Fourth Meal - Sashimi (3)

It was almost so bright that he couldn't stare at it directly, but when Finn looked closer at the dish, he found that it was indeed fish.

It wasn't any kind of fish that he had seen before, but he could tell from the smell and the appearance of it that it was fish.

There was also a strange plate of black liquid, a ball of something green, and a few pieces of something white that wasn't fish that was provided along with it.

As he looked at the dish, he was confused about all the different things that had come with it.

Still, he focused his attention on the fish.

The way it glistened, it was almost as if it was telling him just how delicious it was.

He couldn't wait to put the fish in his mouth.

He picked up a piece of red fish meat and put it into his mouth.

The moment that this piece of red fish touched his tongue, it almost melted as the fatty taste spread across his tongue. This was unlike any fish that he had eaten before, it had a much richer taste that hit his tongue like a truck.

Even the best cooked fish in the palace didn't have the same amount of flavour as this fish did.

Finn looked down at the other pieces and was about to put another piece in his mouth, but before he could, Yami said, "Use the soy sauce and wasabi as well, it'll make it even better."

Amphi had been in the same state as Finn and both of them were surprised to suddenly hear Yami's voice. But they stopped themselves and looked down at their dishes before Finn asked, "What is soy sauce and wasabi?"

Yami came over and pointed first at the black liquid, "This is soy sauce." Then she pointed at the green ball, "This is wasabi, but be careful with the wasabi since it is spicy."

"Spicy?" Finn and Amphi asked again.

Yami looked at them and then said casually, "Well, you'll know what it tastes like once you have a taste. I recommend that you only use a little bit at first to get used to it."

Finn and Amphi looked at each other with confused looks, but they still followed what Yami said.

They both only took a small part of the green ball and put it onto a piece of fish before putting it in their mouths.

Both of them couldn't help suddenly pinching their noses as a strong stinging sensation filled their throats, going all the way to their noses.

However, that feeling quickly passed and there was a sweet residual taste that filled their mouth. This sweet taste helped mask some of the fishy taste of this piece of fish, but it brought out the umami contained within, making it even more flavourful.

They didn't even need to chew as the residual tastes blended in their mouth, making it even more powerful until they couldn't help swallowing.

So this was the spicy taste that she had mentioned…

It was definitely different from anything they had tasted.

Finn liked it because it added a kick to his foot that he had never tasted before. Amphi on the other hand didn't like the stinging taste, but liked the sweet residual taste it left.

There was still the soy sauce that was left, so they picked up another piece of the fish and dipped it into the soy sauce before bringing it to their mouths.

As soon as they put it in, they felt another wave of flavour hit them.

It was different from the stinging feeling of the wasabi, this was a powerful umami flavour that had a hint of sourness to it which helped pull out the taste of the fish. The soy sauce by itself already had a strong taste, but when it came together with the fish in their mouth, it drew out the richness of the fish more.

To put it simply, it was like an explosion in their mouth.

Amphi liked this soy sauce taste much more than the wasabi taste, so she put the wasabi aside and focused on the soy sauce.

However, for Finn, he couldn't help looking between the wasabi and the soy sauce.

Seeing that he wasn't moving, Amphi couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

Finn didn't say anything as he reached his hand out to pick up a small dab of wasabi that he put on a piece of pink fish that was the same as the first one he ate. Then he picked up this piece of fish and then dipped it into the soy sauce.

Amphi couldn't help being surprised since she didn't think that putting the soy sauce and the wasabi together would be good. After all, the taste that they had was just too different.

But before she could stop Finn, Finn put that piece of fish in his mouth.

Just one chew was all it took before he couldn't help swallowing.

After swallowing the fish, he couldn't help shaking.

Amphi looked at Finn with a worried look as she asked, "Finn, are you alright?"

Finn didn't say anything as he lowered his head while still trembling.

Seeing all of this just made Amphi more and more worried, so she raised her hand and gathered some magic energy as she prepared to cast healing magic on him.

