
Screams of perishing men eroded in the air and that was nothing more than satisfaction to the dark side. They laid decayed on the ground, not even their Bones were speared. Those who chose to protect their family were lucky enough to have survived but the only lived to tell the story.

She walked elegantly to the once beautiful orchard's gate and looked around the land" I'm not done with you yet and this day I mark, I'll return to destroy what's left of this heartlessness.

Now she had nowhere to go, she walked out of the boundaries of her village, no home, no family, utterly nothing at all. She fell to the ground in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees and to sound of loud crickets. She was cold and hungry, giving everything that had happened to her , she was thinking of food, she wished she had gotten there on time. In her tears she fell asleep.

" There's something there" a hunter spotted something that seemed to look like an animal, telling his brother " Look there". Gently and as quiet as possible they went to take a closer look " It's a child" Seth replied his brother" What is she doing here?". Leaning closer, the hunter Manuel placed his hand on the girl's head" She needs help, she's burning up" he said "I wonder how she got here? Come on , lets take her" Manuel said looking down at the poor girl.

Taking the girl, they walked out of the forest "Get a doctor and bring him home, tell him it's an emergency" Manuel sent his brother ahead of them as he carried the girl in his arms into their village.