The Battling the Eevee Brothers (Re-edited)

On their way to Cinnabar Island, the gang had quite some adventures so far.

The first adventure they had was when they visited Matcha City's Pokémon Center where the PokéBall transfer machine had been causing problems, as the transferred Pokémon never end up at the other side. They met Professor Akihabara, who created the created the PokéBall transfer system. He told them that Team Rocket stole his prototype Porygon, a digital Pokémon that can exist in cyberspace, and was using it to steal trainers' Pokémon from inside the computer system.

Akihabara sent the gang and his second Porygon into the cyberspace system, using his Dimension Transporter, to stop Team Rocket, whom they've learned had set up a blockade that stopped Pokéballs from traveling the network. Porygon was able to defeat Team Rocket's Porygon; unfortunately, Nurse Bethany Joy, monitoring the situation and unaware that Cora and the others were inside, had sent an antivirus program into the system to combat the computer virus Team Rocket had set up.

Luckily, they got out of there before the antivirus got to them. However, Akihabara's house got destroyed in the process, much to his dismay, as his Dimension Transporter was now broken. The group and Team Rocket successfully escaped the computer, and with Team Rocket's blockade removed, the PokéBall transmitting device returned to normal.

As a token of thanks, Akihabara gave Cora his Porygon. He believed that Porygon shouldn't be stuck in the lab forever and that Porygon took a shine to her as well. Soon afterwards, the gang headed out once more.


Their second adventure was when gang came across a group of Pokémon hunters. Luckily, they were able to stop the hunters. A team of Officer Jenny's were able to arrest the hunters. Good thing the Pokémon got treated by another of Cora's aunts. Cora, Alain and Mairin decided to adopt the Pokémon that the hunters had captured. Cora adopted a Sprigatito, Quaxly, Hisuian Zorua, Dreepy, Cyndaquil, Hisuian Growlithe and a Buizel. Alain adopted a Fuecoco, Hisuian Zorua, Buizel, Pawmi, Hisuian Growlithe, Wattrel and a Maschiff. Mairin adopted a Hisuian Lilligant, Sprigatito, Brute Bonnet, Tandemaus, Smoliv and a Applin. Cora also adopted Type: Null who bonded with her. Luckily the hunters had the RKS discs. Cora had managed to call Prof. Oak about Type: Null and he was relieved that she had rescued the Pokémon. Soon enough the gang was back on the road.

{A/N: Some of the Pokémon came in pairs. So that's why Cora, Alain and Mairin had some of the same Pokémon.}


The gang had also been doing some training with their Pokémon. Malik (Male Nidoran) evolved into Nidorino, Mulan (Mienfoo) evolved into Mienshao, Cybele (Shiny Chespin) into Quilladin, Houdini (Abra) into Kadabra, and one of her Poliwags evolved into a male Poliwhirl which she named 'Dallas'. Alain's Sandile evolved into Krokorok, Axew into Fraxure, Deino into Zweilous and Rookidee into Corvisquire.


At the moment, Cora and her friends were now walking along the path. They had been walking for a good distance they stopped when they heard a cry of a Pokémon.

"You hear that?" Alain questioned.

"That sounds like a Pokémon." Cora looked around.

Kilala headed towards the cry and found a familiar brown Pokémon inside the base of a tree tied to a tree post. It was an Eevee with a sad face.

"An Eevee!" Cora came over and untied the little one observing its collar, "Looks like it belongs to someone. It has a name tag, and it looks like an address too."

Alain bent down, "Looks like its owner is from Stone Town."


The group turned to the voice and saw a Pikachu standing next to them.

"A Pikachu?" Mairin blinked.

"That's Ash's Pikachu." Cora corrected.

"Then that means-" Mairin was interrupted when Ash and his friends showed up.

"Hey Ash." Cora greeted.

"Oh hey, Cora. What are you doing here?" Ash asked.

Cora pointed to the sad Eevee, "Kilala heard Eevee crying and we followed after her and she led us here." She explained.

"Pikachu must have heard Eevee too." Brock guessed.

"We already figured that Eevee must belong to someone. So we're going to Stone Town to bring him back." Cora said as Mairin picked up Eevee in her arms.

"Hmmm, that's on the foot on Evolution Mountain. It holds evolution stones that allow certain Pokémon to evolve." Brock explained.

"Really? I didn't know that." Ash stated.

"We better head there and return this little guy." Cora said.

"You think its trainer is looking for it?" Misty wondered.

