The Abandoned Fennekin & Friends (Re-edited)

Once again, the gang was lost in the forest on the way to Vermilion City, which really annoyed Mairin.

Cora sighed as all she spied in the grass was Spearow, "Nothing but Spearow's around here."

"Right now that's the least of our worries." Mairin glowered at her from where she was slumped on the ground, their packs on a tree stump between the three. "I'm going crazy! Where are we?!" She shouted to the sky.

Cora took out her phone and checked where they were on the map. She moved it around until she saw a red 'P' which indicated that a Pokémon Center was nearby. "Well, we seem to be in the middle of nowhere."

Mairin groaned at that.

"But Route 24 will take us to Vermilion City, and it seems that we're on the right path for it." Cora said.

Mairin perked up on that, "Really?! Then let's get the show on the road!" She cheered.

So then Cora, Alain, Mairin and the Pokémon headed out.


The gang were walking along the road when they came across something. It was a lone Fennekin sitting on a boulder.

"A Shiny Fennekin? What's one doing here in Kanto?" Alain asked.

Cora took out her phone and scanned the Pokémon.

[Fennekin, the Fox Pokémon. Fennekin expels hot air that can reach nearly 400 degrees. It likes to snack on twigs. Note: This different coloration indicates that this Pokémon is a shiny Pokémon.]

"That Fennekin has a few scratches. Maybe we should take it to a Pokémon Center." Alain suggested.

"Good idea." Cora walked over to Fennekin, "Hello, Fennekin." She greeted the Fox Pokémon.

Fennekin looked up at Cora, "Fennekin? (Who are you?)" She asked.

"My name's Cora. What are you doing here?" Cora asked.

"Fenn fenn fennekin. (Waiting for my trainer to come back.)" Fennekin replied.

"Waiting for your trainer? How long have you been here?" Cora questioned.

"Fennekin. (Almost two days.)" Fennekin answered.

Cora gawked at that, "Two days?!"

"What did Fennekin say?" Alain asked.

"Fennekin said that she's been waiting for her trainer for the past two days." Cora replied.

"Two days?!" The others gasped.

Cora nodded, "Yes."

Then she turned to Fennekin. For her, it didn't feel right to just leave the Fox Pokémon here alone. She didn't want to leave Fennekin by herself after seeing her all alone with a few scratches. She won't leave little Fennekin behind.

"Fennekin, can we take you to the Pokémon Center for your injuries? Once you're better, we'll bring you back here. Deal?" Cora offered.

Fennekin stared at Cora and then sighed, "Fennekin. (Okay.)" She accepted.

Cora gently picked up Fennekin and placed her in her arms, "Well let's get going."


While they walked along the path, Mairin saw a building ahead.

"Look, the Pokémon center." Mairin cheered.

"Then that means Route 24 isn't far." Cora smiled.

Suddenly it began to pour with rain.

"Hurry." Alain said.

They rushed into the Pokémon building before they got soaking wet.


The gang soon arrived at the Pokémon Center. They handed their Pokémon and Fennekin over to Lucy Joy. She gave them a key for their rooms, and they went to them to drop their stuff off and went to get some lunch. As they ate, Cora pondered on how to tell Fennekin that she was abandoned. But Fennekin might not believe them.

Alain noticed that Cora wasn't eating her lunch. He gazed up as she was staring outside the window. That kind of behavior worried him. He never liked it when Cora was saddened by something, especially when it came to Pokémon.

"Cora, you alright?" Alain asked.

Cora was broken out of her thoughts and turned to Alain, "Huh?"

"You haven't touched your food and you're partly frowning. Something must be on your mind." Alain explained.

Cora sighed, "I think that Fennekin might have been abandoned." She replied.

"You sure, Cora?" Mairin questioned.

"There's no doubt about it. Why would a trainer leave her Pokémon behind and not come back when she's supposed to?" Cora pondered.

"Do you think Fennekin will still wait for her trainer after she's healed?" Mairin asked.

"I'm afraid so, Mairin. All starter Pokémon are loyal to their first trainers." Alain replied.

Then they heard a ding sound nearby which meant that their Pokémon were healed. Cora and the others walked up to the front desk. Nurse Lucy Joy handed them their Pokéballs.

"Thank you, Aunt Lucy." Cora thanked the Pokémon nurse.

"You're welcome." Nurse Lucy Joy smiled as she handed Fennekin to Cora.

"Well, we better get you back to the rock." Cora said to Fennekin.

"Fenn!" Fennekin chirped.

Suddenly the gang heard raucous laughter coming from the group of girls sitting by the fireplace in the center of the room.

"You sure have a lot of them." one called.

"Sure," the blue haired one with sunglasses said, "Just look at 'em, it's a pretty cool collection. Way cooler than my brother, Damien." She continued with an arrogant tone.

One snickered. "Way cool."

"You're the woman, Darcy." the short one with the white headband said.

