Eighth Meal - Buddha Jumps Over the Wall (4)

The senior brother and the junior sister were still confused by their strange behaviour, but their attention was quickly drawn by something else.

When Anna came over, there was a smell that hit them right in the face and pulled their minds back.

They couldn't help looking at the tray that was in her hand.

There was an earthen clay pot that was only releasing a single line of smoke from the hole in the lid, but just that little hole was enough to release the scent stored inside. This was a strong fish smell, but it wasn't a bad smell. Rather it had a full and rich smell that only came from a flavourful fish soup stock.

Before they even tasted it, they could tell that it was a delicious soup.

Even the people on the side couldn't help taking a few more sniffs as it passed by them.

However, most of them also quickly turned back to their own dishes and tried to look away from this pot as much as possible.

It almost seemed strange how hard they were trying to avoid it…

But the senior brother and junior sister didn't notice this at all as their attention was completely attracted by the pot in Anna's hands.

When she arrived, she first put the two bowls of rice and chopsticks that she had as well down in front of them.

When these bowls of rice were put down, they couldn't help taking a sniff of this rice.

This rice was completely different from the rice that they normally ate.

The rice that they ate back in the sect was much harder and coarser than this rice. This rice had a very fluffy and soft look to it, as well as a rich smell that they didn't get from their own rice.

Just one glance was enough to tell them that this was high quality rice. Not to mention that it was clearly prepared in an exceptional manner.

After putting down the two bowls of rice, Anna took the pot that she was still holding and placed it down in between the two of them. Then slowly, she removed the lid of this pot and allowed the fragrance of the soup inside to hit them head on.

This was a powerful smell, one that was full and rich just like a soup that was made of many different ingredients. Of course, this soup was one of those kinds of soup.

When they looked down at the soup, they could see all the various ingredients that were inside the pot.

There were some that they could recognize like the abalones, the pieces of meat, the scallops, the dried mushrooms, and such. However, there were also things that they couldn't recognize in the soup.

There was this one stringy thing that was floating in the center of the soup that they couldn't recognize at all.

It didn't even seem like it was something edible as far as they could tell, it almost seemed like pieces of string that had been left floating in the soup. But when they looked closer, they found that this thing had a completely different texture than what they had expected it to have.

It was indeed the meat of some kind of animal, but they couldn't tell just what kind of animal it was.

However, just based on the fragrance of the soup, they could tell that whatever this was must be delicious and they couldn't wait to try it.

Along with all of this, Anna had also brought two smaller empty bowls and two spoons for them since they were sharing this one pot of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

They patiently waited for her to set up everything since as cultivators, they didn't want to do anything that they considered shameful. However, the moment that she finished and turned to leave, they immediately shed this patient appearance.

Both of them picked up their bowls and went forward to fill it up with the ladle that had been provided.

There was only one ladle though and the moment that they both reached for it, their hands awkwardly bumped into each other.

They looked up at each other and revealed awkward smiles as they realized what had just happened. Then the junior sister took the bowl from the senior brother's hand and helped him fill a bowl first.

It was clear by the way that they acted with each other that they had a good relationship between the two of them.

It was almost as if they were already like husband and wife…

This small casual display of affection sprayed dog food into the mouth of all the lonely dogs that were secretly peeping at the two of them.

It really hit them right in the heart the fact that they were still alone.

The senior brother didn't eat right away and waited for his junior sister to fill up her bowl first. Then once they were both done, they lifted the bowl at the same time and had their first bites of this Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.

Both of them had chosen to have a taste of that stringy piece of meat that they didn't recognize first.

The moment that they bit into that piece of meat, they were surprised to find that it melted in their mouths. However, this wasn't just a simple melting of the meat, but rather it was a wave of flavour that spread all over their tongues.

This meat was soaked in the soup, so as it melted, the soup that it had absorbed melted along with the meat itself.

This was a full and rich taste that immediately hit them in the taste buds. This was a taste that they had never experienced before, it completely knocked all of the other foods that they had tasted before out of their minds as they could only think of this piece of meat.

The meat itself was soft and chewy, but it was a bit bland in the end.

But that wasn't a problem since it had absorbed the intense taste of the soup. This soup was the concentrated flavour of all the rich tasting ingredients that had been added into the soup, so it was much stronger than any soup that they had tasted before.

It was even almost too strong for their taste buds to handle, but the meat helped with this.