"Well I think so. I'm sure there's a reason why it was left here." Cora replied.

"Let's get going then." Alain said.


They arrived at Stone Town and found the address leads to a giant mansion.

"Wow." Misty awed.

"It's gigantic." Mairin commented.

They head towards the backyard and notice a garden party is being held.

"It's a garden party." Brock said.

"Looks like fun." Ash smiled.

"Hey, guys. Look there." Misty pointed in a certain direction.

Everyone looked to where she was pointing and saw a trainer with a Poliwhirl and a teen with spiky yellow haired teen placed a water stone on it. Then Poliwhirl evolved in Poliwrath.

"Congratulations. Poliwhirl evolved into Poliwrath." The Spiky yellow haired teen congratulated the trainer.

"Thank you so much." The trainer thanked the Spiky yellow haired teen.

Cora recognized that spiky yellow haired teen as Sparky along with his other brothers; Pyro the red-haired teen, Rainer the blue haired teen, and the younger one, Mikey. Cora also remembered what happens later in this episode. Whenever it came to evolution, she always asked her Pokémon if they wanted to evolve or not and she always respected their decisions.

"Wow. That's so amazing." Misty said.

The gang gazed at all of the Pokémon around the garden.

"I get it. They've all been evolved using those stones." Cora stated.

Suddenly the three Eevee brothers appeared in front of the gang.

"Where did you go to? We were worried about you, Eevee." Sparky said.

"Yeah," Rainer took Eevee from Mairin's arms, "Thank you for finding Eevee for us."

"This is great. We've got our star, now we can go on with the show." Pyro said with excitement.

"Eevee's a star?" Ash and Misty asked.

"If that's true, then why was it tied up?" Brock asked.

"I'm sure there's a reason." Cora replied.

"Who are you guys anyway?" Alain asked.

"I'm Pyro." Pyro introduced.

"Rainer." Rainer introduced next.

"And I'm Sparky." Sparky introduced last.

"Unique names." Cora deadpanned.

"Sure." Alain deadpanned.

"Mikey. Hey, Mikey! Eevee's come back." Sparky called out.

The gang saw a boy with brown hair and eyes, wearing a green shirt and blue shorts, approached them. Cora knew that that was Mikey, Eevee's trainer.

"Oh." Mikey said, sad or disappointed.

Eevee jumped out of Rainer's arms and into Mikey's.

"How could you lose him? You've got to be careful." Pyro said.

"You'll lose your trainer qualification." Rainer warned.

"Did Eevee really escape? But it was tied to a tree, right?" Misty questioned Mikey.

"Why did you bring him back?" Mikey snapped at the gang.

"Huh?" The gang blinked.

"Hey, you don't need to snap at us." Cora retorted, "Besides, it would be wrong to just leave him there. Even if there was food and water."

"Listen, Mikey. One day you'll be a Pokémon trainer just like us." Sparky started.

"Do you really think you can win your first battle with an unevolved Eevee?" Rainer asked.

"All of us won our first battles because we've evolved our Eevees. There's no other way to win. The key to a first victory is evolution." Pyro explained.

"But I don't care about battles." Mikey admitted.

"DON'T CARE?!" The three brothers shouted along with their Pokémon.

Misty shuddered, "They're scary."

Brock sweat dropped, "Y-Yeah."

"Geez, what a strict family." Cora commented.

"Yeah, they're putting a lot of pressure on the kid." Alain agreed.

"Espeon. (Poor kid indeed.)" Kilala said.

"Everyone is waiting to see what you make Eevee evolve into, Mikey." Rainer started.

"You've got three choices," Sparky gestured to their Pokémon, "Which do you think is the strongest of all the evolved Eevees?"

"Three? I thought there were more." Mairin said.

"I believe they're talking about the most common ones in Kanto which are Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon." Cora explained.

Brock nodded, "That makes sense. I didn't even know about Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Leafeon, or Sylveon."

"I guess you're right." Misty agreed.

"We want to know what you think of our Pokémon. Mikey, which Pokémon do you want Eevee to become?" Pyro started.

"A thunder stone will make it a Jolteon. When a Jolteon gets mad, the hairs on its body turn to needles. Then it fires at its opponent." Sparky explained about his Jolteon.

"A water stone will make it a Vaporeon. It can melt into water and make itself disappear." Rainer explained about his Vaporeon.

"A fire stone will make it a Flareon. With a blazing flame attack released from its internal fire sack, Flareon is the strongest evolutionary choice of all." Pyro explained about his Flareon proudly.

