A worse day

Morning comes, the sun rises, and those things outside again disappear, they are at their pickup truck and get into one of the buildings.

They get inside and go to the basement, they break in and get the two portable generators [Ashley] - "These two are high-quality generators" they get back to the pickup truck and put it at the back.

They went back to the house, [Althea] - "Hey, what take you so long?" [Ashley] - "That's long? We got back immediately didn't we?" Althea and Lee separate from them.

They get another pickup truck, and Lee and Althea get to the gas station and take all the gasoline, filling tons of drums.

[Lee] - "Let's just out everything at the house and start the training" early in the morning when they are having breakfast, Lea told us her story.

She was the Ceo of the company we just went to, her business bloom but in the end, she got bankrupt and become homeless.

They build a shooting target from wood, [Sophia] - "The bow is extended out to the side, toward the target, the arm is held slightly bent and parallel to the ground. At the same time, the other hand, the shooting hand, draws back the string to an "anchor point." The anchor point is where you hold the string at the end of your draw where you will release it for flight"

[Hannah] - "emm Sophia, how did you know how to use a bow?" [Sophia] - "I saw dad use one before, I got interested and start researching about it I know the basics in archery"

[Lee] - "this is the tips that may help you, Only point the bow and arrow in a safe direction, Only nock an arrow when it's safe to shoot"

"be sure of your target and what is in front of it, immediately behind it, and beyond it, Never shoot over a ridge, Only shoot when you have a safe range or shooting area, and a safe backstop or background"

[Lea] - "You know how to use a bow?" [Lee] - "I told you, I Usually Hunt when I'm in my hometown" [Carl] - "cool!" [Lee] - "You all should use a crossbow than a bow, it's hard to master a bow after all you need years of training and I don't think we have the time for that"

They switch to crossbows, they start practicing how to use a crossbow, all of them while Lee strengthens their gate by putting an iron roof and wires into it.

The day has passed and the eclipse began, early in the morning they watch the moon covers the sun.

When the moon completely covers the sun those things began to appear again, [Althea] - "It feels weird having those things a daylight" they continue their thing even with those things outside spawning.

They have lights everywhere around the house, they continue to train in using a crossbow they have more than enough supply for a week so food is not a problem.

Lee was helping them with the training, and this cycle continue for days, 6 days later they are inside the house, it was already 6 pm and they are preparing their dinner

[Lea] - "So this is the last day of the eclipse right?" [Ashley] - "Yeah" Carl switches the tv on and looks for entertainment.

[Do you copy me over?] [Lee] - "Ahh I got a bad feeling about this] [to anyone who is still alive out there, your lucky because the eclipse is about to go tomorrow, but... I have bad news]

[the president is dead, and the whole government shut down! Things have been hell when the eclipse began, those things spawn anywhere, I repeat they spawn everywhere]

[From your closet, your bathroom, anywhere!, Humanity is doomed! There is no more rescue from the military, the government can't handle this matter]

[It's only up to you now, survive! No matter what! Learn how to fire a gun, learn how to hunt and plant vegetables, learn to purify your water, make your shelter and gather survivors! This is only up to you now to save as many as you can]

[Lee] - "Now looks like it's the right choice that we stay" [Althea] - "Yeah... Dinner is ready" they look at them in shock [Hannah] - "How can you be so calm?" [Ashley] - "She is right all of us should be in panic by now"

[Lee] - "If you already expect the worse then nothing can surprise you anymore" they all went to the table to eat, and while eating Lee discuss his plan.

[Lee] - "now that the government is gone people should be in a panic by now, I will discuss the further details tomorrow" after eating they sleep.

Morning comes and everyone was at the gate, standing and can't believe what they are seeing [Lee] - "Now what can make my day even worse, I've changed my plan get inside"

Outside were those things they didn't disappear