Seventh Meal - Gratin (5)

Over the next period of time, Lin Fan helped the two of them adjust to this world.

They both knew that this wasn't the world that they had grown up in and this wasn't a place where they could go wild without knowing anything.

So they lived with Lin Fan and slowly adjusted to this new world.

It was during this time that Yami and Lin Fan also slowly fell in love with each other, which made Kai feel like a third wheel.

Hearing this, Elsie couldn't help giving a sigh.

He could recognize other people falling in love, but he couldn't recognize someone being in love with him?

Just how dense was he?

Kai revealed a bit of confusion on his face when he heard this sigh, but his wife patted his hand with an understanding look before telling him to continue the story.

As they adjusted to this world, Yami completely lost the desire to take over the human lands. That was because in the first place, there weren't any demons in this world, so she had no reason to do so.

As they lived together for some time, Kai slowly learned more and more about the demons.

He realized that the war between their races was no one's fault and it was just a matter of survival.

Before he had been born, the demons were the weaker race and had been pushed back by the humans. They were pushed to the worst possible lands by the humans, but the demons still endured.

That was until the humans even wanted that land and were about to completely push the demons out of the world. They even wanted to capture the demons and turn them into their slaves.

So with the birth of the demon king, she rallied the demons and trained them up until they were able to attack the humans. The humans had gone soft from being the dominant race for a long time, so they were easily overwhelmed by the well trained demons.

In the end, it was just a matter of survival of the fittest.

There was also a period of time where Kai started questioning his own role as a hero.

But of course, on Earth, there were many animes and mangas that had already considered all of this.

So after reading them, Kai realized that there was no one to blame for this and there was no reason for him to blame Yami either. It was just something that they couldn't stop and they had both been tools used by their respective races.

So instead of holding onto those grudges, it was better to live a new life on Earth.

As time passed, Kai knew that he couldn't keep imposing on Lin Fan now that Yami and Lin Fan had started dating. So with the bit of money that he had saved up from working part time jobs, he was able to get a loan and start a bakery.

As for the legal documents required for that, it was quite the easy problem to fix with magic.

After they came to this world, neither Kai or Yami had lost their magic, so they were able to do many things that the humans of this world couldn't do.

His dream to become a baker came from his childhood where his family had run a bakery together. It was what he thought that he would become and a way to return to a simpler time.

As time passed, his bakery became popular and famous as the bakery that provided the bread for Lin Fan's restaurant. At the same time, the governments of the world discovered his connection to Lin Fan, and more importantly, to Yami…

There were many times where they had pestered him for help with their magic studies, but he had turned them all down.

He just wanted to be a simple baker.

Once Kai had finished with his story, Elsie who had been silent the whole time couldn't help looking at him with a complicated look.

It seemed that he was finally at peace here, something that he couldn't accomplish when they were back in their world.

For her to force him back to their world like this after he had accomplished his dreams would be too cruel.

But it wasn't as if she could just give up on him like this!

Then she couldn't help asking, "How did the two of you meet?"

It was Kai's wife's turn to tell the story…because Kai was too shy.

Elsie didn't know this, but Kai was actually quite a shy person when it came to lovey dovey stuff. That was made even worse with how dense he was…

Kai's wife's name was Elena, she was a beautiful blonde haired young woman with a fine figure…The only flaw would be that her chest was a bit flat…

It was clear what kind of preferences Kai had.

After meeting her, Elsie couldn't help looking down at her own figure and feeling a bit better. At least she knew that it wasn't because of her appearance that made him unable to accept her.

As a half elf, she had a more childish appearance. She really couldn't live with herself if it was her appearance that drove him away…

As for how Elena and Kai met, it was a fairly normal story.

Kai was a random handsome young man back when he was younger, so he attracted a lot of attention from girls that came to his store. A handsome young baker, that was something that people wrote romance novels about.

For Elena, it had been love at first sight.