Sparky butted in, "What, are you crazy? My Jolteon is the strongest of all." He retorted.

"Too bad you're the only one who thinks so." Pyro disagreed with a smirk.

Rainer smiled in front of Mikey, "Heh, Mikey, I'm sure you'll make the right choice and make it a Vaporeon."

The gang gazed at Mikey with pity.

"This family sure is competitive." Alain stated.

Kilala nodded, "Espe espeon espe (That's a lot of pressure to put on the little guy)."

"Yeah." Cora agreed and then sweat dropped as the brothers were still arguing, "And they're still at it."

Ash, Brock, Misty, Alain and Mairin sweat dropped.

"I'm not getting involved in this. Let's get some food." Cora suggested.

"Good idea." Alain agreed.

Then the group went over to the food table and picked out some food.


Cora had finished her food and went to look at the stones with Alain and Mairin. Rainer gave Mairin a Leaf stone so that she could evolve Sage (Pansage) into Simisage. Then Sparky gave Cora a Thunder stone so that Tama (Pikachu) could evolve into Raichu. After their Pokémon were evolved, they smiled happily as their Pokémon were happy as well. They had also let out their other Pokémon so that they could enjoy the party.

Then they noticed Misty was standing near Mikey and his Eevee. The three decided to talk to Mikey about his problem. So they went over to Misty and Mikey.

"You know, there's actually more forms of Eevee besides Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon." Cora said.

"Really?" Mikey asked, curious and surprised.

"Here, have a look." Alain took out his Pokédex to show him the other Eeveelutions.

"Wow, I never realized there were more." Mikey and Eevee awed at the five Eeveelutions.

"But you don't want Eevee to evolve, right?" Cora asked.

Mikey frowned, "My brothers don't care about anything but battling Pokémon," He explained, "I was trying to hide Eevee from them, just for today. Then nobody could force me to make him evolve at the party."

"But Eevee looked very, very lonely out there." Misty said with a sad smile.

"That's right. Eevee didn't want to be left alone." Cora nodded.

"I was going to go get him later," Mikey stated and Eevee nuzzled against him. "I don't care if Eevee evolves or not. I just want him to be my best friend."

"That's great." Misty smiled.

"Huh? You think that's great?" Mikey questioned, confused.

"There's only one thing wrong." Mairin said.

"What's that?" Mikey asked.

"You shouldn't have hidden Eevee." Misty replied.

"You were just running away from your problems," Alain added, "If you don't want Eevee to evolve, tell your brothers how you feel. That's your responsibility as a trainer."

Mikey gazed at Alain.

"You should tell them that you don't want to evolve Eevee and you like him just the way he is." Cora suggested.

Mikey looked down in thought. Then Eevee nuzzled his cheek against his. He nodded and picked up Eevee, "You're right!" he stood up just as his brother's approached.

"Mikey! Have you decided on Eevee's evolution yet?" Sparky questioned.

Mikey looked over at Alain, Cora, Mairin and Misty who nodded with encouragement giving him the courage to do this,

"I-" he was cut off by poppers all around everyone and their Pokémon which caused everyone to panic.

"It's show time, everybody." Jessie announced as the Meowth hot air balloon was lowering down.

"Who invited you?" Pyro demanded.

Jessie and James jumped out of the balloon and stood on a table.

"Prepare for trouble." Jessie announced.

"And make it double." James added.

"Kilala, use Confusion!" Cora interrupted.

Kilala's eyes glowed blue. Team Rocket was lifted into the air.

"I don't like being in the air!" James panicked.

"Put us down, twerp!" Jessie demanded.

"Forget it, you old hag." Cora denied.

"HAG?!" Jessie growled.

"Who are these guys?" Rainer asked.

"They're Team Rocket. An organization of criminals who steal other people's Pokémon." Alain replied.

"They were after all of the Pokémon and the stones." Brock stated.

"Mikey, would help me send them blasting them off?" Cora requested.

Mikey nodded, "Yeah!"

Eevee stood in front of Mikey, "Okay Eevee, use Take Down attack!"

Eevee ran towards Jessie and James.

"What's this, a stuffed animal?" Jessie taunted, unafraid of Eevee.

"Rage Tackle attack!" Mikey added.

Eevee ran even faster and with more force, which made Team Rocket rethink about Eevee. Eevee tackled Team Rocket and sent them back into their balloon.

