Chapter 28: Deception at Its Finest


Felicity sat in Weston's apartment, just inches from him, falling apart inside. He was the one and only person she wanted to tell about the photo. The way he was taking so much of this investigation into his own hands made her fall more in love with him.

She knew it was because it was the only way he could truly feel like he was being a protective boyfriend without really being one.

It was cute and extremely sexy. She felt safe near him. Like nothing or no one could touch her. She loved that. She hadn't felt safe in so long.

She held his hand in hers. She could feel small callouses on his palms. She knew he got those from the station. He was the hardest worker there. She wasn't just saying it because of her feelings. She meant it.

He went above and beyond in every aspect of his life. It saddened her to know he would make an amazing husband and even father. Something she would never get the opportunity to find out if those things were true.