Chapter 42: Love, Blood, and Fangs

Marcus Cutler POV:

As much as I wanted it to, my future with Julia could not be every minute of every day. There would inevitably be times when we would need to be separated.

Now was one of those unfortunate times.

Because attacking her home was our only options, and since there were different ways for us to best contribute, that meant we would be working separately.

Rob had said that he would trust me to lead a team during the operation, and I was with the people who would make up that team now. I’d been given one of the storage lockers to get ready in, and that’s where we were.

“I understand that this isn’t an ideal situation,” I told the twelve men and women with me. “But I appreciate your willingness to cooperate with me.”

“’Willingness’ isn’t the word we would use, Marcus,” one of them stated darkly. “It’s more like we were ordered to cooperate with you.”

I frowned at the speaker. His name was Kyle Maine. We had been in training together, and close friends actually.