The Pokémon League Admissions Exam

Cora and her friends were walking along the road to the Pokémon League Admissions Exam building. Her mom had called earlier and told her that her aunt Sadie Joy was going to admit herself at the Pokémon League and wanted Cora to go see her. Alise also thought that she should just take the exam for fun since it's been a while since Cora had gotten a gym badge. So Cora decided that she would.

They have taken a break or two on the road and some of the gang's Pokémon had evolved during training. Daisho (Oshawott) evolved into Dewott, Mystique (Sobble) into Drizzile, Althea (Galarian Ponyta) evolved into Galarian Rapidash, Kurama (Zorua) evolved into Zoroark, Hugo (Cyndaquil) into Quilava, and Kishi (Poliwag) into Poliwhirl. Alain's Magby evolved into Magmar, Cyndaquil into Quilava, shiny Zorua into Zoroark, Zweilous into Hydreigon, and Corvisquire into Corviknight. The Squirtle siblings had evolved into Wartortle. Mairin's Bébé (Flabébé) evolved into Florges, Vinicius (Snivy) into Servine, Bryony (Oddish) into Gloom, Nixie (Seel) into Dewgong and Wade (Poliwag) into Poliwhirl.

Funny enough, they had lost Ash and his friends once more. They had lost them after the Mysterious Garden scenario. It was a strange mystery on how they kept losing them and then meeting up with them later again.


The group arrived at the Pokémon League Admissions Exam building. Cora, Alain and Mairin noticed a lot of people in the lobby.

"Wow, I didn't think that there would be this many people who want to take the exam." Mairin commented.

"There are some reasons why they take this exam, Mairin. This exam is mostly for people who can't travel far, certain health conditions and other things." Cora explained.

"Oh, I see." Mairin understood.

Cora walked up to the registration desk and was instantly greeted by a kind woman, "Hello, are you here to take the Admissions Exam?"

"Yes ma'am." Cora said politely.

She registered Cora in the computer database before giving her a number which she took, it read "7" on it meaning it was her testing number.

"How come the twerp got number 7 and not me!" a female voice complained.

Cora instantly turned her head towards her making her turn away. She rolled her eyes, that was obviously Jessie disguised a schoolgirl. She knew why Jessie was here and honestly, she couldn't care less.

"Please follow me to the examination room." The woman said leading the group to where the exam was. Looking around they saw there were other people here, too.

"Look at all of the people here." Mairin said looking around.

Then they soon spotted Cora's aunt.

"Aunt Sadie!" Cora called out as they walked over to her.

Nurse Sadie Joy turned to the sound of her name and saw Cora and her friends.

"Cora!" Sadie Joy called back.

Cora and her friends stood in front of her.

"Mom told me that you were taking this exam and wanted us to give you support." Cora explained.

"I'll make sure to thank her later." Sadie Joy promised.

"She also wants me to take the exam as well." Cora added.

"I wish you luck then, Cora." Sadie Joy prayed.

As they walked into the room the group was greeted by the head instructor, he was a tall man wearing a blue jacket that had the letter "P" on it, "Welcome, before you take the test, please place your Pokéballs on the counter."

Cora nodded and did just that, but she gave Kilala over to Alain who let the psychic type jump onto his shoulder, "Behave yourself, okay Kilala?"

"Espeon. (Good luck.)" Kilala said.

Cora smiled at her friends' support. Then she noticed Ash, along with Todd Snapp, and his friends appeared.

"Hey Ash." Cora greeted.

"Hey Cora. What are you doing here?" Ash asked.

"To give support to my aunt Sadie. I'm also taking the exam as well." Cora replied.

"So am I," Then Ash turned to Nurse Sadie Joy, "I have to ask though, why are you taking the exam, Nurse Joy?" He asked.

Nurse Sadie Joy smiled, "Well you see, I'm here to take the exam so I can be a Pokémon Master."

"I-I see." Ash smiled nervously.

"By the way Nurse Joy, where are you from?" Misty asked.

"I'm Nurse Joy of the Fuchsia City Joy's. Sister to the Vermilion City Joy's." Nurse Sadie Joy replied.

"Aha, you're the most beautiful one yet!" Brock complimented with heart shaped eyes.

"That's what you always say, Brock." Misty pointed out in a flat tone.

"Togepi!" Jevin chirped.

Then Cora spotted James walked in pretending to be a schoolboy, but she knew it was him.

'They couldn't think of better disguises?' She thought with a sweat-drop.


Soon the exams had begun. The first test was about a person's knowledge of Pokémon. They had to answer true or false. Cora found this easy because she had studied about Pokémon with Prof. Oak and had been travelling to different regions with him had helped her so much as well. Not to mention from her previous life as well. The next test was about a person's ability to recognize Pokémon. Jessie got in a rampage and called the test a joke. The head instructor expelled her immediately. Ash got only half of the questions right.

After the test was finished, the scoreboards came up. Cora managed to get to the high score board right next to her aunt Sadie. Ash, as expected, was the lowest next to James. Todd took a picture as proof.


