Chapter 15: Standing Guard

Emily’s perspective:

A hard landing on the runway and the voice of Grant yelling my name suck me from the nightmarish vision.

“He killed her! He killed her!” I cry, thrashing myself to full consciousness.

“Who?” Grant states, his eyes wide with concern as they flicker between the runway and my face. “Who killed who?”

“Vin. Vin killed her. Rae.”

While the plane screeches to a halt, Gabby lurches forward from the back seat, tears pricking her eyes. “A**hole! Why? What did she do?”

“S-she…stood up for us.”

“F*ck him. I’ll kill him myself,” Gabby swears, fighting to pull off her seatbelt.

“No. No. He knows.”

“Knows what?” Grants asks.

“That we ran.”

Grant continues to look at me through the side of his eye. “How do you know this?” he asks, worry still plaguing his voice.

“I-I-I just do,” I note, casting my eyes to my hands.

Grant turns to Gabby. “You seem to know what’s going on. Tell me.”