Chapter 44: Where There's Smoke


After getting Sasha home safely and making sure she was watched over to prevent further issues with Perry, Weston went to his place to wash up. First thing in the morning, he would make his way back out to the country house to get both Felicity and Perry.

He wouldn't go alone this time though. He didn't think he would be able to take Perry down and rescue Felicity all by himself.

As he showered, he thought about Felicity and how if this turned out in her favor, he would ask her to marry him. He wasn't chancing losing her again. She had become the most important part of his every day.

He was torn up leaving her behind, but it was for the best for that night, but it would be the last night he would spend without her.

After his shower, Weston climbed into bed and closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep knowing tomorrow, she would be back in his arms once more.
