The Legend of Dratini (Re-edited)

The gang had finally arrived at the Safari Zone where they hope to catch some new Pokémon to add to their teams. Ash and his friends still haven't showed up yet. Cora was positive that Ash had a horrible sense of direction.

"I can't wait to catch some new Pokémon." Cora said.

"Yeah, me too." Mairin agreed.

The gang saw the building which was the entrance to the Safari Zone. They entered and Cora went to the counter. Suddenly she was face to face with a gun in her face.

"Cora!" Alain and Mairin except Cora shouted in disbelief and fear.

"What are you brats doing here?" A man asked, who was the owner of the gun.

Cora recognized him as Kaiser, warden of the Safari Zone. He was also the one who discovered the Dratini. She could understand his caution of trainers coming to the Safari Zone, but was the gun really necessary?

"First, put the gun away," Cora calmly pushed the gun away. "Second, we're here to enter the Safari Zone."

"Who are you anyway?" Mairin asked.

The man put his gun down. "I am Kaiser, the Safari Zone Warden." he replied.

Cora glared, "Okay, but next time don't do that. Some people might fight back." She advised.

"That's true," Alain agreed, "Can we please get the items we need to enter the Safari Zone?"

Kaiser grunted and gathered the things they needed for the Safari Zone.

"Here." Kaiser gave the gang a bucket that contained thirty Safari Pokéballs and a super rod, "You can only use only Safari balls and this Super Rod to catch wild the Pokémon. If any of you break the rules, you will have my gun to talk to."

Mairin was looking at the pictures on the wall when she saw a picture of Kaiser as a young man, with a Dratini beside him that had a scar on its horn in the shape of an X. Alain brought it down so he and Mairin could get a better look at it.

"A Dratini." Mairin said.

"Looks quite old." Alain added, "Reminds me of Cora's Dratini."

Kaiser pointed his gun to Cora's face again, "Where did you get your Dratini?!"

Mairin groaned, "Again with the gun?!"

Cora frowned, "I got my Dratini from the S.S. Anne ship. She was one of Pokéballs that we rescued."

Kaiser frowned, but nodded, and put his gun away. He walked away not without taking the picture with him.

"Okay seriously," Mairin frowned, "What's that guy's problem? I mean he went crazy as soon as we entered the cabin. Then as soon as Cora said she had a Dratini, Kaiser looked like he was gonna explode."

"I think I know why," Cora stated. "Prof Oak told me about Kaiser before. Thirty years ago, the one who discovered the legendary Dratini was Kaiser himself."

"Oh." Mairin said.

"But then trainers heard the rumors and flocked into the Safari Zone and captured as many Pokémon as they could." Cora continued.

"That can't be good." Alain commented.

Cora shook her head, "No, it wasn't. Because trainers were so eager to capture Dratini, the Safari Zone became a complete wreck. After that, the rule was established that trainers are allowed thirty Safari balls in the Safari Zone."

"Oh man, did anyone find it?" Mairin asked.

"No, not one trainer found or capture the Dratini." Cora replied.


The group stood outside as the gate opened.

"Once you use all the Safari balls, you must come back here immediately." Kaiser instructed.

"Okay." The group said.

"Hey there twerps!" A familiar annoying voice called out.

"Not them again." Cora groaned.

"Team Rocket!" Mairin yelled.

The group turned around to see Team Rocket standing on the entrance sign of the Safari Zone.

"Hey, what are you doing?! Get off there!" Kaiser shouted.

"We'll be getting down soon, so just wait a bit." Jessie said.

"For now, there's something we must do." James added.

"Prepare for trouble."

"Make it double."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reaches to the stars above."



Kaiser takes out both of his guns, "I told you to get down!"

Then he started shooting and Team Rocket had to dodge each shot. Cora had to admit that it was kind of funny seeing Team Rocket's faces when dodging the shots.

"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

The trio stood on the edge of the sign, afraid to get down.

"It's over!" Jessie yelled in panic as Meowth clenched onto her leg in fright.

"It's all right, trust me!" James grinned before he grabbed Jessie and Meowth and leaped off the sign.

A parachute started to come out of his back, but before it could fully open, they already hit the ground with the parachute covering them. The trio started arguing underneath it.

"Kilala, Thunder Shock." Cora said, calmly.

Kilala launched her electric type attack at Team Rocket and they shot off into the sky.

"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" They screamed before they disappeared in the sky.


"Well then, how we split up and look for some Pokémon?" Cora suggested, changing the subject.

"Sounds good to me." Mairin agreed.

"Okay then, we'll meet back here once we finished finding what we want." Alain decided.

"Good, let's go." Cora turned around and headed off into the safari with Kilala.


The group met up at the entrance of the Safari Zone once they caught enough Pokémon.

"Did you guys find some Pokémon?" Mairin asked.

