Chapter 1056 ()

Kairo heard what Hunter was rambling about, and he grumbled disdainfully, "Dad, when did you start respecting quacks so much? It's so obvious that the guy is a scammer."


"Scammer?" Alexis was livid, and he delivered Kairo a tight slap across the face.


Kairo zipped his mouth when he realized how angry his father was.


After regaining his composure, Alexis said to Kairo, "Summon all the executives. This could be a huge opportunity for the Zaremski family…"


Kairo didn't know what was about, but he obediently gathered all the executives of the Zaremski family.


Hunter didn't leave Norwalk upon departing from the Zaremski residence. Instead, he went straight to the west side of Norwalk city. "Who would've known that I would come across a ten-thousand-year herb? This is a rare chance!"