Episode 5

If you prepare a banquet for spirits do not be shocked when you find ghosts at the table.

Richard Offei

Abiola was alone in the dark, he was terrified of something; he knew not what.

The other guys had spent too much time in the shrine. He contemplated what was going on inside but his mind was to frail to imagine the gravity of the choice they had made. The words of his father came flooding into his mind once more "morally right ".

"Is this morally right?" he questioned himself.

Voices were ringing in his head "join them and you could have all you always wanted, money and luxury beyond your wildest imagination. Imagine if it works for Cyril, he would become a big man and what will become of you."

"don't join in their schemes, remember the words of your father and cling to it" another voice whispered.

After a long period of waiting he decided to join and see what was happening, he walked towards the doorway that led to the interior part of the shrine. There was no door in the doorway instead it had series of strings that had been put through countless beads of variant colours. They were tied to the top of the door frame and if one touched the strings the beads made strange clinking sounds that just intensifies the aura surrounding the place.

As he was about to enter into the shrine, Akpara Ekpe's assistant the man who had been holding the fiery torch appeared before him and demanded he stays where he was until the exercise was done.


"Akpara Ekpe is not such a scary man" Cyril thought.

He was short and he was not as muscular as his assistant. He had a long beard, his hands were feeble and it was as if his body was shaking the whole time even when he was standing straight.

What gave him the aura of mysticism were his eyes, they shone ferociously from the reflection of the light. And his gaze was stern and grim. He has definitely seen things worth 'unmentioning', things his eyes could not forget, and he blinked fewer than a normal person, it was as if while he was with them he could still see something far in the distance.

He didn't turn his head right or left when he spoke, but they all could feel his eyes; staring simultaneously at each one of them.

He looked straight into their eyes as he spoke and never for once did his eyes flicker.

He announced to them that he could help them turn their future for the better if they could do what it takes to complete the rituals.

"Great Akpara Ekpe we have considered our choices and if we turn back now, we will remain the way we are, so we will do anything" Nonso said.

Akpara Ekpe chanted once more and then he announced.

" my sons the gods are willing to do as you wish. I must tell you though, there are three steps to having abundance. First you must sow, then you will harvest and after the harvest comes time for reaping.

Sowing is hard, harvest is simple but very few understand that reaping what you have sown is excruciating"

They were confused and didn't understand what he meant, maybe they shouldn't have missed their English classes. After Akpara Ekpe was done with his proverbs he told them to leave and that each of them had a different tasks and when it was time for them to start on their tasks they will know.

"The great Oracle, I do not understand the things you've said" Cyril asked Akpara Ekpe.

Akpara Ekpe replied "in three days time you all will know what you need to do to become successful, until then go to your homes and rest"

Whiles Akpara Ekpe was talking to the group he heard Abiola arguing with the assistant. Akpara Ekpe gestured to his assistant and beckoned that Abiola be allowed inside.

When he came inside he saw Cyril and the others as they were sat on the ground. He moved towards them and the Oracle asked him.

" who are you and why do you intrude"

"He is my friend but he won't be joining us in our quest" Cyril replied.

" if you are not here for an encounter why then are you in here, why couldn't you wait outside"

"I was worried and wanted to know how my friend is faring" he replied.

Akpara Ekpe looked intently at Abiola and said in a mystical manner " if you want to know - know you shall, but you shall not be able to speak of what you have seen until that which needs to be done is done"

Immediately the Oracle was done speaking Abiola felt a weight upon his body, it was as if he was carrying an inexpressible mass.

He felt his body go numb and his bones feeble. He tried to shout but to no avail, no words came out; he couldn't speak.

Cyril was scared and begged that Abiola be made whole but Akpara Ekpe wouldn't listen.

"Until your tasks are completed your friend remains invalid and will be unable to speak of what he has heard or seen" he said.

Akpara Ekpe's assistant led them out to the door they had come through, he motioned to them not to speak of this encounter and perform what ever task they were to be given.

They thanked him and then they headed out for the shack.

As they faded in the darkness the assistant shouted in a loud thundering voice "your tasks will not be easy"