But of course, with how dense Kai was, he had never accepted anyone's confessions because he didn't understand that they were confessions. And there were plenty of confessions for this handsome young baker back then.

Elena was among one of those that had confessed as well, but she was one of the few that hadn't given up.

There were also a few others that didn't give up, but they couldn't take how dense he was in the end. She was the only one that had persevered to the end and had won his heart.

It took several hundred confessions, several dozen dates, and finally she just had to kiss him out of nowhere to get him to look at her. This level of denseness could really win a world record.

But after making her way into his heart, he never let her go.

Kai was someone who always dreamed about starting a family one day. Because he had lost his family as a child, he valued family more than anyone would.

On the day that the two got married, he promised that he would love and cherish Elena more than anyone in the world. Of course, he had also kept that promise which was why they were so happily married.

Once the story was over, Elsie fell into a long silence again…

She didn't know what to say because this story just cut a deep hole in her heart. She had thought that this story would belong to her, but someone else had taken it away from her.

However, she couldn't even be mad because she could see that this woman had made the man she loved genuinely happy, which was all she wanted to see. But the fact that the woman that made him happy wasn't her completely crushed her spirits.

After this long period of silence, Elsie suddenly looked up at Kai who was surprised to see this.

Perhaps she might have given up after learning this, but there was something special about the world that they lived in.

In their world, polygamy was legal.

It was a medieval world, so it was hard to predict what would happen to you. To preserve the family line, it was better to leave behind as many children as possible.

One spouse would make it hard for this to happen, so there were people that were allowed to find many spouses. Of course, that was on the premise that they would be able to provide for more than one spouse.

Obviously no one would want to get married and have children with someone that wasn't capable of providing for them.

There were also women who took advantage of this to have more than one spouse, which went against the fundamental principle that it was established for. But these women were women that had plenty of money and power, so they could distort these laws.

So for Elsie, it wasn't a problem for her to become Kai's second wife!

After all, she made plenty of money and she had plenty of influence as a sage, so it didn't matter what others thought. As long as she was happy, she could make everyone accept her as Kai's second wife.

But the most important thing was that she didn't want to lose him again after finding him.

While she was unhappy that Kai already had a wife and she didn't really want to share him with another woman, she knew that if she didn't do this, there was no chance for her.

She would rather share him than to not have him at all!

So she said, "I will be your second wife!"

But this wasn't what Kai or Elena wanted.

Elena was from Earth, so monogamy was the norm here. She had been completely caught off guard by Elsie's sudden outburst before looking at Kai with a confused and somewhat angry look.

Kai was also caught off guard by this.

He could guess what Elsie was thinking since he knew that polygamy was legal in his old world. However, he had also stayed on Earth for a long time and had gotten used to monogamy being the norm.

Not to mention that he didn't want to have a wife other than Elena in the first place.

He had already promised that he would love and care for her for the rest of their life, so he wasn't about to break that promise.

Kai decisively shook his head and said, "No."

It was just one simple word, but it was incomparably firm.

Elsie started tearing up again as she looked up at him and said, "Do you really not want me that badly? Am I really that bad?"

Kai couldn't help revealing an awkward look when he heard this.

This was his childhood friend and the girl that he had been closest to before coming to Earth. It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel anything towards her. Of course, that didn't mean that he was in love with her.

He just didn't want to hurt her.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Elsie raised her staff and started gathering her mana again as she said, "I don't care what it takes, but you are marrying me."

Kai also slowly raised his hand to pull out his sword as he raised his other hand to protect Elena.

But before they could do anything, there was a plate that was suddenly put down on the table that made both of them jump in shock.

Elsie looked at Yami and her hand holding the staff immediately froze. Yami had a look like she would kill her at any moment and she still remembered what she did before Kai arrived.

There was still that instinctual fear that she felt towards this demon king.

Yami said in a cold voice, "Settle down."

Both of them nodded and lowered their weapons.