"Yeah, I managed to catch a Growlithe, Abra, Zorua, Cubone, Marowak, Vulpix, Persian, Ponyta, Dewgong, Horsea, Kangaskhan, Kirlia, two Poliwag's and nine Tauros's." Cora listed off.

"Wow, how about you Mairin?" Alain asked.

"I caught a Poliwag, Eevee, Seel, Goldeen and an Oddish." Mairin replied, "What about you, Alain?"

"I caught a Growlithe, Marowak, Tauros, Lanturn, Fearow, Kirlia, and two Eevee's." Alain said.

"Well I think we all got some good Pokémon." Cora commented.


The group turned to the voice and saw Kaiser running towards them.

"Mr. Kaiser!" Mairin yelped.

Kaiser stopped and took a deep breath, "I need your help!" He blurted out.

"What's wrong?" Cora asked.

"Somehow two more Team Rocket members had snuck back in and they're planning to blow up an area for the Dratini!" Kaiser exclaimed.

"Blow up!" The group gasped.

"We got to stop them! Kaiser, can you show us where they are?" Cora asked.

Kaiser nodded, "The Valley of Dragons. Follow me." He took off in the direction he came from and the gang followed behind him.


When they got to the valley, they heard Cassidy and Butch about the bomb and Cassidy was about to throw it into the lake.

"HOLD IT!" Cora shouted.

"Twerps!" Butch yelped.

"It's Cassidy." Mairin said.

"And Bob." Alain added.

Butch face faulted at that, "The name's Butch!" He corrected, angrily.

"Don't even think about throwing that bomb!" Cora shouted.

Cassidy smirked, "Too late, twerps." She tossed the bomb into the lake.

The group looked in horror.

"If that explodes, all the Pokémon in the lake will..." Kaiser didn't finish his words and immediately jumped into the lake.

"Kaiser won't last long in there." Alain pointed out.

"Exactly. You guys deal with Team Rocket while I'll go after the bomb." Cora took out two Pokéballs, "Come on Daisho, Rory!" The water Pokémon were released and then Cora dove into the lake with her two water Pokémon.

{A/N: Daisho - Oshawott, Rory - Shiny Gyarados}

Cora spotted Kaiser and could easily tell that he was losing air. She gestured Rory to take him to the surface. She continued searching for the bomb and then she spotted it. She grabbed it gestured to Daisho to speed up. Daisho immediately grabbed onto Cora's hand and the two headed towards the surface.

Cora glanced at the time on the bomb and saw the countdown which read 1:35, 'Come on.'

"Oshawott." Daisho noticed another presence in the lake.

Cora turned to what Daisho was looking at. Her eyes widened at the sight of the long shadow, 'That's-'

The shadow swam up to them and let them on its back. Cora and Daisho held on as the shadow shot up to the surface. Once they reached the surface, Cora coughed to get some air. She looked at the Pokémon in front of her: Dragonair.

At that moment her phone, in her pocket, went off:

[Dragonair, the dragon Pokémon. The evolved form of Dratini. This legendary Pokémon that can make rain or snow fall at its will. It can even fly without wings.]

Then she spotted Team Rocket, "Hey Team Rocket!"

Butch and Cassidy looked up.

"I'm giving this back to you!" Cora threw the bomb back to Team Rocket as it was ticking.

Cassidy caught it, blinked and then paled.






Dragonair brought Cora and Daisho to shore, and Cora jumped off Dragonair with Daisho in her arms.

"Thanks, Dragonair." Cora smiled.

"Osh." Daisho nodded in thanks.

Dragonair nodded back. Rory came over and nuzzled Cora as she petted him, "Thank you too, Rory, Daisho."

Both water Pokémon smiled. Then she returned them to their Pokéballs. She turned to her friends. Unexpectedly, Alain pulled her into a hug.

"You had me worried there." Alain whispered in her ear.

"Sorry." Cora apologized.

Someone cleared their throat. Cora and Alain turned their heads towards Mairin and the Pokémon. Then they turned to each other, blushed, and Alain let go of Cora. Alain rubbed the back of his head while looking away with a blush on his cheeks. Cora was playing with her fingers with a blush on her cheeks. Mairin leaped at her with a hug around her waist.

"Thank goodness you're okay." Mairin said.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Cora hugged her back and then she let Mairin go.

Then everyone turned to Kaiser and Dragonair. Cora knew that Kaiser recognized this Dragonair by the scar on its horn when it was a Dratini.

"It's you..." Kaiser stuttered, "I knew it, you're the Dratini from back then."

Dragonair nodded and moved in for a hug.

Kaiser cried, "You've grown up splendidly."

Dragonair cried too.

A Dratini swam towards them.

Kaiser looked down at Dratini, "Oh, this Dratini is your child." He smiled.

Dragonair nodded and Kaiser knelt down to pet Dratini.

Mairin had tears streaming down her cheeks, "So-so touching."

Cora and Alain smiled as the group continued to watch the heartwarming reunion between Kaiser and Dragonair.


