Chapter 37: The Hunter Becomes the Prey

Grant’s perspective:

A muted thump taps my ears rapidly, muffled by a nearly deafening ring—


The sun glares hard in my eyes as I try to guess the location of the shot while also attempting to keep my head from becoming an easy target. Another zip and chip of bark off a tree only a foot from my head, followed by an resonating cra-cra-crack-ack-ack, tells me I’m not being careful enough.

A sting brazens my cheek. “Ah, sh*t!” A smoldering shard of bark pierces my cheek, causing a drizzle of blood to puddle in my beard.

Fingers pinching the sliver of bark and removing it from my face, I look to my fated lover and, through the frizz of white hair, see fear gripping her freckled cheeks. Her eyes race back and forth between my bleeding face and her sister. As the chip breaks from my skin, I exclaim, “Son of a b*tch!” Emily’s hand reaches up to wipe away the blood.