
"Father" Manual called out as he walked into the office of the priest, " you asked to see me". " Yes of course, have a sit" he said, " Is your daughter aware of our plans Manual?", " No father, I don't think so".

" Ok, good. Well the church have agreed to perform the exorcism here at Vatican but we have one problem, that is how to get her here. We plan to carry it out at the soonest if possible, you may not know this but Lily is very dangerous. Her real name is Jenny Anderson, she used to live in Carvis with her parents and siblings. I'm sure you had of the terrible incident the also occurred in that village, the people who were burnt to death were Jenny's family and what followed after was her doing..." he continued " she ran away afterwards and that's when you found her... Anyways, Jenny is capable of a lot more that we still don't know but we're will to take our chances.".

Manual couldn't believe it, he was silent as though mute for quite a while. He thought of her innocent she was, how such a thing could have happened to her. He wanted to burst into tears, but trying to be brave. Then, he looked directly at Father Francis and said " I'll do everything in my power to save my daughter". Father Francis gazed at him gently and then nodded with a calm smile, " We don't know if this exorcism will be successful so we want to take caution by performing it underneath St. Vatican, so if in case things go wrong. Pray along with us as well and put your faith in the Almighty God... To get her here, you have to drug her while she's asleep, and when she's completely unconscious, tie both hands and legs. We'll be waiting outside for you... Hope you understand, keep your mind sealed at all cost. " Yes Father" Manuel replied. " Okay, then agreed...".