Seventh Meal - Gratin (2)

Yami revealed a confused look as she looked at Elsie, but she couldn't seem to recognize her.

But it was very clear by the way that Elsie acted that she recognized Yami.

Elsie quickly raised her staff and shouted, "How did you survive?! Kai even sacrificed himself to take you down!"

When her voice rang out through the restaurant, everyone couldn't help looking over.

While they knew Yami through the restaurant, many people didn't actually know Yami's backstory. Now that there was someone here that seemed to be from her past, they naturally couldn't help being curious.

Of course, not a single person came forward to help her.

They knew that she was much stronger than all of them combined, so they weren't worried about her.

Yami narrowed her eyes to look at Elsie because Kai was a name that she was familiar with.

After a long period of thinking, she suddenly hit the palm of her hand with her other hand as she said, "Oh, that's right, you're that little half elf girl who used to be in the hero party."

Elsie narrowed her eyes as she said, "Now you recognize me…Are you going to kill me? I'll let you know that I'm much stronger than I was before! You won't be able to take me down like you did last time!"

As she said this, she started gathering magic energy in her staff, preparing to cast her strongest spell from the beginning.

But before she could lower her staff and release the spell, she found that the magic energy that she had gathered had scattered and the staff had disappeared from her hand. In the blink of an eye, the staff had appeared in Yami's hand and she stood there with her hands crossed.

Elsie's chin dropped down when she saw this.

Even though she was known as the strongest magician, she had no idea what Yami had done just now. Never mind her grabbing her staff away, she never thought that it was possible to scatter a person's magic energy like this.

What had she just done?

Yami looked at the staff in her hand before looking at Elsie and giving a sigh. She then said, "Look, I know that we've had our past, but that's all in the past now. I'm a different person and I don't do all that fighting anymore."

She then waved her hand around the restaurant and said, "This is a restaurant, so please have some manners."

Elsie was shocked when she heard this, but she couldn't help herself as she pointed at Yami and said, "Is that really what the demon king that once tried to take over the world should say?!"

As she said this, she could have sworn that she heard stifled laughter coming from around her, but that didn't last long. They all stopped immediately as if there was something that had forced them to stop.

Yami's lips twitched, but she still maintained the calm expression on her face. As for her aura, that was a completely different story.

Every single person who had secretly laughed felt a chill run down their back and killing intent filling them, as if there was someone placing a knife at their necks. So they immediately stifled their laughter and even didn't dare look in her direction.

But their ears were a different story as they all piqued their ears, waiting to hear more.

Yami just casually said, "That was in the past, I already told you that. There's no need for you to get all worked up, is there?"

Elsie trembled when she heard this as her eyes started misting over. She looked up at Yami with those strong eyes and said, "There's nothing for me to get worked up over? There's nothing for me to get worked up over?"

As she said this, Yami couldn't help feeling a strange feeling from her.

Elsie pointed her finger right at Yami and shouted, "If it wasn't for you! If it wasn't for you, then Kai wouldn't have had to sacrifice himself!"

Yami raised a brow and repeated, "Kai?"

Hearing this, Elsie was filled with even more anger and she shouted, "That's right! The hero of light Kai! He was the one that sacrificed himself to take you out!"

Yami revealed a bitter smile when she heard this before shaking her head. She said with a sigh, "Well, to say that he sacrificed himself is a bit too much."

Elsie started trembling with rage after hearing these words. She pushed her face right in front of Yami's and shouted, "You can say what you want about me, but I won't let you disrespect Kai!"

Yami grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her back down before saying, "I'm not disrespecting him and I'm telling you to calm down first."

But seeing how Elsie looked, she knew that her words wouldn't work.

So she turned to the kitchen and said to Lin Fan who was peeking out to check what the situation was, "Dear, can you go and get Kai from the bakery?"

Lin Fan looked at the short half elf girl who looked like she was about to explode from anger and gave a nod before heading out.

Turning back to Elsie, Yami said, "Look, can you just wait a few minutes? I promise that it'll completely change how you feel about this situation, alright?"

Elsie just glared at her like she wanted to bite her.

Yami knew that if she hadn't been holding her down, she would have charged at her even if she couldn't use her magic.

Seeing that this was the case and knowing that her words wouldn't work, she had no choice but to use force.

So she released her aura and let it fall onto Elsie.