"I thought you had a Fennekin too!" The one sitting next to this 'Darcy' girl said, making Cora stiffen and frowned.

"Yeah~, I had one, but that puny thing was so weak it couldn't even beat the weakest opponents. Not to mention it was incredible ugly with that shade of color." 'Darcy' whined.

By now Alain and Mairin were frowning too.

"I don't like her attitude." Mairin crossed her arms.

"Fennekin may be weak against water Pokémon, but if their trainers try hard enough, they can be strong." Alain backed up.

"So what did you do with the Fennekin?" The same girl asked.

"Eh~ I left it on some rock in the woods," Darcy answered with a shrug, "That thing is so stupid! No matter what I do to it, it keeps on following me, I finally got rid of it by promising I'd come back for it." She grinned at her friends. "It fell for it! It's probably still there waiting for me," She laughed, her friends laughing along with her.

Fennekin's eyes glazed with sadness at every word that this trainer had said. Cora herself could easily feel the sadness coming from Fennekin. Every word that Darcy had said made Cora's blood boil as her knuckles turned white from how hard she was gripping her hands into fists. Having had enough, she gently handed Fennekin to Alain and stomped over to Darcy and grabbed her by her shirt collar and lifted her up where they were at eye level. She glared at her with a look of pure fury that promised an enormous amount of pain and then punched her right in the nose.

"What is your problem?!" Darcy exclaimed angrily.

"How dare you?!" Cora exclaimed angrily, "How could you do such a thing to an innocent Pokémon?!"

"What I do to my own Pokémon is none of your business." Darcy covered her nose as blood was dripping from it.

"Well, I think you don't deserve to be a trainer, considering how you easily abandoned poor little Fennekin." Cora stated.

"I don't need such a weak little Pokémon, what's wrong with dumping it off? All I need is strong and powerful ones that don't need raising." Darcy retorted.

The gang were shocked at that.

"Raising a Pokémon is the best part of being a trainer!" Cora shot back.

"You wish! It's the most boring part of the job!" Darcy chuckled.

At that moment, a Flamethrower attack was launched at Darcy, burning her. When the flames ceased, Darcy was burnt brown. She let out a puff of smoke from her mouth and collapsed on the ground, twitching.

"Fennekin fenn fennekin!"

The gang turned to see that Fennekin was the one who did the attack.

Cora smiled at the shiny Fox Pokémon, "Nice Flamethrower, Fennekin."

Fennekin smiled, "Fenn! (Thanks!)"

Nurse Lucy Joy approached the fallen girl with her Chansey behind her with an angry expression on their face, "I suggest you don't try to escape because I'm informing Officer Jenny right now! Also, I'll be holding the Pokémon you brought in with you, if you try to escape, I will not hesitate to have my Chansey put you to sleep with Sing! And that's a promise!" She growled out.

"Chan Chansey! (Try it you little brat!)" The Nurse Pokémon threatened cracking her knuckles.

Despite the serious air in the atmosphere the others couldn't help but sweat drop at the rough and tough Chansey.


As it turns out, Darcy had more than twenty Pokémon! Not to mention that all of her Pokémon showed signs of forced battling, which made Nurse Lucy Joy furious. Nurse Joy released all of Darcy's Pokémon from their Pokéballs. Darcy had a Mienfoo, Glaceon, Leafeon, Shiny Gengar, Shiny Chimchar, Galarian Ponyta, Lokix, Shiny Chespin, Magby, Axew, two Rockruff's, Cufant, Rhydon, Alakazam, Grookey, Alolan Raichu, Turtwig, Piplup, Pansage, Roserade, Azumarill, Skitty and a Meowstic pair. Officer Jenny soon arrived.

"Thanks for coming, Jenny. I hope I'm not taking up too much of your time." Nurse Lucy Joy thanked her.

"Don't worry, I've got plenty of time." Officer Jenny assured her and turned to the trio, "So do you know where these Pokémon came from?"

"Yes, most of them are from other regions. Ponyta and Cufant are from the Galar region. The two Rockruff's and Alolan Raichu are from the Alola region. Lokix is from the Paldea region. However, the Shiny Chimchar, Piplup and Turtwig are the starters from the Sinnoh region." Cora informed her.

Nurse Lucy Joy nodded, "That's right," she glared at Darcy, "I'm very curious to know how you've obtained these Pokémon."

Darcy scoffed, "Like I'd tell you!"

Fennekin growled and sent a Flamethrower at the girl's face, surprising everyone, even Darcy.

"Good job, Fennekin." Cora smiled at Fennekin.

Fennekin smiled back, "Fenn!"

"Alright, I'll talk, I'll talk! I got them from a trade, okay!" Darcy panicked.

Nurse Lucy Joy and Officer Jenny's eyes narrowed at the girl.

"And the Sinnoh starters?" Lucy Joy demanded.

Fennekin growled at the girl as well.

