after a few times roy taught new..new fell in love with roy not because he was rich but he followed his heart.

" it seems you are already fast learner and don't need a tutor anymore." while roy touched win's hair

'ouh.. Khun Roy don't want to taught me after this ?" said win while pouting.

" just call me phi roy i've said it many times right." said Roy touch nose Win

" khrap phi roy ." said win

"It's not that I don't want to teach you, but you're a student fast learn right."said Roy

"urmm..let's go out eat together?" asked roy

win was very happy because finally roy asked her out for the first time.

" sure 😊" said win

Win went by Roy's car and stopped at a luxury restaurant is a sushi restaurant.they both got off and walked in accompanied by a waiter to their dining table.

"what do you want to eat?"asked roy

"I just follow what you order.."said win

while Roy was ordering food, win was thinking about whether roy already has a partner or not.

" nong ? what are you looking at? " said Roy

"nothing but that cat that passed was very cute."said win while scratching his head even though it doesn't itch.

"let's eat , the food is already served." said Roy

while they were eating there was a beautiful woman come to their table.

" hey ! " greet the woman

" eh hey bella ! what are you doing here." said Roy excited

"Does he need to be so excited? Did he forget I was here? Why should I be jealous, I have nothing to do with him." in win head while eating his food

"I was just passing by and suddenly saw you." said bella while watching win

" let me introducing my junior in my university his name is win." said roy

" win this my friend her name is bella."said Roy

they both shook hands and got to know each other.

"Is it okay if I sit here too?"said bella

"sure sit here."said Roy

roy and bella were chatting very close as if they forgot that win was there too.

" phi.." said win

they ignored him and roy didn't listen because he was too focused on chatting with bella.

" phi..I want to go to the toilet for a moment."said win

Roy nodded and Win went to the toilet .

" why does he make me feel like i not alive here!! and why did that girl come at this time too!!"said win to himself in the toilet.

at the dining table roy and bella are chatting .

" urm Roy ..we haven't seen each other for a long time..I think I love you when we are being a best friend .."said bella


* 4 years ago roy had feelings to bella but when he expressed his feelings to bella at that time bella had to move to london because her dad had some company problems.bella had a partner at that time and she also had an affair with her boyfriend but In the same time roy didn't know her true nature. she is money points he is willing to do anything for the sake of her happy life.. Roy have 4 best friend 3 boy and 1 girl is her. *

" bella that's an old story...forget it ok " said Roy careful

"look at my eyes ..i know you still love me like before." said bella while holding Roy's face.

"Bell..a.."Roy was quiet with Bella's strange behavior

Bella quickly pulled Roy's chin and kissed Roy's mouth.roy wanted to reject him but before this he had a crush on bella so he couldn't reject a kiss from someone he liked. bella silently put her tongue in roy's mouth and roy responded to bella's kiss.

after win had washed his hands he was ready to go to the table but suddenly he saw something that shouldn't be there .

" why do you have to do it here.."said win slowly

win was not ready to go to the table. bella saw win standing at the door and she aggressively kissed roy like the world is just them.after a few roy woke up and told bella that he wanted to go to the toilet because he wanted to look for win. he realized that win went to the toilet for a long time so he wanted to check win it's fine.

" win? why are you taking so long? are you ok?" asked roy

"I'm fine, I'll be out soon." said win hold his tear.

"Hurry up tae and chen will come here to eat with us." said Roy

" ouh phi tae and phi Chen will come here too?" asked win

" yes , then I'll go out first."said Roy

* tae and chen is Roy Best friend from primary school. * Noted

at the dining table very lively with the presence of tae and chen. they were also surprised bella returned from London. when win and Roy wants to go home.roy was already in the car when suddenly bella pulled the win hand and whispered

"nice to play with you kid, remember he's mine."said bella to win

roy called win to get into the car win surprised by the scream so he ran into the car.during the journey home it was very quiet and there was no conversation between them.

when they have arrived. win told roy to send him to deam's house his friend.

" thank you for today ." said win

"win..." called Roy

he was too sad he kept going out suddenly roy pulled his hand.

"why are you like this nong."asked roy

Roy felt Win's strange behavior from the restaurant earlier.

" because I LIKE YOU !! " answered win and he was surprised by what he said because he didn't to tell him



roy angrily got into the car and speed his car like a race.

new cried as hard as he could because he was disappointed and saddened with Roy.

deam saw them arguing ran to hug his friend win.

continue (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)