Elsie felt like there was a mountain that fell onto her. It was like weights had been tied to every limb and no matter how she tried to move them, she couldn't lift her limbs at all.

She wanted to speak and ask Yami what she was doing, but even her facial muscles refused to follow her will. She couldn't move a single part of her, as if her body no longer belonged to her.

Yami gave a sigh and said, "Just wait here for a bit. You'll get all the answers that you want soon."

Elsie didn't listen and just kept glaring at her like a mad dog.

Yami gave a shrug before lifting her up and putting her to the side. After all, she couldn't just leave her in the middle of the restaurant like that, she would bother the other customers.

After putting Elsie on the side, she went back to her job of serving the customers.

When Elsie saw her serving customers, she couldn't help being shocked once more.

The mighty and proud demon king was actually lowering herself to serving other people meals…

This really was a large blow to her who had only ever seen her as a powerful enemy to defeat.

At the same time, it also blew away a part of her anger. Still, there was a small part that remained.

That was until she saw who Lin Fan brought.

After around ten minutes, Lin Fan came back to the restaurant with someone following him.

This person had a very confused look since Lin Fan hadn't explained much to him on the way here. He had just told him that there was an acquaintance here for him, but he didn't remember any acquaintances.

After all, this person also wasn't from Earth and was from another world.

He knew very few people in this world, so all the acquaintances that he should know were people that were already from Lin Fan's restaurant. But there would be no reason for Lin Fan to bring him here to meet them since they all knew where his bakery was.

If they wanted to see him, they could have just come and see him.

So why did Lin Fan come all this way to find him?

When Elsie saw the person that came in with Lin Fan, she couldn't help being stunned. While this person looked a bit unfamiliar, she would never forget this face and those eyes…She was certain that this was the person that she had been looking for.

When that person also saw Elsie, he couldn't help being surprised.

He never expected to find that the acquaintance that Lin Fan mentioned before was actually his old childhood friend Elsie that he hadn't met in over twenty years now.

It wasn't hard for him to figure out how she came here, but it certainly was a surprise since he never expected her to come to this restaurant.

As for who this person was…he was Kai, the fallen hero.

Seeing that Kai was here, Yami released the restraints on Elsie.

When she regained her movements, she couldn't help taking a step forward and pointing at Kai as she said in a trembling voice, "Are you? Are you really?"

Kai gave a nod with a smile and said, "Elsie, it's really been a long time, hasn't…"

Before he could finish, she suddenly received a flying kick to the stomach. While it didn't even faze him, it still caused him to stop talking as he was surprised by this sudden kick of hers.

He couldn't help looking down at Elsie who was hugging her foot and asked, "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly kick me?"

Elsie was bent over hugging her foot. When she had kicked Kai right in the stomach, she felt like she had kicked a steel plate. For a magician like her who had low physical prowess to begin with, this really was painful.

Kai was about to bend over to check on her when she suddenly raised her hand and said, "Don't come near me!"

Kai was surprised to hear this, but he respected her wishes and stayed away from her, waiting for her to slowly recover.

Once Elsie had finally recovered, she stood up and looked at him with tearful eyes as she hit him again with her fists. Of course, this time she had learned her lesson and didn't hit him as hard.

While crying, she asked, "Why? Why didn't you come back if you were alive?"

Kai revealed an awkward look since he knew that this was coming. He had tried to soften the blow by acting friendly and casual, but it seemed like it didn't work.

All he could say was, "Sorry."

It took a while for Elsie to slowly calm down, but eventually she had calmed down enough to wipe her tears and say, "It's just good that you're still alive." Then she turned to Yami and said, "Now we can take down that demon king together."

Kai once again revealed an awkward look as he said, "While I would like to do that, that's not the situation now. We live in peace in this world and I can't really do anything to my saviour's wife."

Elsie looked at Kai with a confused look as she muttered, "Saviour?" But then she realized something different about his tone and asked, "Kai, are you saying that you're not coming back with me?"

Kai hesitated a bit before giving a nod and saying, "That's right. The world over there is at peace and it doesn't need me anymore. Not to mention, I have my own reasons for staying in this world."

As soon as his voice dropped, there was a voice that rang out, "Dear, what's wrong? You suddenly took off with Lin Fan earlier."

"Dear?!" Elsie said with a shocked look.

Kai gave a nod and said, "Yes, that's my wife."