The waitress came over "good morning misses" she greeted politely " your orders please" she ask

" yeah my friend and I would have tofu and green tea" Sonia ordered with a smile " hmm I will be right back " she smiles again and left few minutes she came back with the meal we ordered she drops the tray of food " here you go misses, enjoy your meal " she smile slightly and left " thanks " I said with a smile

" nigger let digg in " she said picking her chopsticks to eat but I didn't respond " shall we nigger" she said again but no response ,

" shall we miss Kelly "

" finally that more like it stop callings me names" I said

" eat before it get cold grumpy head " she called again and I snapped

" what wrong with you stop calling me names miss poker face " I said without realizing I just yelled

" oh you just called me names miss poker face how dare you nigger " she yelled back attracting the attention of everyone including the chefs " we shall have you both thrown out if you don't maintain orderlyness" an old waiter said

oh god I was embrass but Sonia she look infact uneffected I cast a deadly glance at her but she smirk in return I was still debating on whether I should eat or not I couldn't trust this pooker face girl

I kept looking at the food I got distracted by a young male voice but I didn't raise my head " why aren't you misses eating?"he ask and I was still focus on my meal I only realise the boy was close when I felt Sonia foot against mine and she gave me the look of ' just look at him i think am falling in love"

okay I raised my head and I could swear he was handsome with his light blue eyes balls with his thin lips and a short straight hair we wore the same uniform but he has barges on his like 3_4 I didn't actually coun t correctly because he suddenly ask " can I have a seat ?" he ask like a gentleman

" sure " Sonia said within a blink of an eye

like seriously not that I mind him seating but Sonia was too much and he sat close too me what' a bunch of inconvenience he look at me and a said " hi my name his hanoka and your ? he ask but I totally ignore him "my name is Sonia obviously my bestie is Kelly" Sonia smile firtly at him

why is this girl so cheap "am hungry" I announced even though it was necessary

" oh girl your such a grumpy head "

I could only roll my eyes at her " okay girls let digg in " hanoka said while picking his chopsticks to eat

I took a deep breath even though it has good aroma I was a little bit not sure I would like the food

I took a full spoon in my mouth at first it was so how surprising I smile I took the gree tea to help me digest and boom I felt the strong taste and pain in the deepest part of my stomach I knew what would come next oh no I tired covering my mouth but it was fruitless the next thing I vomited wetting my clothes and the table, hanoka help me out to the bathroom while Sonia follow behind " easy easy " he patted my back repeatedly I couldn't help but vomited more like a lunatic when I was done he help me wash my face with water he sat me down and ask me too wash up since my clothes were ruin and he was going to get me a new set of pant and a t shirt

I quick wash up before he came and handed Sonia the clothes to give me in the bathroom the t shirt was times ten bigger than me while the pant has elastic and it was a light blue pant I wore it and he offered to help me I wanted to rejected his offered but I was obviously too weak for any argument he walk me and Sonia back too our room and he said he was coming back.

soon he came back with udon_noodles this noodles are thick unlike the instant noodles it chewy and traditional made from wheat flour and brine water , he also got me pookey this are brand chocolate covered biscuits snacks.

I laid on my bed he did chat with Sonia and I wasn't surprised because Sonia had a crush on him hanoka tired to engage me in a conversation with him but I was too tired too speak and he understood after about 20 minutes he ask for Sonia number and she quickly dialed her number on his phone and told him to chat her on wathapp he ask for mine but I refuse

" I don't give my number too strangers" I said and turn side ways " don't mind her she always grumpy" Sonia said trying to smooth him I don't understand " okay I would take my leave " he said walking away " do call me " Sonia said " sure thing" he said and finally left.

immediately he left I took a deep breath without realizing I was holding my breath I was dead hungry I walk close too the items he bought he was indeed a gentleman what was wrong with me I didn't even appreciate him . I was still felling guilty but I was hungry even though I had no appetite I pick up the bars of chocolate the taste was indescribable the taste was heaven I ate that gantic pack and was aiming for the other when Sonia scolded me " do you want to die seriously this a gantic pack of chocolate for crying out loud do you wanna to die of running stomach " she sight and took out the pack of noodles

" you must eat this you eat instant noodles where you come from the only difference is that this noodles is kind of thick and satisfying come sit down you embrass me today at the cafe and now you are sick eat up " she urge

" no no I have no appetite I will vomited and you would have to clean the mess up " I said looking straight to her eyes making puppy crying baby eyes that was one trick I learn from my dog back home especially when I say no to him

" okay fine but at least have pancakes that the least I could do " she said " I would ask some one to get me some green tea" she said

" the one I had in the cafe it disgusting and I ended up disgracing myself" I said covering my eye

we heard a soft knock on the door " I would go get it " Sonia said and open the door just what I never expected hanoka was here again but this time he held a beautiful bottle with something like wine inside he drop the bottle close too my bed " here I brought you a vine juice it will help boost your strength and boost your appetite" he said and I didn't say a word not even a thanks you the truth was I cannot stand him after embarrassing myself he suddenly look down me and I avoided my gaze from his " I would take my leave and sorry I came this late" he said

" no no you are always welcome you are a friend so we are okay" Sonia said he was about to leave when Sonia jump at him for hug he didn't return her hug I could only scoff and muttered. cheap within my breath " do visit sometime " Sonia said " sure thing" he pull out of the hug and left immediately she turned away from the door and touch her lips " you are so cheap you made the poor guy uncomfortable" I said sitting upright " what? am not cheap I cannot stop falling In love with him I wish I was you " she said

" what the heck what connection do I have with your Mr cute " I ask

" girl come on he likes you "

"stop your nonsenses do not mistake someone kindness for love "

" he really do love you do you know who's dress your wearing ?"she ask with a smirk but I didn't reply " if you think it mine you are mistaking it belongs to hanoka" she said

"holy freak"

" you didn't treat him well his a senior and deserve respect and trust me he can make our lives a living hell in this school" she advised

" whatever" I said trying relieve my guilty conscience

" good night nigger "

" good night pooker face " I said and we both burst out laughing.