Jacob concentrated and passively absorbed the spiritual energy around him instead of diving further. The level he arrived at that moment had enough spiritual energy for him to raise his power to even greater heights in just a few days.
However, he wouldn't be able to spend too much time cultivating there. July 15 was right around the corner, and Leticia was still in the Empyrean Sect. Calvin would have done something to her by then.
So, after resting for a while, he dove deeper and deeper. Logically, the surrounding should have become darker as well, but it was oddly brighter the further he went.
Suddenly, a shadowy figure approached him. He furrowed his eyebrows. How can something survive on such a deep level?
When the shadowy figure got close enough to him, he realized it was a turtle. It was the first time he met a turtle with a meter-long shell.