Fourth Meal - Sashimi (1)

As Finn swam through the sea, he couldn't help knitting his brows.

The scene in front of him was just too tragic.

It had started two years ago, but there had been constant tsunamis that had hit their city and had caused large scale destruction. The fish farms that they ran had been completely destroyed and the city was now in the middle of a famine.

The destroyed buildings, the people weakly lying on the ground, and the rubble scattered all over, all of it pierced right into his heart.

As the son of King Triton, the current ruler of the mermaid kingdom, seeing his people suffer like this was naturally a very painful thing for him.

Swimming behind him, his childhood friend Amphi also revealed a pained look.

She knew the troubles that Finn faced, but she couldn't do anything to help him which made her feel even more pained.

After all, this was a disaster that even the entire mermaid kingdom couldn't handle, there was no way that just the two of them could solve this.

Finn clenched his fists as he looked at the scene in front of him before suddenly closing his eyes and swimming out of the city. With a flip of his hand, there was a trident that suddenly appeared as he charged forward with this in hand.

Amphi knew what he was planning on doing, so she quickly sent a message back to the palace with her magic before following behind Finn.

Finn was planning on going outside of the city to see if he could hunt some fish for the starving people. Only by doing something with his own two hands would he feel like he was being useful.

Unfortunately, it wasn't safe outside the city right now.

The tsunamis were still ongoing and while they weren't strong enough to reach the city, they were still strong enough to throw the sea into chaos.

If Finn were to rush out there now, it was certain that he would be hurt by the raging waves.

But Amphi couldn't stop him, so the only thing that she could do was go out with him and try to keep him safe with her magic.

However, as expected, the waves immediately caught them and threw them across the ocean.

They were lucky enough that the waves deposited them into a cave far away from the city that shielded them from the waves. As long as they were in this cave, they would be safe from the tsunamis outside, but the problem was that they were stuck there.

It wouldn't be a problem if they were stuck there for a day or two, but if it was longer, then they would eventually starve to death.

No one could predict how long this tsunami would last and as long as it was there, they wouldn't be able to leave this cave.

Finn had calmed down after being thrashed by the waves of the tsunami and he was fully aware of the situation that he had gotten them in. Looking at Amphi, his heart filled with guilt.

He clenched his fists again and said, "I'll find a way out of this."

Then he was about to charge out into the waves of the tsunami again, but Amphi quickly stopped him by grabbing his hand and saying, "Don't! If you go out now, who knows if you'll even be able to come back, let alone return to the city. If you're gone, what will I do?"

Finn looked back at Amphi and he couldn't help feeling a pained feeling in his heart seeing her look at him like this. So he could only give a sigh before moving back beside her and saying, "Let's explore this cave and see if there's anything inside. Hopefully we can find some food here."

Amphi wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and nodded in response.

Finn gave her a pat on the head before taking her hand and leading the way.

While he was facing forward, Amphi revealed a hidden smile.

The tears just now were naturally fake. She was the daughter of the top general of the mermaid kingdom, so she was raised much tougher than this. But as Finn's childhood friend, she naturally knew how to manipulate him.

She had done it to keep him safe and from charging out to kill himself, but there was a small part of her that was happy about spending time alone in a cave like this.

Wasn't this how almost every romantic novel she read went?

Maybe this would be her lucky day?

As she thought this, her face couldn't help turning a bit red.

It was at this time that Finn turned around to check on her.

When he saw that her face was red, he couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

He immediately turned around and put his hand on her forehead, but all that did was make her face even more red.

He was even more worried and was about to pick her up to hold in his arms, but Amphi recovered at this time and waved her hands as she said, "I'm fine, I'm…"

Her voice trailed off as she said this and instead of that red shy look, her face revealed a shocked look as her chin dropped.

Finn was confused why she would reveal this kind of expression and he couldn't help turning in the direction she was looking in.

When he saw what she was looking at, his chin dropped just like hers did.

That was because in the center of this empty cave, there was a door that was just standing there.

This was a very normal looking door and the only thing special about it was the picture of the dog's paw that was hanging on the door.

But that didn't make any sense.

This was a random cave in the middle of nowhere, so where did this door come from?

Not to mention that there was nothing behind it, so where did this door even lead if it even led anywhere?

Finn couldn't help letting his curiosity take over and he started floating towards the door, but before he could get far, Amphi grabbed his hand and said, "Be careful. There are some strange magic energy fluctuations coming from it."

