Ninth Meal - Okonomiyaki (Part 3)

Seimei opened his mouth wide and bit into the fluffy and steaming okonomiyaki.

When it entered his mouth, the strong taste of the sauce and mayonnaise filled his mouth.

Then it was quickly followed by the taste of the meat and the taste of the batter mixed together.

This was a pork meat okonomiyaki, so there was the slight smoky taste of the meat that helped enhance the richness of the entire bite. It mixed with the umami of the pork meat and created a rich taste that could only come from well aged meat.

It wasn't a strong taste though, it was a subtle taste that mixed with the batter of the okonomiyaki to give a balanced umami taste that delighted the taste bud.

Then there was the feeling of the bonito flakes that came with each bite.

It was a very unique texture, just like soft paper, but it also had a chew to it that released the umami taste of the dried fish. This mixed along with the batter and the meat in the okonomiyaki created an even stronger taste that was like a punch.

Then there was the batter that came with this bite.

The batter itself didn't have much of a taste, but rather it provided a base that helped the taste of the other ingredients fuse together. At the same time, the crunchy base of the batter created a nice texture that felt very satisfying to chew.

All in all, this created a perfect harmony of land and sea, as it fused the taste of the bonito flakes and the pork together to create a perfect bite.

After chewing it a few times, he couldn't help swallowing it right away.

The two of them continued feeding each other bites of the steaming hot okonomiyaki until it was completely gone.

Then the two of them turned their attention to the one that had gone cold that was sitting there.

Neither of them made a move to dispose of it, rather they brought it in front of them with sparkling eyes as if they were about to eat it.

Both of them took a bite of this cold okonomiyaki and revealed delighted looks when they bit into it.

That was because even though this okonomiyaki had gone cold, it was still delicious. It was a different kind of taste compared to the steaming hot okonomiyaki, but it wasn't any less delicious.

That was because after it had cooled down, the sauce had completely penetrated deep into the batter, giving it an even richer taste.

With the sauce soaking all of the okonomiyaki, it was a taste that was much richer than when the sauce was still steaming hot and only drizzled on it.

If the bite before was a jab, this was a full out knockout uppercut punch.

This taste was several times stronger than before and brought out the full power of the worcestershire okonomiyaki sauce. It mixed the umami of the bonito flakes that had melted into the sauce and the pork that was drizzled in it, creating a powerful umami punch.

Both of them had looks of delight as they ate this okonomiyaki and instead of the harmony from before, both of them fought over this one.

The reason why they had been so generous and kept offering the other person bites of the steaming hot one was…because they had wanted to keep this cold okonomiyaki for themselves.

But since that plan didn't work, the only thing that they could do was use force to take as much of the okonomiyaki for themselves as possible.

There was a clash of chopsticks that appeared over the okonomiyaki, but of course there weren't any hands holding them.

Since they were onmyojis, they naturally fought with the method used by onmyojis.

They controlled the chopsticks like shikigamis and used their magic to clash with one another.

It was evenly matched at first, but Seimei was quickly able to find an opening in Doman's defenses and broke through with his chopsticks. But before he could take a bite of the cold okonomiyaki, Doman used her ultimate technique.

Pouty lips!

She pouted her lips and revealed an aggrieved look as she said, "You're just bullying me!"

When this happened, Seimei had no choice but to…give up.

When it came to her cute appearance, he had no defenses at all and he would be slaughtered in one move. He just couldn't say no when it came to her cute appearance, so he had no choice but to relinquish the okonomiyaki to her.

But of course, Doman didn't keep it all for herself since she did want to share it with him still.

Even if she wanted the larger portion, she still wanted to feed him from time to time.

So she used her chopsticks to feed him bites between her bites.

Though she did take two bites for each bite that Seimei received…

The two of them like this…was just too dazzling for the lonely dogs around them. They couldn't take being fed dog food like this and they started cursing the two of them, but they were lost in their own world, so they didn't hear any of it.

