Sixth Meal - Fugu (2)

Flora had been fully lost in the taste of the fugu, but she was pulled back into the real world when she felt that hand fall on her shoulder.

She immediately looked back at that person and when she saw who it was, she said with a stuffed mouth, "Dad? What are you doing here?"

The middle aged elf tapped her on the forehead and said, "I should be the one asking you that question, shouldn't I? I already said that you can't go and look at you…you still ran off to this restaurant!"

He narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Ah San who also had a surprised look. There was a trace of disdain that appeared in his eyes as he looked at Ah San before saying, "I bet you were the one that tricked her into coming here."

Ah San revealed an awkward smile before saying, "Father, I didn't trick anyone into coming here. Flora just came because she wanted to have a meal, nothing more, nothing less."

The middle aged man gave a snort and said, "Who said that you can call me father? I still haven't accepted you yet! Also, just a meal? You know that her body is weak right now and you dragged her all the way here! What will happen if she collapses on the way?"

Ah San's awkward look became more awkward as he couldn't refute Flora's father.

But Flora didn't hold back at all as she stood between the two of them and said, "Dad, I'm fine. I already rested for so long that if I didn't come out for a walk, I would have gone crazy being cooped up inside."

Flora's father revealed a worried look as he said in a softer voice, "But darling, you're still recovering. You can't just run off like that."

Ah San gave a nod and said, "That's right, you shouldn't move around that much right now. You need to rest before you can do anything else."

The two of them being on the same page like this made Flora reveal a smile.

This fight that seemed like a father disapproving of the boyfriend that his daughter had quickly turned into what seemed like a friendly family squabble. It was like the friendly banter between a son in law and a father in law.

But that was normal since that was how it was.

A story like Flora and Ah San's would normally end in tragedy since they were from two different worlds. A love like theirs would be normally impossible to bloom into meaningful flowers since it was impossible to bridge that gap.

However, luckily for them, they met at this restaurant.

This restaurant was a restaurant that created miracles and in this case, it had created a miracle with their love.

They would normally never have a chance to come together since they wouldn't be able to break the barrier with their love. But with the restaurant as a gap, they had slowly fallen in love.

Then when they had fallen in love, the restaurant had provided them with a solution.

It was very simple, Flora would leave her world and live in this world from now on.

As long as they were in the same world, it would solve all of their problems.

Well, not all of their problems. After all, there was the problem of Flora's family back in her old world. Once she came to this world, she wouldn't be able to contact them again.

But that problem was still easily solved by the restaurant.

After all, there was still the door that was connected to the restaurant that Flora used and other doors in their world. As long as they used these doors, they would be able to come and see Flora whenever they wanted.

The one who gave them this offer was Yami, who had already experienced something similar to this before.

She was also someone who didn't come from Earth and had come to it from another world. But she gave up on that other world and decided to stay on Earth, living a happy life with the owner and head chef of the restaurant.

She had proven that it was possible, so she offered this same chance to Flora and Ah San who were in the same situation as her…Well, it wasn't exactly the same, but it was similar enough that she felt pity for them.

So it took a lot of convincing, but Flora was eventually able to convince her family to let her migrate to Earth.

After arriving on Earth, she started working at the restaurant.

They were the ones that were responsible for bringing her here, so naturally they would be responsible for watching over her.

Even if Flora was only in her early hundreds, she was still an elf with powerful magic. There was no way that they could let her run around without any supervision since it was unknown what kind of things she would get into.

If there was any destruction caused by her, they would be indirectly connected.

So they kept an eye on her by having her work in the restaurant.

But right now, she wasn't working because…she was on maternity leave.

That was why she had been in her home world again, she was being taken care of there by her family after giving birth.

That was also why the two of them were so worried about her getting her rest.

In any world and to any race, giving birth was a very trying time. After Flora gave birth, her body had weakened quite a bit and there were even worries that she wouldn't pull through.

But she did in the end and both the mother and child were fine.

However, the two of them and everyone from their family were worried about her body. They wanted her to rest in a place that was comforting and soothing to her, so she went back to her home on Elvenar.

Ah San was especially betrayed because he had heard that she was fine which was why he had met up with her at the restaurant for a meal. But hearing what his father in law said, he knew that she had lied to him to come here.

He could even start to see how pale her face looked and his heart was filled with pain.

Hearing the two of them nagging her, Flora pouted her lips and said, "I was getting cooped up staying in the castle all day. You can't blame me for wanting to come out for a walk once in a while."

Both of them felt their hearts ache when they saw this, but they steeled those hearts right after to continue scolding her for coming out on her own.

But then Flora's father suddenly noticed something.

He knitted his brows to look at Flora and then reached his hand out to take her arm. He put his fingers on her wrist and took her pause before revealing a surprised look, "Your body is much stronger than before! What medicine did you take?"

Flora revealed a confused look because she didn't remember taking any medicines.

It was Yami who explained everything by saying, "The food that we serve is filled with nutrition, so it's good for her body. Not to mention, it also helped her recover some of her magic that was spent, so her self healing has become stronger."

Flora's father looked at Yami with an amazed look before turning back to Flora and examining her. He found that Yami was right, the food had helped her recover her magic and her body was now healing itself.

He couldn't help looking at Yami with a strange look, but he found that she had already walked away.

Seeing that she wasn't willing to talk to him and with the lingering fear that he had towards her, he turned his attention back to Flora.

Yami walked over to where the kitchen window was and where there was a man standing there.

This man didn't look that special and if one saw him on the street, they wouldn't pay any attention to him. That was just how normal looking this man was.

However, this man was also the owner of this store and the head chef, Lin Fan.

As well as Yami's husband.

Yami came over to him and instead of her usual cold appearance, she revealed a warm smile. She stood by his side and put her head on his shoulder as she looked at the three of them.

She said in a soft voice, "When do you think it'll be our turn?"

Lin Fan just revealed a smile and said, "It'll come when it comes, we can't force this."

There was a trace of sadness that appeared in Yami's eyes, but she gave a nod to show that she agreed.

This was completely different from the normal strict and serious expression that she had on her face.

It was only in front of Lin Fan that she had this kind of expression and this was enough to make Lin Fan a legend among the customers.

There were many of them that had asked Lin Fan how he had done it, but his answer had always been the same. He would walk away with a mysterious smile before Yami appeared behind them to smack them on the back of the head.

However, no one could ever get angry with him.

His food was just that good.

After scolding Flora a bit longer, the two of them finally settled down and Ah San turned to Flora's father to say, "Father in law, please be assured. I've already prepared everything on this side."

Flora's father narrowed his eyes, but he still gave a nod in the end.

As for what preparations Ah San had made, naturally it was the nursery. However, the nursery that he had prepared was nothing like a normal nursery. Rather, it was like a complete hospital ward that had doctors and nurses on staff twenty four seven just in case anything happened to their baby or the mother.

How had he been able to afford this?

Ah San might have been a poor university graduate in the past, but after getting together with Flora, he had been able to learn some of the technology that the elves had. He had used this and patented it in this world, creating a company that was now a Fortune 500 company.

He had gone from a poor university graduate to one of the richest men in the world.

That was also how he had been able to convince Flora's parents to allow him to marry her.

Thinking back, he couldn't help feeling that it had been a very long and hard road.

However, looking at Flora and his father in law still arguing, he couldn't help feeling that it was worth it.