However, before she could use her magic, Finn suddenly raised his head and shouted, "This is it! This is the taste that I wanted!"

Everyone couldn't help looking at Finn when he suddenly started shouting, but they also quickly revealed smiles on their faces as they saw someone walking over towards him.

Finn continued, "The stinging of the wasabi and the fullness of the soy sauce, this is what perfection is!"

Before he could say anything else, he suddenly received a slap to the back of the head that knocked him onto the counter in front of him.

Finn was surprised by the sudden slap to the back of the head. After a bit of a daze, he suddenly sat up again and looked around himself to find the one that slapped his head as he said, "Who did that! You dare slap the crown prince of the mermaid king…"

Before he could finish, he suddenly saw Yami who was standing over him with a fist raised.

Just by standing there, he could feel the pressure that was coming from her and he immediately closed his mouth.

He could tell from this pressure that even if he went all out, he would still have no chances of winning.

On the side, Amphi also felt this pressure and covered her mouth as well.

Unlike Finn, she was actually able to sense the magic energy fluctuations coming from Yami. She could tell that even if the entire army's magic division were to be added together, it still wouldn't be able to match Yami's magic power.

This was a monster that was beyond monsters, one that could end the world by themself if they wanted to…

Yami raised her fist to give them another warning before heading off to serve a customer.

Both Finn and Amphi sat there with awkward looks on their faces which was made even worse when they saw the way that everyone was looking at them. It was like they were looking at kids who were excitedly having their first meal in a restaurant.

Both of them apologized and bowed their heads to everyone else around them before turning back to their plate of sashimi.

Wasting no time at all, they quickly finished off the plates of sashimi with the wasabi and the soy sauce.

Each plate of sashimi had five different types of fish pieces, but there wasn't a single one that they didn't like. Each type had their own specialty, but one thing that they had in common was that they were all delicious.

However, just this plate wasn't enough for the two of them, so they immediately ordered another plate. Then after that, they ordered one more.

Only after they polished off these three plates of sashimi did they feel full.

After relaxing for a bit, Finn suddenly remembered something and turned to wave his hand to Yami.

Yami came over and without being able to say a thing, Finn immediately asked, "What kind of fish are these? I've never had anything that was as delicious as this." As he asked this, his eyes sparkled as if he had thought of something.

Yami was surprised by this question, but she said, "We use tuna, octopus, halibut, salmon, and yellowtail for our sashimi."

Finn revealed a confused look since he had never heard these names before, but he didn't give up as he asked, "Do you know what they look like?"

Yami was taken aback by how aggressive he was being, but she waved at another one of the waitresses and had her use her phone to look up some pictures of these fishes. She would have done it, but she didn't like having her phone in her pockets while she was working since it got in the way of her…more violent actions…namely her kicks…

The first reaction Finn had was shock as he said, "What are these square magic items? How can they show such clear images?"

Both the waitress and Yami revealed bitter smiles when they saw this.

This was what happened when they showed technology to people from worlds that had a lower level of technology than their own. It had been a while since it had happened, so they had forgotten about this.

Still, there was no time to explain this as Finn focused on the pictures of the fish.

As he looked carefully at them, he couldn't help revealing a confused look.

That was because these fish did indeed exist in their world, but he had already tried them before. When he had tried them, he had been certain that these fish tasted nothing like the fish that he had eaten at this restaurant.

They had been as bland as the rest of the fish that they had eaten raw and certainly not full of flavour like the slices of fish on his plate.

So he couldn't help asking, "Are you sure that this was what you served me earlier?"

Yami said with a nod, "These are the only types of fish that we serve during this season since that is all that we can get right now."

Finn deeply knitted his brows when he heard this and he couldn't help asking, "But when we eat these fishes back home, they taste nothing like the fish that I had here!"

Yami thought about it before suddenly saying, "Ah, that's probably because we dry age our fish here."

"Dry age?"

Finn couldn't help repeating these words that sounded like a magic spell.