said this, but then he suddenly froze as he felt a pressure fall onto him.

This wasn't a normal kind of pressure, it was a pressure that came from the very bottom of his soul. It was a pressure that came from the essence of his blood.

Another waitress came up from behind Yami and said, "Boss lady, it seems like it's one of mine. I'll take care of this one."

Yami looked at her and gave a nod, "Alright Anna." Then she just walked off without looking at the man again.

But Anna had seen that her fist had been clenched.

If she hadn't intervened, it would be hard to say what would have happened to the man.

The man looked at Anna with a terrified look, but that look also had a bit of confusion to it. It was as if he recognized this person, but he also couldn't remember who she was.

But just looking at her made his blood tremble as if he felt a sort of innate fear towards her.

After seeing that Yami was gone, Anna's face turned cold as she looked back at the man and said, "You're Vlad's kid aren't you?"

The man trembled when he heard this, but he gave a nod in response.

Anna continued in her cold voice, "Do you want to die? You think that you're immortal just because you're a bloodkin?"

The man couldn't help trembling again as he shook his head.

He had been in a daze since he had heard her name since he felt like he had heard it somewhere before…But it seemed like it had been a long time since he had heard this name…

He didn't know where it was from, but he felt that it was important.

After a long silence, he finally said, "Annabelle Bloodvein!"

Anna's face immediately turned red as everyone started looking in their direction after hearing the shout from the man. To the side, Croquette couldn't help revealing a bitter smile and looking at Anna with a sympathetic look because this was what he had experienced last week…

Anna didn't hesitate at all to land a blow to the top of the man's head which immediately sent him to the ground. Then she said in a cold voice, "Do you want me to kill you myself?"

The man once again felt a pressure that came from deep inside of his blood, but this time he knew why he felt this way.

This woman in front of him was the progenitor of all the bloodkin, the one true vampire, Annabelle Bloodvein!

But what was she doing here?

It was said that she had been chosen by the Moon Goddess to serve by her side!

Then if she was here, could it mean that this was the temple of the Moon Goddess?

The man quickly shook his head and covered his mouth.

After Anna made sure that Yami wasn't looking over, she finally said, "What are you doing here?"

The man lowered his voice and explained what happened.

Anna looked at the door and said, "Like the boss lady explained earlier, this is the Between World Restaurant, a restaurant in a different world. The door likes to appear in random places and it chose to appear where you were, so you're quite lucky."

The man couldn't help looking around himself before muttering, "This really is another world? But if Miss Annabelle is here, then that means that this must be the realm of the gods…"

Anna couldn't help putting her face in her hand when she heard this, but she also said, "No, this isn't anything like that, this is just a normal restaurant. Also, call me Anna, stop calling me Annabelle. I left that name behind a long time ago."

The man quickly nodded and said, "Yes, Miss Annab…Miss Anna."

The way that he acted, it was almost like looking at an obedient puppy.

Anna couldn't help shaking her head again before waving her hand at him and saying, "Come with me, I'll show you to a table."

The man nodded once again before following behind her.

Anna brought him over to an empty table before putting a menu down and saying, "Here's a menu. Take a look at it and tell me what you want."

The man hesitantly took the menu and looked through it, but as he did, his expression couldn't help becoming more and more strange.

After reading the menu for a bit, he peeked his head out from behind the menu and asked, "Miss Anna, isn't this a menu full of human food? Is there anything delicious about human cooked slop like this?"

There was a tiny flame of anger that appeared in Anna's eyes after she heard this.

This restaurant was the place that had taken her in when she had nowhere else to go, so naturally she wouldn't allow anyone to speak ill of it.

As the flames of rage appeared in her eyes, the man suddenly felt another cold chill fall over him. He knew that he had said something wrong, but it was already too late. He was so scared by this chill that he wasn't even able to form proper words.

Anna looked like she ran out of patience as she took the menu and said, "So I'll order for you, is that alright?"

Even though she asked this question, the tone of her voice made it clear that she would allow no argument.

The man could only give a nod in response.

After Anna left, the man couldn't help feeling dejected as he didn't know what fate was waiting for him. But judging by the way that she had left, he knew that it wouldn't be anything good…