Darcy gulped, "Alright! Alright! I got them from this guy who was also selling them all for a high price and he told me that they were rare! I got most of the money from winning tournaments, so I had a lot and I bought them from him!" She explained, quickly.

The Pokémon nurse looked at all of the Pokémon gathered and smiled, "You all have nothing to fear," she said, getting their attention, "These trainers will be taking care of you from now on."

All the Pokémon looked at the trainers and noticed the shiny Fennekin standing loyally next to Cora. The look in her eyes told them that this trainer was responsible for saving the fire type's life.

"You can trust them," she continued, "Fennekin has already made it clear that Cora is to be her new trainer so that means the rest of you can choose who you want to go with."

They looked at Fennekin earning a nod confirming that the trainers would let them choose who they want to go with.

Grookey, Pansage, Turtwig, Roserade, Skitty and Azumarill went over to Mairin. Mienfoo, Glaceon, Leafeon, Shiny Gengar, Shiny Chimchar, Galarian Ponyta, Shiny Chespin, Alolan Raichu, Rockruff and the female Meowstic went over to Cora. Then Piplup, Cufant, Lokix, Magby, Axew, the other Rockruff, Rhydon, Alakazam, and the male Meowstic went over to Alain.

Officer Jenny and Lucy Joy smiled as the Pokémon stood next to their new trainers. Then Officer Jenny turned to Darcy who started shaking at the murderous look in the officer's eyes. She grabbed Darcy's arm and pulled her upright.

"Darcy Farley, you are hereby under arrest! The charges are Pokémon abuse, neglect and stealing!" Officer Jenny announced the charges, "Your trainer's license is hereby revoked and you will serve jail time for buying Pokémons from poachers!"

Darcy paled at those words. Then Officer Jenny dragged the bratty girl away.

"Serves her right." Mairin crossed her arms.

All of the Pokémon nodded.

Cora knelt down in front of Fennekin, "Hey Fennekin, are you sure you want to come with me?" She asked.

"Fenn, fennekin! (Yes, I want to join you!)" She called, looking straight at Cora.

Cora smiled softly and took out an empty Pokéball. "Then welcome to the team. I'll name you Rogue."

Rogue the shiny Fennekin tapped her nose on the button and was sucked inside the Pokéball. It wiggled and then it 'dinged'. Rogue was now on her team. Cora held the Pokéball gingerly in her hand.

"I trust all these Pokémon with you." Nurse Lucy Joy said with a smile.

The three trainers smiled and nodded at her. As the gang got new Pokémon and introduced them to the others they have, they decided to remain one more day at the center before leaving tomorrow.


And so, after adopting the Pokémon that were abused by Darcy Farley, the gang head off to Vermillion City where Cora will earn her next gym badge.


Pokémon Obtained:

Cora: Shiny Espeon (Kilala)(F), Shiny Charizard (Nuri)(F), Altaria (Talia)(F), Shiny Lucario (Jackal)(M), Frogadier (Kenji)(M), Pidgeot (Gail)(F), Shiny Gyarados (Rory)(M), Cloyster (Matta)(M), Shiny Starmie (Pyxis)(Genderless), Butterfree (Papilio)(M), Beedrill (Stinger)(M), Nidoran (Juno)(F), Nidoran (Malik)(M), Pikachu (Tama)(F), Clefable (Shayla)(F), Sandshrew (Digger)(M), Meloetta (Odele)(F), Chikorita (Kalmia)(F), Shiny Fennekin (Rogue)(F), Mienfoo (Mulan)(F), Glaceon (Nieva)(F), Leafeon (Panra)(F), Shiny Gengar (Sypro)(M), Shiny Chimchar (Pirro)(M), Galarian Ponyta (Althea)(F), Shiny Chespin (Cybele)(F), Alolan Raichu (Zuma)(M), Rockruff (Romulus)(M), Meowstic (Yuki)(F)

Alain: Charizard (M), Metagross (Genderless), Tyranitar (M), Weavile (M), Bisharp (M), Unfezant (M), Leafeon (F), Umbreon (M), Chestnaught (M), Malamar (F), Steelix (M), Shiny Gyarados (F), Scyther (M), Zubat (M), Shiny Zorua (Unovan)(M), Frigibax (M), Piplup (M), Cufant (F), Lokix (M), Magby (M), Axew (M), Rockruff (M), Rhydon (F), Alakazam (M), Meowstic (M)

Mairin: Chespin (Chespie)(M), Flabébé (Bébé)(F), Gogoat (Grazer)(F), Butterfree (Bira)(F), Paras (Paxtin)(M), Clefairy (Pixie)(F), Petilil (Petunia)(F), Sewaddle (Evanthe)(F), Grookey (Biri)(F), Turtwig (Aspen)(M), Pansage (Sage)(F), Roserade (Rose)(F), Azumarill (Mary)(F), Skitty (Cathy)(F)