In fact, as powerful onmyojis, they naturally had protections against curses from other people.

So what these people that cursed them didn't know was that their curse had been rebounded and had been applied to themselves. All they had done was cursed themselves to be single even longer for cursing the two of them to break up.

When they finally finished the last bite of the okonomiyaki, they settled down and no longer fought like before.

Instead, they cut that last bite perfectly in half and fed it to each other.

This created a dazzling glow of public affection that caused all the people around them to shield their eyes. The ones that had already been prepared took out sunglasses and used them to protect themselves.

After all, the people that ate at this restaurant all knew…that delicious food was the best way for couples to show off, so this restaurant was quite dangerous for these lonely dogs. Even the owners…were guilty of blinding quite a few lonely dogs.

The two of them both closed their eyes and savoured this last bite of the okonomiyaki.

This was the last bite that had been drenched in the sauce, so it was actually the most flavourful bite as well.

It showed just how deep their relationship was that they were able to share this evenly with each other.

The two of them sat there in silence for over a minute before finally giving sighs of satisfaction and leaning back in their chairs. The two of them just sat there in silence for a few minutes before finally sitting back up.

When they sat back up, they had serious expressions on their faces once again.

These two were the heads of their families, families that were at the peak of their respective countries. So there was a certain expectation of how they should act normally and they had to follow that expectation.

It was only the short period of time that they spent in this restaurant for lunch that they were able to relax and not have to act as family heads.

But now that their meal was over, it was time for them to return to the people that they were.

Seimei narrowed his eyes to look at Doman and said, "How long will it take you to deal with those fakes?"

Doman knitted her brows for a few seconds before suddenly relaxing them and saying, "It'll take at least a week before we can handle them."

Seimei gave a sigh before asking, "Will this affect our plans?"

Doman hesitated a bit before shaking her head, "They haven't used any of the major techniques of the Kinoko Family, so it shouldn't create that big of a splash. At most, it'll cause a few people to pay more attention to us, but we've already hidden everything well enough that they won't find anything."

Seimei gave a nod before saying, "I've already informed the Land of Mountains about this, so they will start moving as well."

Doman raised a brow before asking, "Is that really a smart move?"

Seimei shook his head and said, "There's no other choice. People that can steal your family's techniques like this can only come from overseas. We need their help to investigate this."

Doman hesitated a bit before giving another nod.

Once they finished discussing this, both of them fell silent as they just sat there.

After a long while, Doman finally came forward and threw herself into Seimei's arms. She put her head against his chest as she said in a soft voice that was completely different from the cold and serious voice from earlier, "Are you sure that this will work? We've already planned this for so long and we haven't achieved anything that we were planning."

Seimei slightly knitted his brows, but he also reached out his hand to pat her on the head as he said, "It has to work, or else…"

He didn't finish his words, but Doman understood what he was implying.

The two of them just sat there in silence like that for a few minutes before finally separating.

After giving a cough to calm themselves down, they nodded at each other and headed out the door one at a time.

After all, they were going to different locations, so they had to go separately.

Doman was heading back to the door that the Kiniko Family guarded.

After Doman left, Seimei revealed a serious look that also had a strong look of determination.

If he wanted to do this, he would need to work hard or else they would all suffer…

After all, what they were planning was a coup d'etat of their countries.

That was right, these two had been secretly planning a coup d'etat of their respective countries just for their love. To allow themselves to be together in public, they didn't hesitate to betray the countries that their families had been serving for generations and were planning to take them all down.

They were planning on bringing down the emperors of both the Land of Sea and the Land of Ocean, replacing them with their united families and ruling over the land together. Only then would they be able to make everyone accept their relationship.

It was hard to imagine that they were planning such a terrifying thing just for their love.

But that was the decision that they had reached.

After giving a sigh, Seimei said to himself, "I need to work harder…"

Then without hesitation, he walked through the door in front of him and returned to his world.