Chapter 1302 ()

True enough, the arrow was no longer exuding the strong wave of aura.


However, right when Jacob was about to grab the arrow, it started to vibrate even more violently all of a sudden. A second after that, it flew out of the skull and flew away.


The skeleton crumbled to the ground right after the arrow dislodged itself.


"You're not getting away!" Jacob ignored the crumbling skeleton and went after the arrow.


Like a ray of light, the arrow flew toward one of the highest peaks in the area, and Jacob just kept chasing after it. When the arrow arrived at the peak, it suddenly lost its speed. Therefore, Jacob quickly grabbed it.


The arrow was so cold that Jacob almost let go of it as soon as he caught it. It's crystal clear and cold. It's as if the arrow is made of ice! "It seems like there's nothing special about this arrow." Apart from the icy touch, Jacob didn't find anything special about it.