Finn was raised as a warrior since he was talented with the trident and Amphi was raised as a magician since she had shown her talents with magic when she was younger. So between the two of them, Amphi was indeed better at sensing magic.

Since Amphi said that there were strange magic energy fluctuations coming from it, then Finn believed her and raised his trident as he carefully approached the door. However, when he got close, he found that there was nothing special about it.

He went around the back and found that there was indeed nothing hidden behind it.

So what was this random door doing at the bottom of the ocean and in the middle of this random cave?

As his curiosity filled him, Finn couldn't help reaching out towards the door.

However, before he could grab the handle, Amphi grabbed his hand and stopped him. She looked at him with a pleading look and said, "Finn, let's ignore it, alright? This seems too suspicious…"

Finn looked at her, but he shook his head and said, "We don't have another choice. If we just stay here, there's nothing we can do." He pointed at the cave around him and said, "You can see that there's nothing else in this cave, so if we just sit here, we'll starve to death. At the very least, we can try and see what is hidden behind this door. Maybe it's a way out."

Amphi still had a look that didn't seem like she was convinced, but she knew that Finn was right.

She could also see just how big this cave around them was and she knew that there was nothing for them to do if they didn't investigate this door.

At the very least, this door represented a hope of escaping this place…

So after a long period of silence, she let go of Finn's hand and gave a nod.

Finn gave a nod of reassurance back to her before turning to the door again.

Slowly, he grabbed the handle and slowly turned it before pulling back on the door.

The door opened and released a bright light from behind it that forced them to close their eyes. But it didn't take long for them to adapt to the light and they were able to see through the door.

They found that there was a restaurant that was in front of them, but they could also see that there was no water in this restaurant.

Looking closely at the door frame, they saw that there seemed to be a layer of magic that kept the water around them from entering the door.

Finn looked at Amphi and she gave a nod before waving her hand to create bubbles of air around their midriff. This allowed them to float forward and remain floating even after leaving the water.

The door closed behind them as soon as they walked through.

They turned back in surprise, but seeing that the door was still there, they turned again to look around the restaurant.

As they moved forward, Finn raised his trident cautiously just in case they were attacked while Amphi had her hands slightly raised and covered in magic, so she could use her magic to protect them if anything happened.

But before they could float forward a few feet, there was a woman with pitch black hair and a dark waitress dress that came forward.

Slapped the trident out of Finn's hand and gave a glare to Amphi before saying, "No violence in here."

Feeling the chill running down her back and remembering how he was unable to react to her movement, both Amphi and Finn gave nods to show they understood.

With a wave of his hand, Finn's trident disappeared into bubbles and Amphi lowered her hands and released the magic energy that she had gathered.

Seeing this, Yami gave a nod before explaining to them what this place was.

Both of them said in shocked voices at the same time, "A restaurant in another world?"

They couldn't help looking around the restaurant, but they couldn't really see it as another world. After all, many of the things that they saw were similar to things that they saw in their own world.

One of the few different things was the lights above them.

Instead of being lights powered by magic, these lights were powered by something else that they couldn't understand and they were much brighter than lights powered by magic.

Still, they slowly came to accept that this was another world since there were creatures here that they didn't see in their world. Such as those large green humanoid things, those were definitely not things from their world.

After staring for a bit, they realized that this place was a human restaurant and they were the only ones floating there with fish tails. Seeing this made them feel a bit awkward, so Finn gave a nod to Amphi and she started using her magic to change them.

This was a transformation spell that would allow her to change their tails to human legs, giving them the same appearances as humans.

However, after casting her spell, Amphi realized that she had forgotten about something. Finn also realized it at the same time as her.


They had forgotten to put clothes on their lower half!

Once this spell finished, their lower half would be completely exposed!

It was fine normally since mermaids and mermen didn't have any shame about revealing their tails that hid their private parts, but it was different with human legs. After all, human bottom halves didn't have something hiding their private parts!

Yami gave a sigh when she saw this and with a wave of her hand, there was a skirt and a pair of pants that appeared on Amphi and Finn's bottom half respectively.

Seeing this, both Amphi and Finn let out a sigh of relief as they landed on their human legs covered in these human clothes.

Yami just said, "It's not the first time we've had mermaid and merman customers."

Amphi and Finn were both surprised when they heard this.