Smacking his butt

after been done with work it already 39 minutes after 8 and it pretty late and the school cafe has already been closed for the day " Davis Sonia let go " I called

" " Kelly we miss dinner the cafeteria is locked we would have to starved am so hungry " Davis complain

" where is your debit card? "Sonia ask

" what do you need a debit card for ? " I question her " I ran out of cash and I need to get something to eat I won't stay here with you guys and starve to dealth "

" okay I am not with my card right now Davis do you have yours right now?"I ask

" I had little cash it about 10$ dollar I don't think it would be enough " she said

" just give me ten dollars his better than nothing " Sonia said " I am thinking we sneak out just for today before you guys freak out I have a sneaking spot we will just grab a few snacks and come back " she said

" wait have you been sneaking out ?"I question

" not really actually I just found it " she said

" are you 100% sure we won't get caught?" Davis ask " stop with all your questions I wasn't born a saint and If you guy wants to starve to dealth then stay behind and trust me I won't get anything for you " she said walking away

" why do I think this a bad ideas " I warned

" if we get caught we will defend ourselves and if we aren't convincible we get kicked out of the school " Davis said and walk after Sonia "I cannot die of hunger they gave us tasks and didn't keep dinner for us wait for me what a bunch of stupid friends I have " I said and walk behind them we successful sneak out.

we entered a small restaurant and order hot soup since the night was cold we ate still our heart content we began returning back while chatting we got to the school fence and jump in when we saw some gang of boys . they were actually the hot guys girls are drooling about rumors heard it that Eden the group leader parents were rich and one of the school sponsorer while MiO he was actually cute too parents are also rich and the school sponsorer, Jim he was also cute and rumors heard it that he was mummy boy and he was a spoiled brat who has no manner and drive almost all the latest cars while Hanzo he was the most cutest has the body of a Greek god even though he on his shirt you could imagine how good his abs were his hair style was worthy killing a sick chicken rumors heard it he did his face surgery every six months no wounderd he looks so cute his blue eyes his long nose and his milky skin .but he look collect and calm cold and his eyes search for dominant in every thing he did I harte to agree but I kind of cruch on him but hated him a little, after I saw how badly he treated the poor girl who confess her love for him he smirk at the poor girl while she cried in rejection he treated her so badly that I wish I could slap him hard across the face, he was so full of himself his dad was a politician and a shareholders of crypto and other investment while his mom was a famous model but she retired few months ago and his elder sister she now taking the lead of her mother in the industry. obviously no one would dare go against him and his group

I glance at Sonia and then Davis this boys were actually smoking.

Hanzo drew his cigarette and light up a new stick of cigarette and walk up too us

" and who are this newbies aren't you guys a little too brave?" he ask blowing cigarette at Davis Nostril and she cough " we were k task and skip dinner we were hungry we decided to..." she was cut short by his angry voice " shut the fuck off and you stammering goat " he insulted Davis and his stupid friends laugh like a lunatic

" no no we were just hungry" I said

" and who ask you too speak black grumpy nose and noisy Head" he said again and his friend laugh and I snapped " and what are you doing smoking violating the school rules what a spoiled brat " he yell at him and his friend look at him and he look furious " how dare you talk back at me do you guys have any ideas the dangers you are in " he yelled and I could fell the temperature getting heavier and I glance back at Sonia and Davis telling them too run.

Hanzo drew close too my face and I could fell my heart raising he blow his cigarette in my face and I cought

I wasn't going without smacking his butt I turn around and smash his butt so hard and we ran off I wasn't a faster runner so I guess he didn't ran after us cause if he did he would have catch up with us.

we ran too her room while panicking heavily " that was close" I said " yeah that was close but Kelly are you out of your mind why did you smash him hard on the butt ? " Davis ask " because he smokes on our face " I defended

" Kelly you just ruin my moment we could just allowed them make their passes on us I wounder how Jim would taste he his so hot "

both me and Davis roll our eyes at her " Sonia I think you are sick in the head " I said and dump my tired body on the bed " trust me they would make our life a living hell in this school" Sonia yell but we were too sleepy that we didn't have time for nonsense.