Chapter 12: Introductions

Grant’s perspective:

“Can we top a million live streamers?” inquires Nashville. While thinking about how to answer, I admire how cute our residential beautician looks this morning. She’s not the typical, wild eighteen-year-old shifter, but she is still much more than her appearance suggests. Those coke bottle glasses, tight ponytail, and paint-splattered, baggy overalls reflect Nash’s personal reservations and lack of care for popularity. She’s only been here in the pack for a little over a year, but she’s become like a little sister to me.

“It’s not going to be easy. I think we can, though,” I answer.

“We’ve got something in the works,” continues Bram.

“Riskier than yesterday’s stunt?” asks LR.

“Gotta be,” chimes Cleveland.

“What are you thinking?” asks Nash.

Turning to my right, I say: “Bram, give them the skinny.”