Chapter 45: Love, Blood, and Fangs

Julia Locke POV:

The sun had set, and a crescent moon hung in the night sky above us. At literally any other time, this would have been a wonderful time for me to be out and about.

Instead, I was sneaking onto my own property.

Actually, no, I’m not sneaking. Sneaking would defeat the purpose of me being the distraction. That’s why I’m walking on my driveway up to my house, out in the open where I can be noticed, like good bait.

The six volunteers from the Inquisition were hanging further behind me where they would more or less be out of harm's way.

I was almost at the top of the hill, and I was within sight of my front door when there was movement in the woods off to my right. Five members of the kill teams came running out of the treeline. All carried assault rifles, and all wore night vision goggles. Like me, they were dressed in black clothing that would normally keep them hidden in the dark, but not from the eyes of a vampire.