Chapter 3: ex-wife

Yuri Santos didn't believe his ex-husband's explanation at all and turned to look at his son in Ivan's arms.

"What Dad said is true." Then he opened his schoolbag while speaking to let Yuri take a look.

Yuri harshly said while reprimanding his son: "Son you forgot what I had said to you before, I have told you many times that you are not allowed to take things from strangers." Then he harshly added: "From now on, you are not allowed to go with your Dad without me present at all, okay?! Did you hear me?!"

Yuri's voice was harsh and loud and Yuan as a child could not accept seeing his daddy get mad because of him so he couldn't hold back his tears and immediately cried.

"Yuan Yuan is wrong, daddy please don't be angry at me." Yuan said while crying seeing his daddy's angry face.

Seeing his own son crying Yuri sighed and coaxed him: "Daddy is not blaming you but he is afraid that you will be in danger. Be good, don't cry anymore." Then he gently added: "From now on tell daddy what you want to eat and daddy will always buy it for you, okay?"

Yuan cried more and said in his cute baby voice: "But.... But you already worked hard to earn money for our living expenses and I,... I don't like seeing you get tired because of me."

"Daddy doesn't work hard, Yuan my son you should not care about those things, you are still young and those problems are things adults should worry about, okay? Enough crying now and sorry because daddy was too harsh to you just now." Yuri gently coaxed until Yuan gradually stopped crying.

Yuan reluctantly passed his schoolbag to his dad because if his daddy didn't let him have it then he didn't want it so that his daddy wouldn't get angry at him.

"Just accept it and go to sir. guard for a while." Yuri puts the bag into Yuan's arms and Yuan walks towards the guard area, while Yuri said to Ivan: "I told you, I really don't have any money to give it to you now. Even our own son was also worrying about money now, it makes me feel more distressed seeing such a young child being distressed because of money." Then he coldly added with a helpless look: "You know that no one else's children worry about money at his age, Ivan if you still have a little bit of conscience not towards me but to our son Yuan, I beg you to let me and our son go."

As he talked, he wiped away the tears on his cheeks, stretched out his hand and turned on his terminal brain and it took him a long time to open his gcash account. Obviously, his terminal brain was not very easy to use because it was already too old. Finally he clicked the number of Ivan and said: "Yuan and I still have to save money for our living expenses or else we really can't survive this month and would surely be thrown again by our landlord, now I will transfer you another three hundred credits, please don't come looking for Yuan again, you know that he is still a child and doesn't know anything about what happened so don't let your reputation be more ruined in front of our son."

Ivan sighed, in view of the original owner's previous behaviors, no one will believe what he says now, anyway he can only take it slowly to fix everything.

"You really don't need to give me money. This time I didn't come here for your money. I really just want to be a father and see our son. Don't worry if I want to take the child to play in the future, I must inform you first and ask for your permission." Then he sincerely added: "What happened just now, I'm really sorry especially for making you worry and cry again."

Yuri didn't care what Ivan said, he just transferred the money and went to get Yuan.

Ivan looked at the message of his gcash account on his message inbox on his terminal brain, sighed and walked back to look for a taxi.

He has nowhere to go now, no matter how great he was in his previous life, he is still a human being who can't live without eating and staying in a warm house. 

Two of his four mission targets have just seen him and none of them have a positive number.

He will go take a look at this scumbag man's parents, for now his current situation is really a mess and doesn't know where he would start to fix it all.

Thinking about it, Ivan thinks about the plot of how the original owner caused troubles to his parents. 

The original owner's trouble his parents and family members began when he was in college. 

When he was in elementary and high school he was a good child but it all changed when he became a college student because he got influenced by his bad friends, he began to become materialistic and showy that he was rich even though his family is not that really rich. He began to gamble, being a drunkard and taking drugs.

His parents always spoil him and give him a lot of allowance because they're busy at their own work especially his dad who is always on call because he is the main surgeon while his mom was an office manager.

When the original owner's parents learned the truth it was already too late the original owner was already led astray by his bad college friends.

So the original owner's parents decided to not give him any allowance but what they didn't know their son began to go to their own relatives' houses several times to borrow money and if they didn't agree he will just secretly steal it from them and continue his lavish life. 

Later it became more serious and scammed his own parents and relatives money until it became his habit that he could never stop.

When his parents learned what he did they immediately asked for forgiveness for their son's wrong doings and paid the money that their own son stole but after his parents paid back the money he stole or borrowed, he would again always owe and steal more money again and again until his relatives became weary towards him.

The original owner's parents thought that letting him get married and having a family of his own would fix everything but it becomes worse and worse to the point he even beats his own wife.

Finally the original owner owed one million into a loan shark and the loan shark took a few people to his house to pay the money he owes because of that situation his father got a mild stroke being hit on his head. 

A person who was originally so energetic now needs someone to support him even when he walks. After his mother sold the house that the original owner and his wife were living to pay off his debts.

Mother Ivana seeing his husband got a stroke and a troublesome son she probably felt that life was hopeless and worthless so she chose to suicide by drinking a lot of sleeping pills that usually for father Evan to use when he couldn't sleep. 

If his aunt and uncle hadn't gone there in time, the original owners mother would not have been alive until now.

Ivan envied the original owners life, why do some people obviously have a good and complete family but don't know how to cherish it? They will only realize their mistake when it's finally to late.

In his past life, he often thought that if he had parents, he would take good care of them so that they would be carefree for the rest of their lives and would always love his wife and children to the point that they wouldn't worry about anything else.

Ivan sighed since he has let himself fall into this bastard body, then he will take care of the original owner's family from now on, now he still doesn't know what to say to his own parents when he goes back, 100,000 credits is really nothing for him before but now is different because he has nothing. The only thing he could do is to work online as a freelancer or fix some program bugs in a company that urgently needs it.

Ivan thought as he got out of the taxi and walked towards his parents house, after a while, he finally reached the door. 

He stood in front of the door and took a few deep breaths before pressing the doorbell. 

A person opened it and just when Ivan thought he would be kicked out seeing his face but a middle-aged woman's face appeared, she looked about forty to fifty years old and she looked a bit haggard and without saying anything she turned around to do her own business and didn't close the door.

Ivan felt sad and wanted to cry, the original owner was such a bastard and his parents still love him, he felt ashamed for that bastard bad doings.