The last part of the test was Pokémon battles. They had to battle the head instructor with three Pokémon. There were belts, that held three Pokémon and you weren't allowed to see what Pokémon you received until the battle. Cora, Ash and James picked up their belts and got ready.

James went up against the head instructor before Ash and to not to Cora's surprise, he lost because he broke the rules by using three Pokémon at once. Ash had lost as well. Apparently, he got a Arbok, Weezing and a Meowth to battle against the instructor Unfortunately for him, he didn't know much about their attacks. Then it was her turn go against the head instructor.

The Head Instructor sent out another Pokémon, "Nidorino, let's go!" Out came Nidorino.

"Nido!" Nidorino called out.

Cora sent out a random Pokéball and out came a Growlithe.

"Nidorino, Poison Sting!"

"Growlithe, Protect and then Flamethrower!" Growlithe projected a green colored barrier in front of itself and then shot a stream of flames towards Nidorino who screamed in pain from the attack, "Now Flame Wheel!"

Growlithe runs at Nidorino and its whole body becomes enveloped in flames. It then tackles it causing it to scream in pain and then it fainted.

The Head Instructor nodded his head in approval, "I am very impressed with your battling strategy. Now call out your next Pokémon!"

Cora released her next Pokémon which was an Electabuzz.

The Head Instructor called out his next Pokémon, which was a Golduck.


"So the instructor is using a Golduck this time." Brock said.

"Yeah." Alain nodded.

"Golduck, use Aqua Jet!"

"Electabuzz, use Thunder Punch!" Cora ordered.

Golduck surrounded itself in water as electricity gathered in Electabuzz's right fist. Then Electabuzz punched Golduck in the face which electrocuted Golduck.

"Use Thunderbolt!"

Electabuzz launched its attack at Golduck who cried out in pain from the attack, making it a direct hit.

"Finish this with Quick Attack!"

Electabuzz shot at Golduck, slamming into it and ending the second battle and making the Cora the victor once again.

"Yeah, that's showing them, Cora!" Mairin cheered.

"Amazing! Golduck didn't even get to attack once!" Todd snapped a picture.

The Head instructor sent out his last Pokémon, which was an Eevee. Cora sent out her last Pokémon too, which was a Hitmonlee.

"Hitmon!" Hitmonlee said.

Cora decided to make the first move, "Hitmonlee, Close Combat!"

Hitmonlee ran towards Eevee and began punching and kicking Eevee. Then Eevee was sent flying across the field.

"Eevee, you alright?" The instructor called out.

Eevee got up and got into a battle stance.

"Alright then, use Copycat!" Eevee ran towards Hitmonlee and began kicking Hitmonlee which was a low effect towards the Kicking Pokémon.

"Hitmonlee, use Revenge!" Hitmonlee punches Eevee who sent tumbling across the field and then faints.

The Head Instructor smiled, "That's enough! The victor is examinee number 7! You pass!"

Cora smiled, walked over to Hitmonlee and petted its head, "Great job, Hitmonlee."

Hitmonlee cooed happily at Cora's touch.

The Head instructor returned Eevee and walked over to Cora, "You did very well, young lady."

"Thank you, sir." Cora thanked the Head Instructor.

Suddenly a Thunderbolt attack hit the field. Everyone turned towards the perpetrator. It was the Pikachu that James used for the exam. They then heard laughter and saw it was none other than Team Rocket, but Cora already knew they were here and wasn't surprised.

"Thanks for the little test but I think it's time we do things our way." Jessie smirked.

"That's right!" Meowth grinned.

The Head instructor blinked, "A talking Meowth? I'd love to catch that talking Meowth there!" He took out a Pokéball.

Cora placed her arm in front of him, stopping him from throwing the Pokéball, "I wouldn't try to capture it if I were you, sir," She told him, "It'll just give you a major headache later on."

"What was that twerp?!" Meowth yelled.

James had two Pokéballs in his arms and threw them, "Now let's go, Charizard and Ivysaur!" Out came all the rest of the Pokémon.

The Head instructor wasn't pleased, "Return those Pokémon at once!"

Cora stood next to him as the Hitmonlee next to the girl got ready to battle too.

"Sorry, but we'll be keeping these Pokémon! Ivysaur, use Vine Whip! Charizard, use Flamethrower! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" James ordered.

All of a sudden, the Head Instructor smiled, "All of you, about-face!" And just like that all three Pokémon turned their attacks at Team Rocket instead of the Head Instructor.

Cora smiled when she understood why, "I get it, they listen to you because you're their real trainer and you raised them."

The man nodded, "That's right. You're quite the smart one."

Cora sent out both Electabuzz and Growlithe, "Why don't I give you a hand? Electabuzz, use Quick Attack on James! Growlithe, use Take Down on Jessie! Hitmonlee, use Tackle on Meowth!"

Electabuzz and Growlithe Tackled Jessie and James while Hitmonlee tackled Meowth which sent them flying backwards.

"Now Electabuzz, use Thunder Shock!" Cora ordered.

Electabuzz launched its electric attack at Team Rocket which caused them to scream in pain and sending them blasting off into the sky.

"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Team Rocket screamed as they disappeared into the sky.



