the sun shines through the window.

" Good morning my dear." said Ray while giving a kiss on new.

new is still rubbing his eyes wakes up and looks at ray.

"why are you looking at me like that?"asked ray

" I can't believe that isyou..." said new

"shhh shh " Ray 🤫

Ray placed his forehead on New's forehead.

"listen to me, I have already asked you to be mine.look at the proof .is.. your hand... there is a bracelet that I gave you."said ray

Ray grabbed New's hand wearing a bracelet and kissed the soft hand.

"ok khun ray.. hahaha" said new while laughing to ray

"let's wake up ." said ray

" I have to go back to my family's mansion and go to the office." said new

"why don't you go with me?"asked ray

"there is a win...ever since the secret about uncle sorn told me, we moved with mom...I noticed the win is not like it used to be." said new

"I also feel that there is something wrong with roy.. during the day of ceremony, roy wanted to approach win but win avoided him." said roy

"let them settle it .. let's move now I'm afraid we'll be late I'll send you ok." said ray


"sorry khun ray today you have a meeting with head of nuaphong office." said cherry

"ok , call me if they get here."said ray

Cherry continued her work at her desk.

"you are very naughty huh are not tell me that we will meeting together".. said ray while playing with the pen in his hand that needed to sign the document.


staff and new are in the luxurious klaeyapakul meeting room .

Ray entered followed by his employee and Cherry his secretary.

" you dress up like formal event?" asked ink

"sorry .. khun new is the ceo of the nuaphong office." said Mint new assistant

" whattt!!!" workers in klaeyapakul are surprised because new used to be workers and their friends are rich boy.

"Be patient, everyone, just treat me like before."said new

Ray silently smiled at the humble behavior of his boyfriend not like Lia always show her wealth to everyone.

"let's start our meeting.." said ray

"khrap khun ray." said everyone in the meeting room.

they meeting until finished. apparently sorn and natcha are already planning to combine klaeyapakul and nuaphong.


{actually why the klaeyapakul family can get to ray even though new is also a klaeyapakul grandson.?

actually sorn is older son and natcha is his younger sister because of that it will fall to sorn's son to continue their generation but the nuaphong family also gets part of their wealth. they only 2 siblings.}

"The meeting is over and dissolved." said cherry

they go out and only 1 couple is left still in their world.

"why didn't you tell me you were coming?"asked ray

"secret!"said new

"Do I have to punish you?" asked ray while pulling new into his arms.

"I didn't do anything wrong why should I be punished ." said new

Ray kisses the mouth and lips and bites the bottom while playing with the nipple.

when he wants to unbutton a new shirt suddenly

knock !! knock !!

" I am sorry Khun ray ..someone wants to see you."said cherry

Ray released New's kiss and he was very upset because his baby was tense and wanted to be pampered by New.

"I'll continue at home ." Raywhispered softly New's ear

the door opened


"ouh there is a guest.. sawadeekha."said Lia

new nodded and smiled at lia

"..who is she?" in new head


new was surprised to look at ray was angry at lia

".babe.. I came to persuade you to forgive me."said Lia

"I'm warning you to get out of here, take all your stuff out or I'll blacklist your family's company from this office. Do you want your family to go bankrupt?"asked ray

" RAYY !!remember that you are always mine NOW YOU WIN AFTER THIS YOU WILL BOW TO ME LIKE A KITTEN LOOKING FOR ITS MOTHER!!" said Lia.

Lia came out slamming the door because she had wanted to make up with Ray several times and would have fought.

"...phi ray.." called new gently

ray drops tears as he looks down ..he is stunned

"hey... phi ray ..look at me .." said new

"why does she have to come back she is the person I hate the most .. ahe already cheated on me before this .. she is my ex she is no one else for me but .. only you new your are mine ..please don't do like she does to me.."said ray slowly

"so that's why ray is like this...he is a loyal person .." in new head

"listen here my love you are the first person I loved and I will never leaving you ." said new

ray hugged new until ray calmed down.

"let's go phi ray .. there is no one outside but just only have bodyguard stay awake."said new

they returned to their mansion after going out to eat together.

continue...(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)