Felicity ripped the rose out of Weston's hand. She didn't mean to do it so harshly. It wasn't his fault Julian was dead but the anger building up inside her took over. Who would have this and place it by her truck? Why are they purposely hurting her?
She began to cry as she clung the dead flower to her chest. Her lungs felt heavy as she struggled to find breath.
"Felicity? Talk to me." But it was too late. Everything went dark. It felt too familiar. Just like the night she knew Julian was gone. It was being brought back to the surface by whoever found joy in her torment.
She woke up after what felt like an eternity. There was only one face she wanted to see, and it was the first to grace her sight.
"Hey," Weston said as he moved swiftly to be by her side. He grabbed her hand and brought it to her mouth. She tried to sit up as she looked around the room. "Don't worry we are alone."
She laid back and relaxed some.