The bland taste of the meat mixed with the soup and it created a perfect harmony where it dulled the taste enough that it was just right for the perfect impact.

It was almost so strong that they had chewed down on the soup itself, almost as if they were eating a steak.

Then as they chewed, they couldn't help swallowing since the flavour was just too strong for them to hold it in their mouths any longer.

They continued picking out the different ingredients in the soup and each time, it was another burst of flavour. All of the ingredients had been boiling in the soup enough that it had soaked in the intense flavour of the soup, but each time, the ingredients used their own flavour to dull the intense flavour of the soup enough to give it just the right punch.

At the same time, each of the ingredients added their own special unique flavour to this soup that gave them a different taste with each bite that they took.

The abalone gave it a nice saltiness and a nice buttery taste that made the soup even smoother.

The dried mushrooms gave it a strong umami taste that made the soup even richer.

Each ingredient added their own specialty to the soup, making it even more delicious.

But the real star of the meal came after they had finished off all the ingredients.

After all the ingredients were finished and there was only the soup left, they realized that they hadn't touched their rice at all.

With a sudden hint of inspiration, the senior brother scooped out a bowl of soup that he poured right into his bowl of rice.

The junior sister was surprised by her senior brother, but she curiously waited to see what his reaction was.

When the senior brother had that first sip of the soup and rice, he revealed a completely stunned look on his face. That look quickly changed several times before it finally settled on a look of absolute joy.

The junior sister couldn't understand why he looked like this, but she also couldn't hold back her curiosity anymore. She did the exact same thing as the senior brother and soon she had the same look on her face.


That was the only way to describe this.

The soup mixed perfectly with the fluffy and soft rice. The two came together to create a mellow taste as the rice dulled out the soup, but drinking it with the rice gave it a very smooth taste.

This was completely different from just eating the soup.

The addition of the rice gave a base to the intense taste of the soup, creating a perfect harmony of flavour.

They couldn't stop themselves as they shoveled that rice and soup into their mouth, only stopping to take breaths in between.

It only took five minutes from beginning to end for them to finish off the entire pot of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall and during this, they had asked for rice twice for the rest of the soup.

They had rushed Anna to get them this rice as quickly as possible just so they wouldn't have to stop in between bowls.

When they were finished, both of them revealed satisfied looks on their faces.

The pot itself was quite big and they both had eaten three bowls of rice, so it was more than enough to fill them up.

As they sat there with satisfied looks on their faces, everyone around them couldn't help looking at them with strange looks as if they were waiting for something…

It was the senior brother who reacted first.

He didn't know what this feeling was at first, but when he looked down, he found that…there was a slight tent that had been pitched in his lower half.

The shock that he felt wasn't just the shock of suddenly pitching a tent…

The shock that he felt was the shock of suddenly pitching a tent after not being able to do so for so long!

This senior brother actually had a very embarrassing secret…which was that he found it hard to get intimate because his thing…didn't work properly.

It never stood up whenever he needed it to…

But now, it was standing loud and proud.

The junior sister was confused by the shocked look on the senior brother's face, but when she looked down at his lower half, she also revealed a shocked look.

She already knew about this since it had been a problem in their relationship.

They had always wanted to take it a step further, but it was hard when he couldn't get hard…

So why did he suddenly get hard like this?

No, that wasn't the important thing…the important thing was to get back and take care of it as quickly as possible before it faded away!

So without hesitation, the junior sister called for Anna to settle the bill.

Anna wasn't surprised by this at all since she knew that they had just finished the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall. This was what normally happened after people finished this dish.

As soon as she settled the bill, the junior sister pulled the senior brother away and they headed back through the door to reappear in the bamboo forest.

What she didn't notice was that her body was also much warmer than usual.

After they left, everyone couldn't help looking at the door with strange smiles on their faces.

The Buddha Jumps Over the Wall was indeed very delicious, but anyone that ate it would always suffer from a certain condition.

The dish was made from abalones, scallops, and other ingredients that were known for increasing…libido!

So whoever ate this would always feel a slight aphrodisiac effect and they would find it hard to control themselves. So anyone that ate this dish would always run off and head back to their own world to find a way to deal with it.

They couldn't help laughing at the two lovers who had suddenly suffered this fate.

There were many lonely dogs that even thought that they deserved it.

It was just too bad for these lonely dogs that this couple came back again the next day and ordered the same dish.

They even looked closer than before…