Chapter 21: Love, Blood, and Fangs

Julia Locke POV:

I brought Marcus back to my house and led him to my living room where I put him on my sofa. He sat there patiently; his eyes focused but far away. He was still in a trance, but I doubted he would be for much longer. Sitting down next to him, I contemplated what I was about to do.

Human minds become open to vampires as we feed on them, but it’s incredibly rare that our minds become open to humans. And in the event that it does, those humans can rarely handle the mental strain of our thoughts entering their minds.

The fact that I was about to try and do it to Marcus, I might end up doing him more harm than good.

But I had tried talking to him, I tried showing him through other people, and this was the only thing left I hadn’t tried. One last chance to get through to him. At least until Rob got here, but I didn’t know if I could wait that long.

Placing my hands on Marcus’s shoulders I pulled him to me and bit his neck.