Lia always comes to office to take Ray's heart back but ray never treated with lia because he was cheated by lia before that lia didn't love him and instead took advantage of ray's advantage.

"get out of here lia what are you doing here ! " said ray

"I came with the cake we like to eat at that restaurant.. let's eat baby.."said Lia

"get out now before you get scolded with me or you will die here." said ray

"listen here ray! YOU ARE MINE ! ."

Lia leave angrily until she left while swearing at the staff outside.

"I miss you new, where have you been..I have sent my bodyguard to find you . you are very good at my dear..where you have gone. it is my father make you leave me alone." said ray alone while looking in the mirror in his room


ray phone rings .the phone screen shows sorn calling him. Ray picked up the phone.

"yes father?" said ray

"tonight is the ceremony that you need to attend. I already told Roy you two just need to come." said Sorn continued to hang up the phone without hearing a response from ray.

suddenly roy called his brother.

" phi Ray why Dad told us to go to the party tonight? " asked roy

"I don't know, we just follow what he wants. DON'T BE LATE ." said ray

" urm .. Roy are you still close with win?"asked ray

"...." roy

"Roy?"called ray

" I haven't seen him for a long time after Karn attack on our mansion that day." said Roy

"okay.. bye " said ray


"long time no see you ray..forgive me if I left you like that." sigh new disappointment


"Sorry if I'm bothering Khun New, this is from Mrs. Nacha's. this is Tuxedo that she ordered for tonight's ceremony." said new assistant

"put it there."said new

new came home and looked for his brother and mom.he saw them chatting while laughing, he was very happy to see his younger brother and mom together .

" auww phi why you stay at there ? come here join with us ." called Win

"come here new ." called nacha

new went to win and nacha.

""new did you get the tuxedo that mom ordered?"asked nicha

"Where do you want to go?"asked win

"Mom already said that tonight we are going to a ceremony at the Klaeyapakul mansion."said ray

" will there be a first family?" asked win again

"yes "said nicha

"I don't want to go." said win

"why?" asked nicha and new

" lazy..." said win

Actually win and roy's relationship is not good after win expressed his feelings to roy. Roy fell in love with Win but at the same time someone he once liked before came into his life.

"come on uncle sorn has planned everything ..don't disappoint him ." said new

"That's right." said nicha

"okay.."said win


many people come . They must be rich and famous people. karn was also present with haez.

Sorn went on stage to greet with all guests coming. Sorn introduced his son Ray and Roy up on stage. ray and roy with a handsome appearance that many women were attracted at that time. they went on stage and met all of his father's friends and guests.

Sorn's body guard comes to Sorn and whispers that a guest to be celebrated has already arrived.

" everyone's attention, I have something to say." said Sorn

Roy and Ray are confused with their father. Actually what is their father planning still they are looking but his father is very cunning and will not allow his secret to be revealed.

" phi saw the crazy boy come too." said roy pointing towards haez

"let him, let's listen to what father has to say." said ray

"I want to announce my sister is nicha or mistress klaeyapakul second family. today is the gathering of the first family and the second family in the klaeyapakul family ." said Sorn

"sister?" said ray and Roy at the same time. they are shocked.

Nicha with a good-looking appearance walks followed by her handsome and cute son, who is loved by many people, namely new and win.

"nic..ha..." called karn he was surprised to see someone that he loved but he couldn't have her because she married with other guy .


"" ray and roy are surprised to see that new and win is actually the second family's klaeyapakul .

" new ..i miss you for a long time..." said haez slowly he was looking for a new one but couldn't find it.

everyone clapped when their names are called.

"I also want to announce new chusawat klaeyapakul is the head of the second family."said Sorn again

" head ... second family..? " said Roy

"father !! what is all this?" asked roy and ray

"their mother is father's younger sister."said Sorn

" why didn't you tell us before." asked them

"this is not the time to chat."said Sorn

new and win chat in the corner of the door while drinking soda water.after that win go to the table to put the cup. Roy wanted to scold him but Win glared because he hated Roy so much.

""called Roy

"hmmm.." said win

"how are you?."asked roy

win nodded and walked away leaving him alone there. roy understood why win behaved like that because he also didn't deny the word he threw at win was very painful.

at the same time ray went to new.

"hi new ." greet ray

" hey.." greet new

"I was very surprised that we are cousins..."said ray

"urmm.."replies new

"but my love for you still hasn't changed.."said ray

"what about lia?" asked new

when Ray wanted to answer the new mother came to greet them.

"are you ray?"asked nicha

" sawadeekhrup aunty nicha." greet ray

"I haven't seen you for a long time. last I saw you when you were child and you don't remember that time." said nicha

"oh now you and new have become work friends so aunty wants to ask ray to take care of new for aunty" said nicha

"sure ." said ray

ray really likes his aunt because nicha was very good to him .he used to have a step mother but she was so mean that ray and roy were traumatized with girls.His father found out that his new wife abused his son, he divorced her.

karn felt happy to see Nicha .. he went towards Nicha but always avoided Nicha. He understood that maybe Nicha needed time.

" I didn't know that new and win your son Nicha .iwould try to get their attention ." said Karn in his mind

" congratulations new !" said haez

" thanks phi haez ." said new

"do you want to drink with me.. I really miss you new." said haez

" sure .." said new

ray sees new and haez is very friendly he is very angry looking like he wants to kill the bastard and chop him alive for daring to see the person he likes even though he hasn't proposed to new yet.

continue (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)