"Kilala, Guinevere, Psybeam! Tama, Thunder Shock!" Cora ordered.

"Kirlia, Psybeam as well!" Alain added.

"Chespie, Sage, Energy Ball!" Mairin added.

"Vulpix, Flamethrower!" Brock shouted.

"Starmie, Hydro Pump!" Misty called out.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Ash yelled.

"Eevee, use Swift!" Mikey added.

All the attacks hit the balloon and sent Team Rocket into the sky.

"We didn't get a single stone." Meowth commented.

"Not even a bite to eat of that delicious food." James whined.

"When we become champions, we'll be able to get both!" Jessie declared.

"CHAMPION TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Team Rocket shouted before they disappeared into the sky.


All the Pokémon cheered.

Mikey pumped his fist in the air, "We did it!" Mikey cheered as he caught Eevee, "Wow! You're the greatest, Eevee!"

"Eevui!" Eevee smiled and licked its trainer's cheek happily.

"You did it, Mikey." Cora smiled.

"That was really cool." Misty praised.

"Mikey! That was incredible." Sparky complimented.

"And you won that battle without making Eevee evolve. I was wrong." Rainer added.

"You always said you didn't want to battle, but you did great." Pyro praised.

"I-I just wanted to help everybody out." Mikey said. Then he looked at Cora, Alain, Mairin and Misty who nodded, "Also, I've decided to become an Eevee trainer."

"Hmm?" The three brothers said.

"An Eevee trainer?" Sparky asked.

Mikey nodded with determination.

"Well, Mikey, if that's what you want to do, then do it." Sparky smiled.

"If you felt that way about it, you should have told us sooner." Rainer said.

'Weren't you always arguing and putting pressure on him when he was trying to make his own decisions?' Cora sweat dropped.

"Now we really are the four Eevee brothers." Pyro declared.

Mikey smiled, "My brothers are the best."

"Eevuii!" Eevee agreed.

"Congratulations, Mikey." Cora congratulated Mikey.

Mikey smiled, "Thanks."

Suddenly Guinevere glowed blue which meant that she was evolving! When the glow died down, Guinevere's new form revealed a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon whose body resembles a flowing gown. Most of its body is white, but its hair, arms, and the underside of its gown are green. Its hair curls over its face and down the sides of its head. Behind its red eyes are short spikes, resembling a masquerade mask. It has long arms with three fingers on each hand and slender white legs. A red, fin-like horn extends from its chest, and a shorter, more rounded horn extends from the back. A band of green on its chest extends to the center of the front horn and connects to its sleeve-like arms.

"Gardevoir." Guinevere smiled.

"Guinevere became a Gardevoir." Alain said.

Cora took out her phone and scanned Guinevere's new form:

[Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. Gardevoir will use all of its psychic energy to protect a Trainer it has made a deep connection with.]

"Congrads, Guinevere." Cora smiled at her Embrace Pokémon and gave her a hug.

"Gard. (Thanks, Cora.)" Guinevere smiled back.

"Hey, guys, let's make this party a celebration of Eevee's first victory." Sparky announced.

Rainer and Pyro nodded in agreement.


"Congratulations, Mikey." Alain congratulated Mikey.

"Yeah." Mikey turned to Cora, Alain and Misty, "Uh, Miss Cora? Mister Alain? Miss Misty?"

"What is it?" Misty asked.

"I wanted to thank you all for helping me." Mikey replied.

"Oh, I really didn't do much." Cora rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

Mikey shook his head, "That's not true at all. You all gave me the courage to tell my brother what I wanted to do with Eevee. So thank you."

Cora smiled. "You're welcome, Mikey."

The Pokémon cheered happily.

Mikey handed the two girls a blue flower, "For you."

"Oh, it's beautiful, Mikey." Cora praised.

"I'm sure you'll become a great Eevee trainer." Misty complimented.

Mikey smiled.

"Seems like you got a little competition, huh Alain?" Brock grinned.

Alain groaned with a blush on his cheeks.


Everyone was getting in position for a group photo. Psyduck was setting up the camera and when the red light was blinking, he ran over to get into position, only to trip on own his feet and as the photo was snapped.

To Cora, it was a great photo. It reminded her of lesson she had somehow taught to Mikey and all of his brothers: All of us must have the courage to follow our own true path.


