Route One (Re-edited)

Cora and Kilala were walking along Route 1 which was the path that led right to Viridian City. Before heading to the city, Cora wanted to catch some Pokémon. She made sure that when she reached Pewter City she would sign up for the Indigo League and challenged Brock. Kenji and Jackal could easily go against his Geodude and Onix. But Cora wanted to get some water Pokémon as well, just in case.

Then they heard the sound of flapping wings and looked up to see a Pidgey landed on a tree branch. But it looked bigger to the normal ones she had seen. She took out her Rotom Phone.

[Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. A Normal and Flying type. Pidgey usually doesn't like to battle, but it won't hesitate to attack if provoked. Note: This Pidgey is larger than the normal Pidgey]

"Kilala, use Thunder Shock!" Cora ordered.

Kilala launched her attack towards Pidgey who was soon blasted by the attack. The Pidgey fell out of the tree and onto the ground, paralyzed. Cora threw a Pokéball at the Flying-type Pokémon and was sucked inside the Pokéball. It wiggled for a few seconds and then 'dinged' which meant a successful capture.

"Yes! We got a Pidgey!" Cora cheered along with Kilala.

"Espeon!" Kilala cheered.

"Okay, let's find some more Pokémon. How about we rest near the river so that we can heal our new friend and do some fishing?" Cora suggested.

"Espeon. (Sounds like a good idea.)" Kilala agreed.


They arrived near a river where Cora released Pidgey who she named 'Gail'. She used a healing potion to get rid of her paralysis and gave her an Oran berry for energy. Cora introduced herself and her Pokémon.

"How about you guys relax while I try to catch some Water Pokémon?" Cora suggested.

"Espeon (Okay)." Kilala smiled.

"But try to be a little quiet while I fish, okay?" Cora asked.

"Froakie. (No problem.)" Kenji assured her.


A couple minutes had gone by since Cora started fishing, but no bite.

"(Any luck?)" Jackal asked.

Cora shook her head, "Not a bite." Suddenly she felt a tug, "Now I do!"

All of the Pokémon ran up to her as she pulled hard on the line and out came a Magikarp. It blinked at her as she stared at it.

Cora gasped, "A Magikarp! A Shiny one too!"

Magikarp just blinked at her.

Cora took out her Rotom Phone:

[Magikarp, the Fish Pokémon. A Water Type. With neither strength nor speed, Magikarp is thought to be the weakest Pokémon of all. Note: This different coloration indicates that this Pokémon is a shiny Pokémon.]

"(This the first shiny Pokémon you've caught.)" Jackal commented.

"Yeah," Cora nodded, "Hey Magikarp, would you like to battle?"

Magikarp blinked and then nodded with determination.

"Kilala, want to battle?" Cora asked.

Kilala nodded, "Espeon! (Yeah!)" He stood in front of Cora.

"Kilala, use Thunder Shock!" Cora ordered.

Kilala launched her electric attack at Magikarp who was instantly paralyzed and fainted from the attack. Cora quickly threw a Pokéball at Magikarp and it was sucked inside. It wiggled for a moment and dinged. Cora picked up the Pokéball.

"Yes, we caught a Magikarp!" Cora smiled as the other Pokémon cheered.

Cora released Magikarp from its Pokéball and helped heal its injuries and gave it an Oran berry.

"How about we have some lunch and then do some training?" Cora suggested.

All of her Pokémon agreed. So Cora prepared lunch for all of her Pokémon and herself. She could easily tell that they liked the Pokéfood since she was the one who made it from her mother's recipe with something extra. For herself, she had a ham and cheese sandwich.

While they ate, Cora checked what moves her Magikarp has:

[This Pokémon knows the moves: Splash, Tackle, Flail, Hydro Pump]

"Wow, you know Hydro Pump?" Cora asked, shocked. Magikarp nodded. "That's a good move to have."

Magikarp blushed at the comment.

Cora fished for a little longer and she managed to catch a Cloyster and a Shiny Starmie.


Once lunch was over, Cora and her Pokémon started training. Kilala was practing her Iron Tail with Jackal. Gail decided to help Kenji, Matta (Cloyster), Pyxis (Shiny Starmie) and Magikarp by dodging their Water type attacks and mastering their Tackle attacks. Cora was doing a lot of push-ups and sit ups. She wanted to stay in shape with her Pokémon. As she did, she kept thinking how she wasn't really following the show and now that everything was different from it. She made sure that she would become a better trainer than Ash Ketchum. She'll be able to get there with her Pokémon by her side.


After an hour of training, they all decided to stop and rest before hitting the road. While they rested, Cora decided to play the song Orácion with a leaf she had picked up. Cora had always loved this song ever since she first heard it. A Nuzleaf that she had met at Prof. Oak's lab taught her how to leaf whistle. Cora really enjoyed learning how to leaf whistle with the song. She really liked the effect of the song towards the Pokémon including people as well.


Soon enough it was time to hit the road. Cora returned all of her Pokémon except for Kilala. Later it started to drizzle and then pouring rain. The three quickly ran for cover under the trees while waiting for the rain to stop.

"Man, I didn't expect it would rain today." Cora said.

"Espeon. (Me neither.)" Kilala said.

Then the rain suddenly stopped, and the sky began to clear up.

"That was very odd." Cora said.

"Esp. (Strange.)" Kilala commented.


Suddenly the three heard a Pokémon cry out and the two noticed something in the sky. The Pokémon resembled a phoenix and a peacock, and it had a golden yellow glow with its long tail. As it flew, it left a trail of glitters and rainbow behind. Cora's eyes widened when she saw the Pokémon. She recognized that Pokémon. She quickly took out her Rotom Phone and scanned the Pokémon.

[Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokémon. It's said that Ho-Oh wings create bright, colorful rainbows and there are rare few bears witness to Ho-Oh are promised eternal happiness. It also flies throughout the world in search of trainers with a pure heart.

1st Note: It's said the Ho-Oh is a mythical bird Pokémon

2nd Note: Ho-Oh is the legendary Pokémon from the Johto region]

"Eternal happiness, huh?" Cora whispered as she and Kilala continued to watch Ho-Oh fly towards the rainbow while recording it on her phone.

Cora had to admit that watching Ho-Oh was a beautiful experience. Then she saw something glittering was falling towards her. She gently grabbed it and looked at the item which was a beautiful rainbow feather. Cora and Kilala were awed by it.

"Ho-Oh's feather." Cora awed.

"Espe. (Beautiful.)" Kilala whispered.

"We'll have to keep this hidden. Who knows what someone would do to get this feather." Cora stated.

Kilala nodded, "Espe. (Right.)"

Cora put the feather away in one of her backpack's pouches, safe from anyone's view.

"Let's go." Cora said as she and Kilala headed towards Viridian City.


Pokémon Obtained: Shiny Espeon (Kilala)(F), Shiny Charizard (Nuri)(F), Altaria (Talia)(F), Shiny Lucario (Jackal)(M), Froakie (Kenji)(M), Pidgey (Gail)(F), Shiny Magikarp (M), Cloyster (Matta)(M), Shiny Starmie (Pyxis)(Genderless)