5 - ROYWIN ( 18+)

Win felt uncomfortable was looked at by Haez's bodyguard was assigned to take care of Win in the room.

Win felt sweaty went to get a towel and showered in the bathroom. after a few minutes he took a shower and went out to put on his clothes and suddenly win was surprised that two bodyguards entered the win room and locked the room.

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" said win with afraid

"don't scared, we just locked up, young master."said that man

"...why do you need to lock how I want to get out."said win

"we will take care of you from the outside to the inside, young master."said that bodyguard while laughing

win felt strange with their actions he retreated...

" you are very beautiful young master let us try you a little."said that man walking to win

" GO AWAY !!! JUST DREAMING !!" yelled win

suddenly they caught win and threw him on the bed and tied his hand so that win could not move.

win cried out a single tear felt he was disgusted unable to do anything.

"I don't want it crazy GUY!! LET ME GO." said win

the man slapped Win's face until it bled.

"can you just be quiet and you will feel the good that you have never felt before."said that man

The man pulled his pants and the baby reacted.

" be good with it!"said that man smiled

"HEY OLD MAN I DON'T WANT IT !! " replied win

"what do you call me?"asked that man

he slapped win's back and forced to kiss win.the win who cries with all her heart.. the win who only wears a tripper size shirt with only boxers really attracts anyone's attention.

suddenly the door was kicked .loud gunshots outside like a war starting.


roy pulled the man and hit the man until he fell but the man got up and hit roy's back..roy who fell pulled the man outside the door and shot him outside the door because because he didn't want win to see that.

win felt scared he pulled the blanket and wrapped his whole body.

roy came in saw win as if he wanted to fall because he felt pain seeing the bloody win being beaten with his torn shirt.

" win...win.. " called Roy

"GO!! GO!!" yelled win trembling from extreme fear.

"han, you finished them now !." Roy said to han

" ok i will do it khun roy." replied han

"hey..win..this is me .."said roy slowly.

"I don't want to see your face!! go away."said win

"I know you're still mad at me about that..iam sorry " said Roy

win is still in a weak state he did not reply a single word . roy did not see him because win wrapped his body with a blanket up to his head.suddenly the body of win slowly falls to the side.


roy pulled the blanket to see the unconscious win then he lifted the win to his car.

" han quickly take the car we have to take him to the mansion and call the doctor on duty in the mansion ." said Roy

in the car roy was very sympathetic to see win like that. he felt hurt and stupid for letting win like that even though it was not his fault.

" hang on win when you awake nothing will be happen to you I promise!." whispered roy at Win's ear while dropping tears.


"he's fine khun roy he's just shocked and hurt but i already treated him. for now he needs rest can't move much this is the medicine please give him according the time I told you earlier. I go out first if you need anything just called me ..today I'm still on shift below. I went down to treat the other bodyguard first."said doc ken.

roy just nodded and sat next to the win. he saw win's condition then pulled the blanket and kissed once on win's soft mouth. although before he was with bella he never kissed bella even once.

" good night sweety." said Roy slowly

he left the room to let the win rest.


win wakes up and he's still afraid of being traumatized by the incident.

roy came in with a bowl of porridge and some pills for him.

" good morning... . how is your condition?."asked roy

win didn't reply anything.Roy understood why he acted like that.

"let's eat porridge.. you need to eat porridge because you need to take medicine."persuade roy

"just put it on the table."said win

roy put it down and left from there.when roy wanted to open the door

"I want to go home .. tell phi new to take me." said win

"phi new are here he is sleeping here ..he will come here in a moment. you will not go home for now sit here until you are well."said Roy


the door was closed by roy .

" oihh!! I'm not done yet.." said win slowly

roy was outside the door smiled to himself when he wanted to close the door he heard win curse to him .

continue..(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)