Twelfth Meal - Peaches of Immortality (5)

They had expected a clash between the two tastes since these two flavours were flavours that they never thought to put together.

However, they found that it was a combination that was surprisingly good.

The crisp flavour of the radish helped mellow out the mild sweet taste of the peach even more, but it also added a new element to this sweet flavour.

It was no longer just a mild sweetness, but rather a refreshing mild sweetness that was like eating watermelon, but it had the taste of peach to it.

Then after the sweetness faded, there was a bit of a bitter taste at the end of it that came from the radish paste.

It was almost like how matcha tasted, sweet at first and leaving a bitter aftertaste.

It was a strange combination for sure, but it helped accentuate the sweetness and that bitter aftertaste left them wanting more.