Sixteenth Meal - Nikujaga (2)

The young man couldn't help being shocked when he saw this since this scene looked just like the world that he had come from.

But he still turned back and asked, "Um, isn't this supposed to send me back to the world that I came from?"

Yami had been watching the entire time, so she had also seen where the door had sent him. She couldn't help looking out the window to compare to the scene outside and she found that it was the exact same.

She went over to the door and closed it before asking the young man to open it again.

However, even then, the same thing happened.

Yami ignored the young man's questioning gaze and she pulled out the same panel from before.

However, when she saw it this time, she couldn't help being shocked.

That was because the panel now showed which world this young man was from.

This young man was…from this world and a world that seemed to be a fantasy magic world.