The unknown creature

Lee our Mc who lived in an apartment around the city lived alone, and just graduated from college.

He currently looking for a job when at the job interview he got again rejected, he walks back to his apartment and spends a few hours playing games before it gets dark.

He sleeps on his bed as the normal day again finished, things have been normal so far he woke up and eats his breakfast, brushes his teeth, and takes a shower.

To clear his mind and keep his healthy body he went jogging, but when he gets out of his apartment the city is in a panic.

"What's going on?" he asked himself, people start to leave the road in heavy traffic stores are being robbed and even the police couldn't handle it anymore.

He continues to walk as he still doesn't know what's going on while walking he saw a group of men surrounding a girl "Hey now, we can protect you don't worry" he holds her arms but she dodges them.

"ahhh, what the hell is this guy doing" Lee join the ruckus "Hey Ana what takes you so long?" As Lee approach them normally they are all confused even the girl.

Lee then grab her arm "Thank you for accompanying my girlfriend, now let's go shall we?" I look at her and give her a wink as a signal and she plays along.

"Oh right, let's go" they walk away fast as they could just to get away from them, the group of men is still processing what's going on.

But when Lee and the girl take a turn they immediately run, and after running they successfully get away from them.

They both catch their breath "Hah... Hah... Hah... Thank you..." the girl said "hah... Hah... Hah... you're welcome" "To think that there are still kind people even after what happened yesterday"

"I've been meaning to ask this, what happened? Why are many people leaving the city?" she just look at him like what the hell is going on in this guy's mind to not get important news.

"I'm Althea" "I'm Lee" they shake hands "You see, yesterday night an unknown creature appeared I can't explain what are they"

"They just appeared out of nowhere and start eating people, once you get bit you'll turn into them" "Like a zombie?" "Yeah, the military tried their best to fight back, the news said that their weakness is their heads like a zombie"

"while they are fighting for it when the sun rises they immediately disappear out of nowhere just like how they appear" "Is there a safe place we can go?" "Of course, but looking at that traffic I don't think we can go anywhere by foot"

"I see... Thanks for the news, do you have anywhere to go or anything you need to do?" "I... Don't I have no friends or family they all left me all alone, I tried my best to survive in this large city all my own" Lee look at him with pity.

"How about going with me? If we stick close together we can survive this disaster" "Are you sure? Taking a girl you don't know is dangerous"

"Well if I'm wrong with my institutions then I'm the one at fault for trusting you, I just hope you won't betray me, anyways follow me to my apartment"

They went to his apartment, and while walking into the apartment people there already leave, Lee stopped for a second "Hey you said that there is a zombie at night right?" "Yes?" "Okay then"

Lee runs "Wait for me here, I'll be right back" Althea sits down at the stairs waiting for him, he came back "Where have you been?" he came back with an axe "This is the emergency axe at this Apartment I steal it just in case"

Althea smiled "You're a weird one" they walked toward his room "What do you mean weird?" "People out there are already stealing things, yet you still even think about stealing the axe was the right choice hahaha"

"Stop laughing" they continue to walk "Where here" they came inside and Lee lock the door, Althea look at him "ah, I mean if there might be someone who burst in to kill us?" "Why are you asking me, it's the right choice stupid"

"oh, you can sit wherever you want" Lee takes off his shoes, and Althea sits down on the sofa "So what's the plan?" "I... Actually don't know I just came into my apartment on a whim" "What!?"

"You see going outside is dangerous, people are doing whatever they want since the authorities can't control them anymore" "So you're saying that staying here is the best choice?"

"Well if we're walking about choice then yes, my fridge is full of food and drinks, I have stock food for a month but since two people are eating probably half a month of food now"

"Since it's still the first day we should fill anything that can fill with water now, and charge any device while there is still electricity, at the city, it's more dangerous than you could ever imagine"

Althea was too stunned to speak "... Wow, you really thought of this haven't you?" "Well I watch too many survival movies and so is Zombie movies"

"Then are we going to stay here until the help arrives?" "of course not, we just need to let the situation calm down" he opens the curtain and looks at the ruined city, "so your saying is, that we need to stay here as long as we can?"

"Yes," and he closed the curtain, "So what will we do after that?" "After that? Let's just wait and see" they began to move heavy things to the door to keep it secured, using the water at the faucet.

They fill every container they can find and boil it, after all the work they are now sitting and eating for the dinner, Althea takes a bite from the steak.

"Nommm" as she touches her cheeks "It's been a while since I get to eat tasty food, how nom can you nom you" "Can you please eat your food first before talking?" they finished eating and Lee are cleaning the table.

"What I was saying earlier was, how can you cook so good?" "Well I've been living alone for many years now, I need to learn how to take care of myself" Lee starts washing the plates

"Are you college?" Althea asked "Yeah I just graduated" "what dream did you want to achieve?" "a soldier" "ohh, a tough soldier I see haha" she laughed

"Stop it" she stops and said "I also want to attend college but I couldn't because of financial issues" with a cold tone, Lee finished washing the plates and sat in front of Althea.

"What are you still saying when the world is like this, it doesn't matter when you're rich or poor you need strength to survive now not money" she smiled "Yeah, your right haha"

Lee pats her head, "Don't worry, everything is gonna be alright trust me" he stands up, "You can sleep on my bed tonight ill be sleeping on the sofa" "What? No, I'm a visitor so-" "no I insist, I'm already used to sleeping on the sofa"

"Okay then, good night" Then she goes to my bed and slept, an hour later Althea couldn't sleep so she went to the kitchen to drink water "Can't sleep?" "Yeah" Althea turned around

And saw Lee cleaning a separate gun, "You have a gun?" "It's a pistol, I get it from my father who is a police officer, he gives it to me before he passed away" "ow, sorry about that"

"No don't be" Althea sits in front of him to watch what's doing, "if you have a gun then do you know how to fire it?" "Yeah, I live in the countryside when I was a kid my father and I used to hunt in the forest, he teach me all kinds of things"

"then what brings you to the city?" "To pursue my dreams, and let my mother be proud of me but she died because of sickness before I could even graduate" "..." "no need to be sad, I already accept their death and besides yours are much worse right?"

Suddenly something bump at our door, Lee immediately put the pistol intact togheter, "What's that?" Lee asked, Althea was shaking "P-p-probably one of those I'm takintalkingt"

Lee pointed the gun at the door and quietly get near the door, and look at the peephole it was a man but he mindlessly bbumpedhimself aintonethe door.

Growling "grgrowlif this keeps he might attract more attention, Lee looked at Althea "We need to kill that thing outside" "What!?"