The hurtful truth

"I never thought you would betray Lee after all he did to you, Althea" "I'm just doing what's best for him" She pointed her gun at Lee "I'm sorry" but before she can trigger the pistol Trisha tackled her

"What do you think you're doing? Doing what's best for him? Are you dumb?" Trisha took the pistol away from her and cuff her hands "Let me go! This is what's best for him! Let me-" Trisha punches her face "What do you think you're saying huh? Killing him is the best for him!?? Are you dumb??"

"Take her" the soldier takes her out and Trisha walks toward Lee, "I promise you, she won't be able to touch you anymore" then leaves, and Denver and his team come back with the medical equipment, Sophia immediately began the surgery.

Ashley and Hannah help Sophia with the surgery, meanwhile, in the forest, Althea was tied up to a tree [Trisha] - "Now tell me, why did you plan to kill Lee?" "It's for his good" Trisha punched her in the face "For own good!? Are you out of your mind!? Killing him for his good!?"

"This is much better, it's to let him go from his suffering! Why can't you understand!? He did his best to save everyone but what did everyone give him? Every night he sleeps at 1 AM just to think about another plan!"

"He's stressing himself up to this is called "responsibility," he thinks that as a survivor he needs to save as many as he can" "What so wrong about that? Saving everyone" "Can't you understand!? His slowly killing himself just to save all of you! And not a single one of you gives a damn care!"

Trisha punches her again, "Do you think we don't know anything about it?? Huh!? We all know he pushes himself to the limit where he can't even eat properly! But killing him isn't an option! Did you ever ask him what he wants? Do you think he wants to die!? Huh!!?"

"He did his best to protect this shelter yet you want to ruin it! Do you want to destroy everything he works hard on!?" "I don't! Why should I?" she starts to cry "I know everything about what he wants for all of you, I understand him the most! Do you-" Trisha then slaps her

"If you truly understand him do you think he wants to die? If he wanted to he can just kill himself! But he didn't!" "I... I-I'm... Sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she cries and cries and keeps repeating "I'm sorry"

Trisha again punch her face, "Tell me, who is the one behind all of this" Althea looked at Trisha with cold eyes "Kill me, I'm not worthy to be at his side anymore, I don't have any reasons to live now" "Tell me! Who did this to you!?"

"I-i can't... If I did you all will get killed" "Trust us will you? No one wants what happens okay? So can you tell me who did it?" "i-it's the..." she starts to shake and her voice cracks as if, if she said it she will be killed.

"Tell us already!" "It's the black hand! H-he did it! I-i-i doesn't want to kill Lee! But I don't have any choice, if I don't kill him he will destroy this base!" [Denver] - "Blank... Hand...?" Trisha looked at Denver.

"Do you know anything?" "Yes, they are big Criminal organizations that even the government can't touch" "They are that dangerous?" "They are indeed dangerous but the black hand just has dirt on the government" "Do you think we can win against them?"

"It's not impossible but we will have a big loss if we did" "I see... Untie her" Meanwhile in Lee's Room Sophia and the others came out and Lea came rushing at her asking many questions.

[Lea] - "Is Lee okay? He's gonna be fine right? He's not gonna die right? Is he-" [Sophia] - "He's fine Lea, he should wake up tomorrow morning" Kathy laugh at Lea "Hahahaha she's worried about Lee! Haahahaha" [Jessica] - "I never thought you have a side like this"

[Lea] - "s-shut up! I'm just worried about our leader if he dies who will lead us? Hmp!" [Sophia] - "You are free to visit him now, we're tired I need some sleep" Hannah lead them to a room to sleep in.

Lee wakes up and it's already morning, he slowly opens his eyes and found Lea and the others sleeping in his room "Lea? What are you doing here?" Lea woke up "Hmm...? Lee?" She hugs him

"Lee! I was really worried, I'm glad, I'm glad you're alive" "Lea...? What are you...?" They are all staring at Lea "Can one of you tell me what's going on?" [Jessica] - "If I'm correct you have been shot near the heart, and they did surgery to take out the bullet and recover the wound"

[Lee] - "Take me to Trisha" [Lea] - "We can't do that... You are still recovering" [Lee] - "I know I worried you all but I need to talk to Trisha, now" "There is no need for you to come to see me" Trisha walk in.

[Trisha] - "Can we talk alone?" they all nodded and got out of the room, [Lee] - "Did you catch Althea? I hope you didn't give her a hard time after all she can't think straight from her trauma"

"It's okay, I already know everything about why he did this and about his dad" "Is that so..." "So what do you want me to do to Althea? Do you want me to kill her?" "Don't be silly, I won't let you kill your friend, and besides it's not her fault it's her father's fault"

"Are you suggesting that..." "Yeah, she needs to surpass her trauma, and to do that she needs to end things between her father"