Pokémon Obtained:

Cora: Shiny Espeon (Kilala)(F), Shiny Charizard (Nuri)(F), Altaria (Talia)(F), Shiny Lucario (Jackal)(M), Frogadier (Kenji)(M), Pidgeot (Gail)(F), Shiny Gyarados (Rory)(M), Cloyster (Matta)(M), Shiny Starmie (Pyxis)(Genderless), Butterfree (Papilio)(M), Beedrill (Stinger)(M), Nidorina (Juno)(F), Nidorino (Malik)(M), Raichu (Tama)(F), Clefable (Shayla)(F), Sandslash (Digger)(M), Meloetta (Odele)(F), Chikorita (Kalmia)(F), Shiny Braixen (Rogue)(F), Mienshao (Mulan)(F), Glaceon (Nieva)(F), Leafeon (Panra)(F), Shiny Gengar (Sypro)(M), Shiny Monferno (Pirro)(M), Galarian Ponyta (Althea)(F), Shiny Quilladin (Cybele)(F), Alolan Raichu (Zuma)(M), Rockruff (Romulus)(M) Meowstic (Yuki)(F), Oshawott (Daisho)(M), Kingler (Kuka)(M), Shiny Umbreon (Zunair)(M), Sylveon (Stella)(F), Vaporeon (Kaori)(F), Jolteon (Lyn)(F), Flareon (Egan)(M), Dratini (Scylla)(F), Absol (Twilight)(M), Shiny Scorbunny (Scorch)(M), Popplio (Naia)(F), Alolan Vulpix (Elsa)(F), Pink Butterfree (Momo)(F), Sobble (Mystique)(F), Primeape (Manny)(M), Magnemite (Static)(Genderless), Growlithe (Aiden)(M), Kadabra (Houdini)(M), Zorua (Kurama)(M), Cubone (M), Marowak (Alsie)(F), Vulpix (Inari)(F), Persian (Cleo)(F), Ponyta (Rubira)(F), Dewgong (Moishe)(M), Horsea (Arnav)(M), Kangaskhan (Mildred)(F), Gardevoir (Guinevere)(F), Poliwhirl (Dallas)(M), Poliwag (Kishi)(F), Tauros (9), Porygon (Prism)(Genderless), Sprigatito (Fleur)(F), Quaxly (Emmett)(M), Hisuian Zorua (Eira)(F), Dreepy (Drogo)(M), Cyndaquil (Hugo)(M), Hisuian Growlithe (Fia)(F), Buizel (Itachi)(M), Type: Null (Talos)(Genderless)

Alain: Charizard (M), Metagross (Genderless), Tyranitar (M), Weavile (M), Bisharp (M), Unfezant (M), Leafeon (F), Umbreon (M), Chestnaught (M), Malamar (F), Steelix (M), Shiny Gyarados (F), Scyther (M), Golbat (M), Shiny Zorua (Unovan)(M), Frigibax (M), Prinplup (M), Copperajah (F), Lokix (M), Magby (M), Fraxure (M), Rockruff (M), Rhydon (F), Alakazam (M), Meowstic (M), Krokorok (M), Absol (M), Cyndaquil (M), Zweilous (F), Corvisquire (M), Squirtle (M), Growlithe (F), Marowak (M), Tauros (M), Lanturn (F), Fearow (M), Kirlia (M), Eevee (2), Fuecoco (M), Hisuian Zorua (M), Buizel (M), Pawmi (M), Hisuian Growlithe (M), Wattrel (F), Maschiff (M)

Mairin: Chespin (Chespie)(M), Flabébé (Bébé)(F), Gogoat (Grazer)(F), Butterfree (Bira)(F), Parasect (Paxtin)(M), Clefairy (Pixie)(F), Lilligant (Unovan)(Petunia)(F), Swadloon (Evanthe)(F), Thwackey (Biri)(F), Grotle (Aspen)(M), Simisage (Sage)(F), Roserade (Rose)(F), Azumarill (Mary)(F), Skitty (Cathy)(F), Cherubi (Cherry)(F), Maractus (Amaranth)(F), Snivy (Vinicius)(F), Shaymin (Carissa)(F) Squirtle (Kai)(M), Poliwag (Wade)(M), Eevee (Sorrell)(F), Seel (Nixie)(F), Goldeen (Maya)(F), Oddish (Bryony)(F), Hisuian Lilligant (Laurel)(F), Sprigatito (Jasmine)(F), Brute Bonnet (Shamrock)(M), Tandemaus (Kundu & Panya)(M&F), Smoliv (Olivia)(F), Applin (Pomeroy)(M)