Chapter 14: Torture!

On Ivan's side who was busy buying and selling stocks suddenly received a call when he answered it, no one spoke then he heard system 005: [Ding! Host Yuri was being troubled again by his younger brother Arnold in Yuri's rented apartment.] Then he added: [For this information your money was already deducted 10,000 credits.]

That damn Arnold went to cause trouble to Yuri again! Ivan felt angry so he immediately turned off his computer and changed for an outdoor clothes and after asking permission to leave from mother Ivana then he immediately left in a hurry and rode a taxi.


Ivan arrived downstairs at Yuri's apartment seeing that the elevator is on maintenance, he immediately choose to ran upstairs and breathlessly rang the doorbell on Yuri's door.

Arnold's heart tightened when he heard someone ringing the doorbell so he angrily said while he stood up: "Brother, you didn't really call the police this time, right?!"

Yuri immediately stood up and walked around the other side of the coffee table with Yuan in his arms and hurriedly opened the door.

Seeing that his son's crying face and his ex-wife's crying, Ivan worriedly asked while he held Yuri's shoulder: "Are you both okay?! Did he do something wrong to the two of you?!"

Yuri turned to his side and Ivan saw Arnold standing beside the sofa and when he saw him, his face turned pale and looked frightened.

"Yuri take our son back to your bedroom first and let me handle him." Ivan gently said while worriedly glanced at his crying son and he added: "Son don't worry dad is here now so don't be afraid."

Yuri and and Yuan both went to the master bedroom and lock the door.

Now that Ivan and Arnold only remained he calmly said in a cold tone like how a Mafia boss in movies act which made Arnold afraid: "You made my son cry? I already reminded you a while ago but you didn't listen." Then he coldly added: "Now that you are here let me give you an experience that you will never forget for a lifetime." 

After finished speaking Ivan walked towards Arnold step by step which made Arnold wish that it's all just a dream in which he could wake up soon.

"No, it's...., it's not me. Besides, this is my brother's house. Who are you to come inside..." Arnold wanted to continue but Ivan already punched him in his face and drugged him like a dead pig towards the dining table and slammed his head there.

"It seems that you didn't learn much, right?" Ivan said then he slammed him again on the dining table.

"Och! Ivan let's go of my head! You have to remember that beating someone is against the law!" Arnold angrily shouted being slammed by the wooden table.

Ivan pulled Arnold's hair and calmly whispered in a very cold voice: "I don't care." 

Then he slammed him again without any care.

'005, can you hide the calluses on this bastard's body?! I just want him to suffer more so that when he will report me to the police it will not be found any calluses and that he was really injured or being punched by me when they are going to take him for a medical examination!' Ivan asked system 005 who was watching the fun while eating popcorn that he doesn't know where he got it from.

System 005 happily said while wiping his dirty hand to his clothes: [Yes host. This system has a lot of additional functions, one of my skills is the one you want to get which is the power of magic so that you can avoid your opponent to show any calluses and wounds in his body even how hard you punched him but the pain value will not be reduced at all in fact it will be double the pain they would feel it to the point that dying is much better than living because while being tortured all their internal and external body parts would heal while being reopen again.] Then he happily added calculating the benefits he will get: [You only need to pay a fee of 150,000 credits for one time use only. If you want to use it you can just buy it again but next time it would double the price again.]

So expensive? Well it doesn't matter he has to spend the money to deal with this bastard man and let him be his nightmare for a lifetime so that he wouldn't disturb his family again. 

Ivan immediately spent one hundred and fifty thousand credits and now he doesn't have to restrain his self from beating Arnold to death.

He immediately lifted Arnold's head again and slammed it to the dining table which caused it to have a small crack. Arnold was being slammed, he felt hurt and dizzy. 

This time Arnold was really beaten by Ivan to the point of passing out but Ivan didn't let him pass out. 

There was no trace of a wound or calluses in Arnold's face and body, Ivan slapped Arnold's face hard again and punched him to his stomach.

Arnold could not move due to the pain, he felt his head was going to crack being Slammed from the table from time to time.

No matter how he passed out he will be awakened by pain again and again.

"Don't hit, don't hit! Believe it or not I will really call the police this time!" Arnold said while screaming like a butchered pig.

Ivan punched and slammed Arnold again before letting go of him: "Tsk! You still have the strength to speak?! Do you know that you were the one who broke into a private property and you were the one who came to ask for trouble!" Then he mockingly added looking at Arnold as his prey: "Yeah I beat you but what evidence do you have? You don't even have any calluses on you so who would believe that you were beaten to death by me?"

"You are talking nonsense, my entire body and my head was almost broken by you..." Arnold angrily while gritting his teeth looking at his own body not to mention the bruise from being beaten, it didn't even change the color, it was still the same but the pain he felt were all real! How could it be?! What magic did Ivan do?!