Back at Kaiser's lodge, Cora, Alain and Mairin had sent their Pokémon to their preserved places.

"We won't tell anyone about that we met Dragonair and Dratini, that's just spelling trouble for the Safari Zone again." Cora promised.

Prof. Oak nodded, "[Indeed. By the way, have you seen Ash? I was wondering where he is. He should've been at the Safari Zone with you.]"

"He probably got lost." Alain said.

"Most definitely." Cora agreed.

Prof. Oak sweat-dropped as he smiled nervously, "[I see. By the way, Cora, I wish you luck on your next gym badge.]"

"Thanks, Professor. Talk to you later." Cora smiled.

"[I'll see you later.]" Prof. Oak smiled.

"Bye." The gang said before the screen went black.

"Well, we have to get to Cinnabar Island." Cora announced.


"Goodbye!" Mairin waved.

"Take care, Mr. Kaiser!" Cora waved.

Alain waved goodbye to the warden of the Safari Zone.

Kaiser watched them leave as he waved goodbye to them.


The Safari Zone had all sorts of Pokémon along with the kind-hearted man. Perhaps there will be a day when they return here.


Pokémon Obtained:

Cora: Shiny Espeon (Kilala)(F), Shiny Charizard (Nuri)(F), Altaria (Talia)(F), Shiny Lucario (Jackal)(M), Frogadier (Kenji)(M), Pidgeot (Gail)(F), Shiny Gyarados (Rory)(M), Cloyster (Matta)(M), Shiny Starmie (Pyxis)(Genderless), Butterfree (Papilio)(M), Beedrill (Stinger)(M), Nidorina (Juno)(F), Nidoran (Malik)(M), Pikachu (Tama)(F), Clefable (Shayla)(F), Sandslash (Digger)(M), Meloetta (Odele)(F), Chikorita (Kalmia)(F), Shiny Braxien (Rogue)(F), Mienfoo (Mulan)(F), Glaceon (Nieva)(F), Leafeon (Panra)(F), Shiny Gengar (Sypro)(M), Shiny Monferno (Pirro)(M), Galarian Ponyta (Althea)(F), Shiny Chespin (Cybele)(F), Alolan Raichu (Zuma)(M), Rockruff (Romulus)(M), Meowstic (Yuki)(F), Oshawott (Daisho)(M), Kingler (Kuka)(M), Shiny Umbreon (Zunair)(M) Sylveon (Stella)(F), Vaporeon (Kaori)(F), Jolteon (Lyn)(F), Flareon (Egan)(M), Dratini (Scylla)(F), Absol (Twilight)(M), Shiny Scorbunny (Scorch)(M), Popplio (Naia)(F), Alolan Vulpix (Elsa)(F), Pink Butterfree (Momo)(F), Sobble (Mystique)(F), Mankey (Manny)(M), Magnemite (Static)(Genderless), Growlithe (Aiden)(M), Abra (Houdini)(M), Zorua (Kurama)(M), Cubone (M), Marowak (Alsie)(F), Vulpix (Inari)(F), Persian (Cleo)(F), Ponyta (Rubira)(F), Dewgong (Moishe)(M), Horsea (Arnav)(M), Kangaskhan (Mildred)(F), Kirlia (Guinevere)(F), Poliwag (2), Tauros (9)

Alain: Charizard (M), Metagross (Genderless), Tyranitar (M), Weavile (M), Bisharp (M), Unfezant (M), Leafeon (F), Umbreon (M), Chestnaught (M), Malamar (F), Steelix (M), Shiny Gyarados (F), Scyther (M), Golbat (M), Shiny Zorua (Unovan)(M), Frigibax (M), Prinplup (M), Copperajah (F), Lokix (M), Magby (M), Axew (M), Rockruff (M), Rhydon (F), Alakazam (M), Meowstic (M), Sandile (M), Absol (M), Cyndaquil (M), Deino (F) Rookidee (M), Squirtle (M), Growlithe (F), Marowak (M), Tauros (M), Lanturn (F), Fearow (M), Kirlia (M), Eevee (2)

Mairin: Chespin (Chespie)(M), Flabébé (Bébé)(F), Gogoat (Grazer)(F), Butterfree (Bira)(F), Parasect (Paxtin)(M), Clefairy (Pixie)(F), Lilligant (Unovan)(Petunia)(F), Swadloon (Evanthe)(F), Thwackey (Biri)(F), Grotle (Aspen)(M), Pansage (Sage)(F), Roserade (Rose)(F), Azumarill (Mary)(F), Skitty (Cathy)(F), Cherubi (Cherry)(F), Maractus (Amaranth)(F), Snivy (Vinicius)(F), Shaymin (Carissa)(F), Squirtle (Kai)(M), Poliwag (Wade)(M), Eevee (F), Seel (Nixie)(F), Goldeen (Maya)(F), Oddish (Bryony)(F)