Afterwards, the Head Instructor handed out badges to those who passed the exam. The Head instructor even asked Cora if she wanted to be inducted into the League, but Cora refused. She enjoyed traveling with her friends and seeing the world, not to mention meeting new Pokémon. He accepted her answer and let her keep the badge as a memento. The gang bid farewell to the man and left the building.


Having passed the test with flying colors and bidding farewell to Todd, Cora and her friends are off on the road once again.


Pokémon Obtained:

Cora: Shiny Espeon (Kilala)(F), Shiny Charizard (Nuri)(F), Altaria (Talia)(F), Shiny Lucario (Jackal)(M), Frogadier (Kenji)(M), Pidgeot (Gail)(F), Shiny Gyarados (Rory)(M), Cloyster (Matta)(M), Shiny Starmie (Pyxis)(Genderless), Butterfree (Papilio)(M), Beedrill (Stinger)(M), Nidorina (Juno)(F), Nidorino (Malik)(M), Raichu (Tama)(F), Clefable (Shayla)(F), Sandslash (Digger)(M), Meloetta (Odele)(F), Bayleef (Kalmia)(F), Shiny Dephox (Rogue)(F), Mienshao (Mulan)(F), Glaceon (Nieva)(F), Leafeon (Panra)(F), Shiny Gengar (Sypro)(M), Shiny Monferno (Pirro)(M), Galarian Rapidash (Althea)(F), Shiny Quilladin (Cybele)(F), Alolan Raichu (Zuma)(M), Rockruff (Romulus)(M) Meowstic (Yuki)(F), Dewott (Daisho)(M), Kingler (Kuka)(M), Shiny Umbreon (Zunair)(M), Sylveon (Stella)(F), Vaporeon (Kaori)(F), Jolteon (Lyn)(F), Flareon (Egan)(M), Dragonair (Scylla)(F), Absol (Twilight)(M), Shiny Raboot (Scorch)(M), Brionne (Naia)(F), Alolan Vulpix (Elsa)(F), Pink Butterfree (Momo)(F), Drizzile (Mystique)(F), Primeape (Manny)(M), Magnemite (Static)(Genderless), Growlithe (Aiden)(M), Alakazam (Houdini)(M), Zoroark (Kurama)(M), Cubone (M), Marowak (Alsie)(F), Vulpix (Inari)(F), Persian (Cleo)(F), Ponyta (Rubira)(F), Dewgong (Moishe)(M), Seadra (Arnav)(M), Kangaskhan (Mildred)(F), Gardevoir (Guinevere)(F), Poliwhirl (Dallas)(M), Poliwhirl (Kishi)(F), Tauros (9), Porygon (Prism)(Genderless), Sprigatito (Fleur)(F), Quaxly (Emmett)(M), Hisuian Zorua (Eira)(F), Dreepy (Drogo)(M), Quilava (Hugo)(M), Hisuian Growlithe (Fia)(F), Buizel (Itachi)(M), Type: Null (Talos)(Genderless), Jigglypuff (Chantel)(F), Aerodactyl (Téra)(F), Shiny Farfetch'd (Keesha)(F), Ivysaur (Nemus)(M)

Alain: Charizard (M), Metagross (Genderless), Tyranitar (M), Weavile (M), Bisharp (M), Unfezant (M), Leafeon (F), Umbreon (M), Chestnaught (M), Malamar (F), Steelix (M), Shiny Gyarados (F), Scyther (M), Golbat (M), Shiny Zoroark (Unovan)(M), Frigibax (M), Prinplup (M), Copperajah (F), Lokix (M), Magmar (M), Fraxure (M), Rockruff (M), Rhydon (F), Alakazam (M), Meowstic (M), Krokorok (M), Absol (M), Quilava (M), Hydreigon (F), Corviknight (M), Wartortle (M), Growlithe (F), Marowak (M), Tauros (M), Lanturn (F), Fearow (M), Kirlia (M), Eevee (2), Fuecoco (M), Hisuian Zorua (M), Buizel (M), Pawmi (M), Hisuian Growlithe (M), Wattrel (F), Maschiff (M)

Mairin: Chespin (Chespie)(M), Florges (Bébé)(F), Gogoat (Grazer)(F), Butterfree (Bira)(F), Parasect (Paxtin)(M), Clefairy (Pixie)(F), Lilligant (Unovan)(Petunia)(F), Swadloon (Evanthe)(F), Thwackey (Biri)(F), Grotle (Aspen)(M), Simisage (Sage)(F), Roserade (Rose)(F), Azumarill (Mary)(F), Skitty (Cathy)(F), Cherubi (Cherry)(F), Maractus (Amaranth)(F), Servine (Vinicius)(F), Shaymin (Carissa)(F), Wartortle (Kai)(M), Poliwhirl (Wade)(M), Eevee (Sorrell)(F), Dewgong (Nixie)(F), Goldeen (Maya)(F), Gloom (Bryony)(F), Hisuian Lilligant (Laurel)(F), Sprigatito (Jasmine)(F), Brute Bonnet (Shamrock)(M), Tandemaus (Kundu & Panya)(M&F), Smoliv (Olivia)(F), Applin (Pomeroy)(M), Togepi (Jevin)(M)