Ivan punched and slammed Arnold's face again to the table. Normally, Arnold would have been beaten to death and blood will begin to flow but now his face was very painful but not even swollen at all.

Arnold was beaten by Ivan with tears all over his face that he can even taste his own snot. He didn't expect that his ex-brother-in-law would really dare to kill him so felt scared and immediately begged for mercy: "Brother-in-law, I..... I was wrong, I was really wrong..., I...., I don't dare to come for my brother again! Please release me and I will go out now."

Ivan was also tired from beating a boneless man. He dragged him towards the exit door and pushed him then coldly said: "Hurry up and get out! Or else I will really kill you and buried you with your scumbag father!"

Arnold's shout scared Yuri and when he heard that it became quiet he immediately went out, he was afraid that Ivan would really kill a person because of him. 

He opened the door and looked out, he saw his troublesome younger brother crying like being tortured to death but he can clearly see that no wound of calluses in his brother's face but the wooden dining table was cracked so he looked at the two of them with some doubts.

With the sound of Arnold leaving and closing the door the whole apartment became quite again.

Ivan looked at Yuri and worriedly asked while walking towards his side: "Are you okay? How is our son is he still crying?"

Yuri nodded and let Ivan enter into his bedroom and he whispered: "I'm fine." Then he added: "Yes, he is still so scared and until now he was still crying."

Ivan looked at his son who was still sitting on the bed crying, his eyes were already swollen and he has runny nose.

It would be fine if Yuan didn't see his dad but as soon as he saw his dad again he remembered that his strawberry heart had been eaten by his bad uncle and the fact that his uncle caused troubles towards his daddy.

Originally, Yuan was fine eating something but it was different when it was a gift from his Dad. 

Yuan opened his short arms and ran towards his dad and cryingly said: "Dad, ....Dad my...., my strawberry heart was.....was eaten by bad....bad uncle."

Ivan hurriedly hugged his son, he carried him and sat on the bed saying: "Dad already knows about it. I already beat your bad uncle and threw him out." Then he gently added: "About your strawberry, dad will buy you a new one tomorrow morning, okay? So son stopped crying now because dad felt sad seeing you like that."

"But.... But that was a.... My gift from you and now it..... It was eaten by others." Yuan cryingly said again.

Ivan seeing his son still not calming down he stood up and carried his son like Superman. 

Yuri has always held Yuan in a proper way because he was afraid of bumping his son so for his first time Yuan thought it was very fun. 

Yuan happily laughed and stopped crying then said to his dad: "Yuan Yuan likes to play like this with dad and Daddy....."

Ivan felt relieved when he saw that his son finally stopped crying now and already forgot about the strawberry.

Yuri was also stunned, he couldn't coax his son for such a long time but his ex-husband easily coaxed him? Does he still lack parenting skills? Maybe his son still really needs another father to play with him.

Seeing his ex-husband coming to help this evening and now coaxing their son well, he felt a little moved in his heart otherwise the one he will call for help should be the police today instead of his ex-husband but he thought that his ex-husband in the past he was no different from his younger brother so he still reminded himself again and again not to let down his vigilance against him.

Then Ivan sighed seeing that the number above Yuri's head increased then it would decrease.

Finally the transparent number above Yuri's head stopped at -90 percent, Ivan breathed a sigh of relief and smile seeing that Yuri once more softened his heart towards him.

Yuan was very happy now that he can always see and play with his dad, he put his arms around his dad's neck and coquettishly asked: "Dad what is more delicious than strawberry?"

"Well every food is delicious son but it depends on the person's taste if it is delicious or not." Ivan gently explained while feeling happy seeing his son's appearance and even Yuri who has an expressionless face just now smiled seeing his son's cute action.

"Son change your clothes and wash your face first, okay?" Yuri smiled and gently said.

Yuan shook his head, still remembering the delicious fruit, he looked at his dad and said: "No, I want Dad to help me change."

Ivan smiled, rubbed his son's soft hair with one hand and gently said to Yuri: "Where's our son pajamas? Let me change it for him."

Yuri took a few glances at Ivan and their son not wanting to make his son cry again, he turned around and found his son's favorite tiger pajamas from the clothes cabinet. Yuan pajamas had the color of tiger.

Yuri handed the pajamas to his ex-husband, he turned around and went to the living room to tidy up the coffee table and refrigerator that his brother had messed up.

Ivan helped his son take off his clothes and helped him put on his tiger pajamas then gently said: "Let's go and wash your face, after washing, Dad will buy you delicious food in the online market."

"Yeahey!" Yuan happily said while jumping on the bed.

Ivan carried his son to the bathroom, he soaked the towel in warm water then gently wiped his son's chubby face.

Looking at his son, his son's appearance was the combination of him and his ex-wife, he got the cold or sharp eyebrows, black hair and his nose of Yuri while the deep blue color of the eyes and lips shape were his.