Hanzon pov 2

I walk out still wondering what was going on maybe It was just my mind playing tricks with me since I met Kelly no matter how I tired too focused on myself It grew worst she had totally found her way to manipulation my mind I can't get her out of my mind

damm it what have you done too me Kelly

I sat behind the school bar when Jim and the other came up too me " hey man what up?"

" am good " I replied emptying the whole glass of champagne " we had Sofia come around she had crush on you since highschool" MiO said while pouring the champagne on his glass cup " cheers everyone"

" mio I don't think I wanna see her "


" don't tell me you are inlove because you are the one who would said there is no such thing as love it only dumb people who believe in things that do not exist":

" I...I ..."

" who is it "

" guys would you all just stop it, am not inlove with no body and I don't need love " I said pissed off

" I need to walk out a bit " I said walking out of the school hall and then I saw Kelly and her friends walking cheerfully out of the school

but what is she up too or Maybe my head just made up stories.

I was a bit restless I just felt unease maybe I had a fever I stood there still thinking about where they were up too when Sonia came back alone with a smirk on her face I followed her secretly not ontill she made a call " done they are waiting for you send my balance now " she said to the caller " done nice doing business with you " she said as she disconnected the call

then I realized Kelly and her friends might be in danger I suddenly pulled Sonia hands behind her and put my right arm roughly on her neck " where is Kelly?" I ask with raged in my voice she was so terrified that she started crying such a witch

" I don't know " she cired innocently and then I almost choked her too dealth

" I promise you right now if any thing happens to Kelly or her friend I would ripped off your head " I said in anger

" PL... please...y...you...are.....c... chocking m....me ....t....oo... death...." she cired while trying her best to free her self

I released the hard gripped on her neck as she cought " speak " my harsh voice range in her ears

"I .....she .... well they are ..."

" go straight to the point "

" well.....I ....left them behind the school garden I don't know where they might be taken too now " she said as she cired

the anger that I have been holding on me for a long time suddenly bust out I pull her arm in anger and switch it behind her back " I swear to God if anything happens to Kelly I would not only cut off your head but ripped out your tongue and eyes and burn your skin "

" pl.... please you are hurting me " she sob

I walk away from her because I could kill her but I wasn't gonna kill her for real not just yet

I pick up her phone as I took the caller number

" hello Jim I need you all to met me in the school library right now " I said not giving them any chance to speak I rushed upstairs and I got too the library Jim and the rest were there already

" I want to track this caller number location " I said hastily

after many attempt we got his location

I rush out while taking the driver seat while Jim and the others took the other seat

" mio don't loose him follow his every move ?"

" he stop at the dark allay in an abandoned farm " MiO spoke from behind

" then that where Kelly and her friends must be " Jim said

I drop speedy out of town the rain was pouring heavily but that wasn't gonna stop me

we finally arrived at this old abandoned farm It has been abandoned for almost 29 years now

I turn on my flashlight as we move slowly inside and then we met two men holding guns but they were asleep " we got this " MiO said and then we suddenly grab them and tied them up.

we walk in and suddenly I heard a faint sounds " now am gonna fuck you hard until you lost conciousness" he said while hitting her with the belt I suddenly pull down the door open and lunch a punch on him making him yell in pain " who the hell are you? " he ask but I didn't give him a chance to recover from the punch I was so intense on beating the day light out of him even though he had now lost conciousness

" that enough Hanzon you will kill him and Kelly has lost conciousness I don't know if she is still alive " Jim said

I pull that fool backward while he falls down like a death man

I rush up too Kelly she had indeed lost conciousness but she was still breathing but her clothes were ripped off her below her kneel I covered her up with my hoodie the dry blood on her lips and her face made my boiled in anger.

I quickly took her too the hospital while informing the department of security while MiO and Jim looks for Kelly Friend

I was in a panicked mode

I was so worried I stood behind the emergency room soon after the emergency room light show green and the door opened while the door came out of the room

I rush up too him

" doctor is she find ?" I ask him

" yes she out of danger but we have too keep a close eye on her for any eternal injury mean while she will be shit out of the emergency room and you can see her " he said politely

" okay doctor"

" don't make loud noise so she would rest well may I take my leave ?"

" sure, noted doctor" Hanzon said and smile

few minutes after a nurse came over an informed me that she was out of the emergency room